Segregating the Displayed Devices by Searching the Entire Topology View
In the Topology View displayed in Build mode on the Connectivity Services Director GUI, you can enter the strings or terms that you want to use as search labels to search for any node, link, or group and filter the display. The Search box is displayed on the top-right corner of the Topology View. You can search based on only one term or criterion at a time. You can search for nodes or devices on the topology map based on router ID, hostname, management IP address, and serial number of the device. In certain network deployments, you might require a certain set of devices that match a particular subnet to be viewed for obtaining a subset of the entire topology that is of interest and relevance to you. In such cases, you can specify the IP address of the device as the search term to view only the appropriate device that matches the search term.
To specify a search criterion for classifying the displayed devices in the Topology View: