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Unlocking Users in Security Director

Junos Space Security Director locks out users who enter more than the permitted number of incorrect passwords. If your user account is locked out, then an error message is displayed when you try to log in to Security Director. You can try logging in from another client or request the administrator to unlock your account.

By default, a user is locked out after four unsuccessful login attempts. Administrators can configure the number of unsuccessful login attempts after which a user should be logged out in the Administration workspace of Junos Space Network Management Platform.

To unlock one or more users:

  1. Select Administration > Users & Roles > Users.

    The Users page appears.

  2. Select the locked users that you want to unlock. From the More or right-click menu, select Unlock Users.

    The Unlock Users page appears, displaying the list of users selected for unlocking.

  3. Click Yes to confirm that you want to unlock the users.

    The users are unlocked and you are returned to the Users page.