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Edit, Clone, and Delete a Secure Web Proxy Profile

You can edit, clone, and delete a secure Web proxy profile.

Edit a Secure Web Proxy Profile

  1. Select Configure > Firewall Policy > Secure Web Proxy.

    The Secure Web Proxy page is displayed.

  2. Select a profile, right-click and then select Edit or you can select a profile and click the pencil icon.

    The Modify Secure Web Proxy Profile page is displayed.

  3. Modify the parameters by following the guidelines provided in Create a Secure Web Proxy Profile.
  4. Click OK.

Clone a Secure Web Proxy Profile

  1. Select Configure > Firewall Policy > Secure Web Proxy.

    The Secure Web Proxy page is displayed.

  2. Select a profile, right-click or select Clone from the More list.

    The Clone Secure Web Proxy Profile page is displayed with the values that you provided while creating the secure Web proxy profile.

  3. Enter a new name for the profile and modify the parameters following the guidelines provided in Create a Secure Web Proxy Profile.
  4. Click OK.

    A confirmation message appears indicating the status of the clone operation.

Delete a Secure Web Proxy Profile

  1. Select Configure > Firewall Policy > Secure Web Proxy.

    The Secure Web Proxy page is displayed.

  2. Select a profile, right-click and then select Delete or you can select a profile and click the delete icon.

    A confirmation message is displayed.

  3. Click Yes to delete the secure Web proxy profile.

    Delete operation fails if the secure Web proxy profile is used in any standard firewall policy rule. You must remove the associations before deleting the secure Web proxy profile.