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Create a Secure Web Proxy Profile

To configure secure Web proxy on the SRX Series device, define a Web proxy profile with external proxy server details and dynamic application.

  1. Select Configure > Firewall Policy > Secure Web Proxy.

    The Secure Web Proxy page is displayed.

  2. Click the + icon.

    The Create Secure Web Proxy Profile page is displayed.

  3. Configure the values according to the guidelines provided in Table 1.
  4. Click OK.

    If the operation is successful, the newly created secure web proxy profile is listed on the Secure Web Proxy page.

    You can use the newly created secure web proxy in the standard firewall policy rule for advanced security.

    Table 1: Secure Web Proxy Profile




    Enter the name of the secure Web proxy profile.


    Enter the description of the secure Web proxy profile.

    Drop on DNS error

    Enable to drop the Web proxy session on DNS error.

    Dynamic Web Application

    To add application signatures:

    1. Click the + icon.

      The Add Application Signatures page is displayed.

    2. Select an application signature(s).

    3. Click OK.

    Proxy Address

    To create a proxy address:

    1. Click the + icon.

      The Create Proxy Address page is displayed.

    2. Enter the name of the external proxy server.

    3. Enter the IP address of the external proxy server.

    4. Enter the prefix. The value must be 1 through 32 for IPv4 and 1 through 128 for IPv6.

    5. Enter the port number of the external proxy server.

    6. Click OK.