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License Management Overview

Starting in Junos Space Security Director Release 19.4R1, you can manage the licenses for features such as antispam, antivirus, IDP signature, Juniper Advanced Threat Prevention Cloud (Juniper ATP Cloud), Content Security , and also for vSRX Virtual Firewall (Virtual Appliance). You can deploy the license on the device(s) managed by Security Director and view the history of pushed licenses. You can either select a single SRX Series device or a multiple vSRX Virtual Firewall devices to deploy the license. Each license allows you to run the corresponding advanced software feature(s) on a single device.

You can view the following license information of devices managed by Security Director:

  • Total Licenses—Total number of licenses installed on devices managed by Security Director.

  • Used—Number of licenses currently being used on the device. If a feature license exists and the feature is configured on a device, then the license is considered as a used license.

  • Expired—Number of expired licenses.

  • Expiring—Number of licenses that are about to expire within 30 days.

You can hover over the numbers in the Licenses page to view the device and license details. You can view all devices that are discovered and managed by Security Director, with installed license details. You can use the View By option to filter the license details. You can also search, sort, or filter the license details using parameters such as device name, device IP address, device family, platform, expired licenses, licenses that are going to expire, and so on. You can go back to the default view anytime by selecting the Reset to Default View option.

Different icons are shown to indicate if the license is valid, expiring, or expired.

  • If the validity of the license is more than 30 days, then feature license status is shown in green icon.

  • If the validity of the license is less than 30 days, then feature license status is shown in yellow icon.

  • If the license has expired, then feature license status is shown in red icon.

You can push the license on devices managed by Security Director and view the history of pushed licenses on devices.

You can configure the schedule for polling devices for license details. If you want to send notification regarding licenses that are about to expire, you can enable the license notification settings and add the e-mail recipients. E-mail will be sent to the configured recipient with license expiry details.

Based on RBAC permission, you can perform actions such as view license information, deploy license on devices, view the history of pushed licenses, view license information of a specific device, and modify the notification settings. By default, Pre defined Roles for “Super Administrator, Security Architect and Security Analyst” have the permissions to perform all actions. Where as “Security Operator Read Only” can only view the license information.

User-defined (customized) roles can perform appropriate actions who are assigned the Super Administrator or Security Architect or Security Analyst or Security Operator Read Only or by a role with the Create License Management Privileges which you can find under Security Director Devices option in Create Role page.


  • It’s easy to view the license statistics and take necessary actions.

  • You know which license is installed on a particular device along with the license status.

  • You can easily deploy license from Security Director to one or more device(s).