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Import and Export CSV Files

You can export all the columns on the Security Director Devices page to a comma-separated value (.csv) file. You can also import information from a CSV file.

Import from a CSV file

To import configurations from a CSV file:

  1. Select Configure > Shared Objects > Variables.
  2. From the landing page, click More.

    A list of actions appears.

  3. Select Import from CSV

    The Select CSV File window appears.

  4. Click Browse to locate the CSV file you are importing.
  5. Click Import.

Export to a CSV File

To export configurations to a CSV file:

  1. Select Configure > Shared Objects > Variables.
  2. Select the check box(es) beside the item(s) you want to export. Click More or right click on the page. A list of actions appears.
  3. Select Export to CSV

    The Select CSV File window appears.

  4. Click Export All or Export Selected.

    The Export CSV Job Status page appears.

  5. When the export file is ready, click the provided link in the CSV Job Status page to download the file. You can also access the download link in the job manager.