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IPsec VPN Main Page Fields

Use IPsec VPN to secure your network traffic with encryption and authentication. The VPN tunnels are central components of networks and secure the data between different sites and remote users. Table 1 describes the fields on this page.

Table 1: IPsec VPN Main Page Fields




Name of the IPsec VPN.


Description of the IPsec VPN.


There are different types of topology deployments for IPsec VPN: site-to-site, full-mesh, hub-and-spoke.

Profile Type

The profile type, that is, Inline Profile or Shared Profile.

Profile Name

Name of the VPN profile. The security parameters are defined in this profile to establish VPN connection between two sites.

Tunnel Mode

The tunnel mode, that is, Route Based or Policy Based.

Configuration State

The configuration state of the IPsec VPN.

Publish State

Display the publish state of the VPN configuration. You can verify your VPN configurations before updating them to the device.

Published - Configuration is published to all devices involved in the VPN.

Partially Published - Configuration is published to only fewer devices involved in the VPN.

Unpublished - VPN is created but not published.

Republish Required - Modifications are made to the VPN configuration after it is published.

Domain Name

Display the user domain for mapping objects and managing sections of a network.