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Configure a Default IDP Policy

If multiple IPS policies are configured for a session and when policy conflict occurs, the device applies the default IPS policy for that session and thus resolves any policy conflicts.

If a device has multiple IPS policies attached to standard or unified firewall policy rules, then you must configure a default IPS policy. If a device has more than one IPS policies, but is not attached to any standard or unified firewall policy, then a default IPS policy is not mandatory.

Create a Default IDP Policy

To create a default IDP policy:

  1. Select Configure > Firewall Policy > <Standard/Unified> Policies.

    The policies page is displayed.

  2. Click Global Options.

    The Global Options page is displayed.

  3. Click the IDP Default tab.
  4. Click the + icon to create a default IDP policy.

    The Create IDP Default page is displayed.

  5. Configure the parameters according to the guidelines in Table 1.
  6. Click OK.

    The default IDP policy for the selected device (s) is created.

Table 1: Create IDP Default



IDP Profile

Select an IPS policy, which you want to set as default.


Enter a description for the default IDP policy.

Device Selection

Select the devices on which the default IDP policy is applied.

Edit a Default IDP Policy

To edit a default IDP profile:

  1. Select Configure > Firewall Policy > <Standard/Unified> Policies.

    The policies page is displayed.

  2. Click Global Options.

    The Global Options page is displayed.

  3. Click the IDP Default tab.
  4. Select a default IDP policy, right-click and select Edit or click the pencil icon.
  5. Edit the fields and click OK.

Delete a Default IDP Policy

To delete a default IDP policy:

  1. Select Configure > Firewall Policy > <Standard/Unified> policies.

    The policies page is displayed.

  2. Click Global Options.

    The Global Options page is displayed.

  3. Select the IDP policy and click Delete. Delete option is also available when you right-click an IDP policy.

    The pop up with a confirmation message is displayed.

  4. Click Yes to delete the default IDP policy.