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Monitoring Port Utilization

Connectivity Services Director provides information about port utilization in either one of two places, depending on the node you select in the View pane:

  • Port Utilization monitor—This monitor, available in the Summary tab, provides a bar chart that shows the aggregate utilization of the ports on a device or devices over a period of time that you select. For more information about using the Port Utilization monitor, see Port Utilization Monitor.

  • Port Utilization task—This task, available from View > Port Utilization in the Tasks pane of the Summary or Traffic tabs, provides a bar chart similar to the Port Utilization monitor bar chart. Unlike the Port Utilization monitor, it also enables you to obtain information on individual port utilization over time when you have selected an individual device or Layer 3 Fabric in the View pane.

This topic describes the Port Utilization task. It describes:

How to Access the Port Utilization Task

  1. Click Monitor in the Connectivity Services Director banner.

  2. Select a node in the View pane that contains the ports whose utilization you want to monitor.

  3. Select the Summary or Traffic tab.

  4. In the Tasks pane, select View > Port Utilization.

    If you have selected a node that contains more than one device, the Port Utilization Details window opens. For information about this window, see Port Utilization Details Window.

    If you have selected an individual device, the Utilization for Device window opens. For information about this window, see Utilization for Device Window.

    If you have selected a Layer 3 Fabric, the Utilization for IP Fabric window opens. For information about this window, see Utilization for IP Fabric Window.

Port Utilization Details Window

This window provides a bar chart showing the aggregate port utilization trend for the devices within the selected scope.

Each bar in the bar chart represents the overall port utilization for all the devices at a polling interval. The vertical axis shows the number of ports polled. The horizontal axis shows the time when each poll was taken.

Each bar is divided into the following colored sections to indicate the distribution of port utilization at the polling interval:

  • Green indicates ports that operated at less than 50% of negotiated speed.

  • Orange indicates ports that operated at between 50% and 80% of negotiated speed.

  • Red indicates ports that operated at more than 80% of negotiated speed.

You can perform the following actions on the bar chart:

  • Change the time period over which to display the trend data by selecting a time period from the list in the upper right corner.

  • Remove or restore a utilization category (bar color) by clicking its legend.

  • Display a numeric value by mousing over a bar.

Utilization for Device Window

The Utilization for Device window shows the port utilization trend for individual devices and ports. It is available when you select a individual device in the View pane.

The Utilization for Device window provides two views of port utilization:

  • Device—This view provides a trend chart of overall port use on the device over time.

  • Port—This view provides a heat map of all the ports on the device, enabling you to view the utilization of individual ports. You can choose a port from the heat map to view a utilization trend chart for that particular port.

The Device view is the default view. Click Port to change to the Port view.

Device View

The Device view provides a bar chart that shows the trend of overall port use on the device. Each bar represents the overall port utilization at a polling interval. The vertical axis shows the number of ports polled. The horizontal axis shows the time when each poll was taken.

Each bar is divided into the following colored sections to indicate the distribution of port utilization at the polling interval:

  • Green indicates ports that operated at less than 50% of negotiated speed.

  • Orange indicates ports that operated at between 50% and 80% of negotiated speed.

  • Red indicates ports that operated at more than 80% of negotiated speed.

You can perform the following actions in Device view:

  • Change the time period over which to display the trend data by selecting a time period from the list in the upper right corner.

  • Remove or restore a utilization category (bar color) by clicking its legend.

  • Display a numeric value by mousing over a bar.

Port View

The Port view provides utilization heat maps of the ports on the device—one heat map for access ports and another for uplink ports. In the heat maps, each port on the device is represented by a box that is color-coded to indicate the level of port utilization. Cooler colors (for example, green) indicate lower port utilization , while hotter colors (for example, red) indicate higher port utilization.

Click a port box to display a utilization trend chart for that individual port.

You can perform the following actions in the Port view:

  • On a heat map:

    • Mouse over a port box to see more information about the port such as the port utilization percent, port type, MAC address of the port, duplex mode, device serial number, admin status and operational status of the port, negotiated speed, and the last flap time.

    • Change the time period over which the port utilization percentage is derived.

    • Click a port box to display the utilization trend chart for that port.

    • Use the percentage slider under the port heat map to display only those ports for which utilization falls within a certain percentage range.

  • On the port utilization trend chart:

    • Change the time period over which to display the trend data.

    • Display the percentage utilization and polling time by mousing over a data point.

Utilization for IP Fabric Window

The Utilization for IP Fabric window provides information about port utilization for the devices and ports within a Layer 3 Fabric. It is available when you select a Layer 3 Fabric in the View pane.

The top part of the Utilization for IP Fabric window displays a heat map of the devices in the Layer 3 Fabric. Each device in the Layer 3 Fabric shown as either a spine or leaf device and is color-coded to show the overall port utilization on the device.

You can interact with this fabric-level heat map as follows:

  • Mouse over a box representing a device. Information about that device is displayed, such as IP address, model, overall port utilization, and a list of the five ports with the highest utilization.

  • Click a box representing a device. The information in the remainder of the window is changed to reflect the port utilization of the device.

You can select two different views of the port utilization on the device:

  • Device—This view provides a trend chart of overall port use on the device over time.

  • Port—This view provides a heat map of all the ports on the device, enabling you to view the utilization of individual ports. You can choose a port from the heat map to view a utilization trend chart for that particular port.

The Device view is the default view. Click Port to change to the Port view.

Device View

The Device view provides a bar chart that shows the trend of overall port use on the selected device. Each bar represents the overall port utilization at a polling interval. The vertical axis shows the number of ports polled. The horizontal axis shows the time when each poll was taken.

Each bar is divided into the following colored sections to indicate the distribution of port utilization at the polling interval:

  • Green indicates ports that operated at less than 50% of negotiated speed.

  • Orange indicates ports that operated at between 50% and 80% of negotiated speed.

  • Red indicates ports that operated at more than 80% of negotiated speed.

You can perform the following actions on the bar chart:

  • Change the time period over which to display the trend data by selecting a time period from the list in the upper right corner.

  • Remove or restore a utilization category (bar color) by clicking its legend.

  • Display a numeric value by mousing over a bar.

Port View

The Port view provides utilization heat maps of the ports on the device—one heat map for access ports and another for uplink ports. In the heat maps, each port on the device is represented by a box that is color-coded to indicate the level of port utilization. Cooler colors (for example, green) indicate lower port utilization , while hotter colors (for example, red) indicate higher port utilization.

You can perform the following actions on the device heat map:

  • Mouse over a port box to see more information about the port, such as the port utilization percent, port type, MAC address of the port, duplex mode, device serial number, admin status and operational status of the port, negotiated speed, and the last flap time.

  • Change the time period over which the port utilization percentage is derived.

  • Use the percentage slider under the port heat map to display only those ports whose percent utilization falls within a certain range.

  • Click a port box to display the utilization trend chart for that port.

The port utilization trend chart shows the utilization trend for the selected port. You can:

  • Change the time period over which to display the trend data.

  • Display the percentage utilization and polling time by mousing over a data point.