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About the End User Profile Page

To access this page, select Configure > User Firewall Management > End User Profile.

Use the End User Profile page to create an end user profile by specifying the name of the profile, one or more of its attributes, and the name of the active directory domain to which the SRX Series device belongs.


It is mandatory to specify the device attributes and the domain that the device belongs to.

Tasks You Can Perform

You can perform the following tasks from this page:

Field Descriptions

Table 1 provides guidelines on using the fields on the End User Profile page.

Table 1: Fields on the End User Profile Page




Specifies the name of the end user profile.

Device Domain

Specifies the name of the domain to which the device belongs; for example, domain1.


Specifies one or more values for predefined attributes, such as name, category, manufacturer, type, operating system, and version of the operating system. You can create custom attributes as well.


Specifies a description for the end user profile.


Specifies the domain of the user.