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Setting Up User and System Preferences

Depending on your system authority, Preferences page can display either user settings or a combination of user settings and system settings. One or more of these preference tabs appear when you open the Preferences page:

  • User—All users can choose whether monitors and reports display local time or server time.

  • Search—Administrators can configure options for search indexing.

  • Monitoring—Network Administrators can change the polling interval for data collection for Monitor mode monitors and enable or disable the internal processes used for data collection.

  • Fault—Network Administrators can enable or disable alarms. They can also set the retention period for alarms and the number of events per alarm.

  • Report—Network Administrators can specify length of time Connectivity Services Director reports are retained.

  • Topology—Network Administrators can specify the topology server to which the Connectivity Services Director application can establish a connection. Also, you can specify settings for the automatic update and refresh of the topology. In addition, you can define a retention period for the deleted links in Topology.

  • Service Activation—Network Administrators can modify the configuration settings for services activation-related components or functionalities of the Connectivity Services Director application.

  • Optical—Network Administrators can enable or disable optical performance monitoring.

  • NorthStar—Network Administrators can select NorthStar Controller for the management of LSPs.

    Based on the Preference settings, LSPs will be deployed either through CSD or through NorthStar Controller using REST APIs.

This topic describes:

Accessing the Preferences page

To open the Preferences page, click in the Connectivity Services Director banner and select Preferences.

The Preferences page opens with User Preferences as the default tab.

Choosing Server Time or Local Time

All users can specify whether Connectivity Services Director displays local time or the server’s time in monitors and reports on the User Preferences tab. The default setting is to display local time. To change the setting to display the server’s time:

  1. In the Preferences page, select Use Server Time from the list.
  2. Click OK to save your changes or click Cancel to close Preferences.

Specifying Search Preferences

Connectivity Services Director indexes the device inventory data periodically to enable users to perform efficient searches. You can specify a time interval after which Connectivity Services Director initiates the next indexing on the Search tab. You can also specify to stop indexing while devices are imported into Connectivity Services Director. If you are running short of system memory, selecting this option can help save some memory and speed up the discovery and import of new devices. By default this option is selected and the search index update interval is set to 900 seconds.

Retaining Connectivity Services Director Reports

By default, Connectivity Services Director keeps reports for 30 days. However, Network Administrators can change the retention period from 0 to 365 days. To change the setting, move the slider right or left on the Report tab of Preferences to the new setting. Click OK to save the setting.

Modifying Services Activation Parameter Settings

To understand the parameters of the services-activation settings, such as the attributes and functionalities that apply to the management, provisioning, and monitoring of E-Line, IP, RSVP LSP, and E-LAN services, refer to Table 1.

Table 1: Parameters in the Services Activation Tab




Check service version

Select this check box to validate the version of the service being configured.

Deploy configuration to the device

Select this check box to deploy the configuration to the device.

Enable service alarms

Select this check box to enable the service alarms. Enabling the service alarms causes a GUI impact on the Connectivity Services Director application. When you select the check box and deploy the service, the interface goes down, resulting in the failure to update the fault status. When you right-click Service and select View Service Alarms, the latter does not appear in the results.

Save configuration in XML format

Select this check box to save the configuration of the device in XML format.

Show configuration in set format

Select this check box to display the configuration in set format.

Use two-phase commit for service provisioning

Select this check box to push the configuration on all the network elements automatically, making either one or all successful.

Use vlan maps for E-Line services

When this check box is selected, normalization of VLAN tags is performed using the input or output VLAN maps.

This check box is selected by default.


Starting from Connectivity Services Director Release 2.1R1 onward, Use vlan maps for flexible tagged services under Setting Up User and System Preferences is renamed to Use vlanmaps for E-Line services.

Use vlan maps for flexible tagged services instead of normalized vlan (VPLS)

When this check box is cleared, normalization of VLAN tags is performed using normalized tags under routing instance.

This check box is cleared by default.


Starting from Connectivity Services Director Release 2.1R1 onward, normalization of VLAN tags is performed using normalized tags under routing instance while setting up user and system preferences.

Allow (Stacked) Vlan-Tagging mode for Physical Interface

When this check box is selected, stacked VLAN tagging for all logical interfaces on the physical interface is enabled for EX Series devices.

This check box is cleared by default.

Block deployment on pending notifications

Select this check box to cause a validation to be performed to determine if any of the selected devices have pending out-of-band notification, before deploying a service order. If a pending out-of-band notification exists for a device, deployment is blocked with the following message:

Cannot deploy service order, since pending notification exists for device(s) : <dev-1>, <dev-2>,<dev-3>


Enable Functional Audit after deployment

Select this check box to perform the functional audit automatically, after the service is deployed successfully. By default, the functional audit is not checked. Extra time is taken to complete both the functional audit and deployment.

Functional Audit Waiting Time after deployment

Specify the initial wait time to auto-schedule a functional audit job after deployment.

If the entered value is greater than 30 minutes, it is reset to 30 minutes. If the entered value is less than 1 minute, the wait time is ignored.

The range is from 1 minute through 30 minutes.

Perform Functional Audit on Control plane only

Select this check box to make the functional audit ignore the data plane verification and to consider only the control plane.

User Interface

Allow template modification for service

Select this check box to allow the templates to be changed during the service modification.

Bandwidth Combo Items Count

Specify the bandwidth combo items count.

In Create E-Line service order page, if the bandwidth range exceeds the bandwidth combo items count, then the bandwidth input is taken in text field.

The default value is 100.

Service Detail Wait Time (sec)

Specify the period of time in seconds as the wait period for retrieving service details during service template modification.


Perform Monitoring on Failed Functional Audit

Select this check box to perform monitoring if the functional audit fails.

Pseudowire Redundancy Transition TimeDelay

Select this check box to dump the configuration files.

Specify the time delay to issue the remote procedure call (RPC) call for redundancy service. Since there is no support for the fault management for redundancy service, it should not update the fault status as down, when the interface goes down as the service will be running with the help of backup device. The RPC is issued to check the status of the service. If the value of this time delay is 2 seconds and the interface goes down, it waits for 2 seconds to check whether the service is up, with the help of the backup device and correspondingly updates the fault status.

The default value is 2 seconds.

Statistics Aggregation Reporting

Specify the manner in which the aggregated results are returned for a query that polls and retrieves data from devices. Two aggregation values are supported:

  • Total: Sum of the number of packets received in the interval

  • Average: Average of the total number of packets received in the interval


Dump Configuration Files

By default, the configuration files are not dumped into the log directory. This is enabled, if there is a need to provide troubleshooting to Juniper Networks Technical Assistance Center (JTAC).

Dump Deployment Data

Select this check box to write the configlets and error response from the JUNOS devices into the log directory..

Log Directory

Specify the default path of the log directory: /var/tmp/jboss

Prestage Devices

Pre-stage Wait Time (Sec)

Specify the number of seconds for which the task to trigger a job for prestaging devices must wait after receiving the first notification for prestaging devices. For example, if you specify the prestage wait time as 20 seconds, the prestaging task waits for a period of 20 seconds, after receiving the first notification for prestaging devices, and then initiates the prestaging-devices job.

Pre-stage Idle Time (Sec)

Specify the number of seconds after which the job for prestaging devices is initiated, if no notification is received during the idle period. For example, if you specify the prestage idle time as 10 seconds and if no notification for prestaging devices is received within this period, the job for prestaging devices is triggered immediately after 10 seconds. The prestage idle time value takes precedence over the prestage wait time value.

Loopback Unit

Specify the logical unit of the loopback interface that must be used as the default loopback logical interface for all provisioning tasks that are initiated from Connectivity Services Director. The default logical unit for the loopback interface is 0.

Route Target


Specify the least value in the preferred range of numbers, among which a certain number is assigned for each BGP service. Route target allows you to distribute VPN routes to only the routers that need them. When a route target value is entered manually, it should be either of the following two formats: Autonomous System number format or IPv4 format. For Autonomous System number format, the pattern is as-number:2-byte-number. For example, target:100:200.

Range: The Autonomous System number format number can be in the range from 1 through 65,535.

The IPv4 format is ip-address:2-byte-number. For example, target:


Specify the greatest value in the preferred range of numbers, among which a certain number is assigned for each BGP service. Route target allows you to distribute VPN routes to only the routers that need them. When a route target value is entered manually, it should be either of the following two formats: Autonomous System number format or IPv4 format. For Autonomous System number format, the pattern is as-number:2-byte-number. For example, target:100:200.

Range: The Autonomous System number format number can be in the range from 1 through 65,535.

The IPv4 format is ip-address:2-byte-number. For example, target: The EndIndex value should be lesser than the maximum assigned value.

Virtual Circuit ID


Specify the least value in the preferred range of numbers, among which a certain number is assigned as the VirtualCircuitID to the new circuit created. This VCID can be manually chosen by the customer or auto-generated by the system. For example, if BeginIndex = 100 and EndIndex = 200, then the VCID would be somewhere between 100 and 200.

Minimum: 1

The value of BeginIndex should be less than or equal to EndIndex value.

The range is from 0 through 200000.


Specify the greatest value in the preferred range of numbers, among which a certain number is assigned as the VirtualCircuitID to the new circuit created. This VCID can be manually chosen by the customer or auto-generated by the system. For example, if BeginIndex = 100 and EndIndex = 200, then the VCID would be somewhere between 100 and 200.

Maximum: 2147483647.

The range is from 0 through 200000.

Performance Monitoring


DataSetSize is the size of the performance monitoring data set in days. This field indicates the number of days of performance monitoring data could be stored for display.

The default value is 2880.

Enable Performance Monitoring through scripts

Select the check box to collect the performance data through scripts and opennms will store the data in its database. If this check box is not selected, then performance data such as one-way delay, two-way delay, and frame loss are collected through RPC and stored in the application database.

OSS Config Parameters

Alcatel Primary Server IP

Specify the IP address of the primary server.

Alcatel Primary Server Port

Specify the port number of the primary server.

Backup Server IP

Specify the IP address of the backup server.

Backup Server Port

Specify the port number of the backup server.

HTTP Connection Timeout

Specify the duration of HTTP connection before the time-out elapses.

Maximum API Requests

Specify the maximum number of simultaneous API requests permitted.

OSS Log Directory

Specify the directory path of the OSS log directory.

OSS Log Filename

Specify the OSS log filename.

OSS User Name

Specify the user name for accessing the OSS server.

OSS User Password

Specify the hashed password for accessing the OSS server.

Synchronize OSS Inventory daily at given time

Sets the daily time at which the CPP system synchronizes third-party devices, added or deleted from the CPP system, with the OSS server.

Use primary server

If the check box is enabled, the CPP system communicates with the primary OSS server.

Service Decommission

Device Sync Wait Time

Specify the device synchronization waiting time. This is the maximum wait time to complete the device synchronization. After this time duration, irrespective of the device synchronization status, the resources are released.

The default value is 60 seconds.

The range is from 30 seconds through 300 seconds.

Wait for Device Sync Before Releasing Resource

Select this check box to wait for the device synchronization before resources are released. To revert the decommissioning to the normal behavior, clear this check box.

Allow IFD Template Deletion

If this option is enabled, the IFD template associated with a service is deleted when,

  • the template is deleted, or

  • the endpoint to which template is associated is deleted, or

  • the service is decommissioned.


Deleting IFD (physical interface) templates can impact services on the IFL (logical interface) belonging to the IFD.

Service Recovery

OutofBand Notification

Select either of the following options from the OutofBand Notification Action list to specify the action you want to be performed when an OutOfBand notification is received by Connectivity Services Director:

  • Make Device OutOfSync—Causes the device to be made OutOfSync and disables subsequent provisioning on that device until it changes to the In Sync state again

  • Ignore Notification—Causes the notification to be ignored and device will remain InSync

Store OutofBand Notification XML

Select the check box to enable the storage of OutOfBand notification XML in the Connectivity Services Director database. By default, this check box is not selected, which disables the saving of OutofBand notification XML in the Connectivity Services Director database.

Specifying Topology Preferences

From the Topology tab of the Preferences page (which you can launch by clicking the down arrow beside the System button on the Connectivity Services Director banner and selecting Preferences), you can specify the topology server IP and the credentials for enabling the Connectivity Services Director to connect to the topology server.

For Layer 2 topology settings, you can also disable the automatic updates to the topology and, instead, enable the topology updates to be manually triggered by selecting the Disable Autoupdate of Topology check box. In the Deleted Link Retention Period (Days) field, drag the square over the line to specify the number of days that you might want to retain the deleted link.

For Layer 3 topology settings, you can select or clear the Use PCEP check box. Select the Use PCEP check box to use the Path Computation Element Protocol (PCEP) for discovery of LSPs. PCEP enables communication between a PCC and the CSD-Topology to learn about the network and LSP path state and communicate with the Path Computation Clients (PCCs). By default, this check box is not selected.

Enter the server IP address in the Topology Server field, and the authentication credentials in the Username and Password fields.

In the Refresh Topology Interval (days) field, drag the square over the line to specify the frequency in number of days at which the Layer 3 topology must be refreshed and displayed in the Topology View. By default, the topology is refreshed once every day. Drag the square to the leftmost end of the line to disable the refresh of topology. Drag the square to the rightmost end of the line to enable the refresh of topology once every 365 days or a year, which is the largest frequency you can specify for the refresh setting.

Changing Monitor Mode Settings

The Monitoring tab of Preferences has three tabs under it. These are:

  • Monitor Settings—Enables you to change the default polling interval for data collection for Monitor mode monitors. You can also disable or reenable the internal processes used for data collection on this sub-tab.

  • Client Session History—Enables you to set the retention period for history records and the frequency that these records are checked for deletion.

This section describes:

Disabling Data Collection for Monitors

Connectivity Services Director internally gathers data for monitors by using a set of data collection processes. You can disable these data collectors if they do not pertain to your installation. For example, if you do not use Virtual Chassis, you can disable the data collection processes used for Virtual Chassis.

The data collection processes are divided into the following categories:

  • Equipment

  • FM

  • Traffic

One data collector can be used by multiple monitors. Likewise, some monitors can be supported by multiple data collectors. These data collectors are enabled by default. To ensure proper data collection, if you enable the equipment data collectors, you must also enable the traffic collectors..

To disable or reenable a data collector:

  1. Determine which monitors are used by the data collectors. Use Table 2 to determine the relationship between the data collectors and the monitors.
    Table 2: Monitor Mapping for Data Collectors


    Data Collector


    Show Interface Statistics



    Show Interface Status



    Service Traffic, Service Summary, Service Transport



    LSP Statistics



    LDP Statistics



    Service Performance



    RFC2544 Benchmarking Tests



    Port Status (physical)



    Traffic Trend






    Collection of LSPs and Service Association for Topology View



  2. Clear the check box to disable the collector or select to enable the collector.
  3. Click Save and Close to save the configuration and to close the window.

Changing the Polling Interval

The frequency at which data is collected is determined by the polling interval. Table 3 shows the default polling intervals used by each data collector.

Table 3: Default Polling Intervals


Polling Interval


5 minutes


10 minutes


10 minutes


10 minutes


5 minutes


5 minutes


5 minutes


10 minutes


10 minutes


5 minutes

To change the polling interval:

  1. Select the polling interval for a data collector in the Monitor Settings table.
  2. Type the new interval level in whole minutes. For example, do not specify 1.5 minutes. Recommended intervals are 5, 10, or 20 minutes.
  3. Click OK and then Yes to verify the change to the configuration.

Specifying Database History Retention

To keep the database manageable, the system periodically checks the age of the records and retires those that have past an expiration date. By default, Connectivity Services Director ages database records off at 90 days and runs a database cleanup every 6 hours.

Use the Client Session History sub-tab to change the default values:

  1. Select from the lists new values.
    • Age of history records (in days) from 1 to 365 days.

    • Cleanup job frequency (in hours) from 1 through 24 hours.

  2. Click OK to save the changes.

Changing Alarm Settings

Use the Fault tab to enable individual alarms, set the retention period for alarms, configure alarm notifications, configure threshold alarms, and to specify the number of events to keep for each alarm. The Fault tab has multiple sections, which you can expand and collapse by clicking the arrow next to the section title:

  • Global Settings, for configuring Faults settings such as global alarm notifications and alarm data retention.

  • Individual Alarms and Threshold Settings, for configuring settings for individual alarms and threshold alarms.

This section describes the following tasks that you can perform by using the Fault tab:

Configuring Global Alarm Notifications

You can configure global e-mail notifications to be sent when any alarm with notifications enabled is generated. To configure global e-mail notifications, enter the e-mail addresses to receive global alarm notifications in the Alarm Notifications Destinations field in the Global Settings section. Separate addresses with a comma (,). For information about enabling notification for an alarm, see Configuring Individual Alarm Notifications.

Retaining Alarm History

Use the No. of days to keep Alarm field in the Global Settings section to specify the number of days to keep alarm history. The default retention time is 120 days; but you can specify a period of 7 through 1000 days. Specifying a longer retention time consumes more database resources. To change the alarm retention duration, type a new value and click OK and Yes to confirm the change.

Specifying Event History

Use the Events/Alarm field in the Global Settings section to specify the number of event entries that are kept in the alarm history. The default setting for events is 20. To change the setting, type a new value and click OK and Yes to confirm the change.

Enabling Alarms

Ensure all devices are configured to send traps to Connectivity Services Director. This task is performed for the devices in Deploy mode through Set SNMP Trap Configuration.

Use the Individual Alarms and Threshold Settings section to disable and re-enable individual alarms or all alarms. Alarms appear on both tabs in the section: Alarm Settings and Threshold Settings. Fault alarms are preconfigured and initially enabled. To enable or disable alarms:

  1. (Optional) Sort the alarms. By default, the list of alarms is sorted alphabetically within each category. You can also sort by description or alarm severity within a category by clicking a column heading.
  2. Review the alarms and either select the check box in the heading to select all of the alarms or select the check box for the individual alarms you want to enable. For a full description of each of the alarms, see Table 4.
  3. Click OK and Yes to confirm the alarm change.
Table 4: Alarm Descriptions

Alarm Name


Device Type



Generated when the threshold value for detection time is set and the BFD session detection-time adapts to a value greater than the threshold.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the threshold value for transmit interval (in microseconds) is exceeded.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers



Generated when the BGP FSM moves from a higher-numbered state to a lower-numbered state.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the BGP Finite State Machine (FSM) enters the ESTABLISHED state.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers



Generated when the specified cooling fan or impeller has failed (is not spinning).

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the Forwarding Engine Board (FEB) has switched over.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the device has detected that a field-replaceable unit (FRU), has some operational errors and has gone into check state.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when a FRU has failed.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the system detects that the specified FRU is inserted into the chassis.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the specified FRU goes offline.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the specified FRU goes online.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the specified FRU is powered off.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the specified FRU is powered on.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the system detects that the specified FRU was removed from the chassis.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the hard disk for the specified routing engine has failed.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the hard disk in the specified routing engine is missing from the boot device list.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the specified power supply has failed (bad DC output).

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when a graceful Routing Engine switchover (GRES) occurs on a switch with dual Routing Engines or on a Virtual Chassis.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the device has over heated.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Cluster Sync Failure

Generated when the cluster configuration failed to apply.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

Configuration (Configuration)


Generated when the jnxCMCfgChgEventTable records a configuration management event.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when a change is made to the rescue configuration.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

Core and controllers (Controllers)

Device alarm

Generated when the device status changes (up to down or down to up).

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers



Generated when only 10% of CoS queues are available.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when there are no more available dedicated CoS queues.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers



Generated when a DHCP client is detected changing interfaces.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the client limit is reached on an interface.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the client limit is reached on an interface for DHCPv6.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers



Generated when an interface detects Digital Optical Monitor (DOM) alarm conditions.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Authentication Failure Alarm

Generated when a protocol message is received that is not properly authenticated.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

Cold Start Alarm

Generated when a device is re-initializing and its configuration might have changed.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

Link Down Alarm

Generated when a link is down. The trap is generated when the ifOperStatus object for a communication link is about to enter the down state from another state other than notPresent. This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

Link Up Alarm

Generated when a link comes up that was previously in the down state. The trap is generated when the ifOperStatus object for a communication link left the down state and transitioned into another state other than notPresent state. This other state is indicated by the included value of ifOperStatus.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

Warm Start Alarm

Generated when a device is re-initializing and its configuration has not changed.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

Generic (GenericEvent)


Generated by an Op script or event policies. This notification can include one or more attribute-value pairs. The pairs are identified by the jnxEventAvAttribute and jnxEventAvValue objects.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

OTN Notification

FRU: OTN Admin Notification Set

Generated as a notification of an OTM alarm that is set. An alarm is triggered when an optical PIC or field-replaceable unit (FRU) is removed or reinserted, or transitions between in-service and out-of-service states.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Optical Channel Payload (OPU) Payload Type Mismatch defect trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as OC target of evaluation (TOE) security functionality (TSF) defect trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU Background Block Error Threshold crossing defect trigger in the 15-minute interval threshold.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU Bit interleaved parity for SONET section overhead defect trigger in the 15-minute interval threshold.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU errored seconds threshold-crossing defect trigger in the 15-minute interval threshold.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU severely errored seconds threshold-crossing defect trigger in the 15-minute interval threshold.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU unavailable seconds threshold-crossing defect trigger in the 15-minute interval threshold.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU Background Block Error Threshold crossing defect trigger in the 15-minute interval threshold.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU Bit interleaved parity for SONET section overhead defect trigger in the 24-hour or 1-day interval threshold.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU errored seconds threshold-crossing defect trigger in the 24-hour or 1-day interval threshold.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU severely errored seconds threshold-crossing defect trigger in the 24-hour or 1-day interval threshold.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU unavailable seconds threshold-crossing defect trigger in the 24-hour or 1-day interval threshold.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU Alarm Indication Signal defect trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU Backward Defect Indication defect trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU client signal failure alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU degradation alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU incoming alignment error alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU threshold crossing alert (TCA) alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU locked defect trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU open connection indication alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU server signal failure alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU trace identifier mismatch alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as ODU no-alarm when threshold crossing alert occurs.

PTX Series routers

OTN Admin Notification Set

Generated as a notification when OTN alarm is set.

PTX Series routers


Generated as OTU alarm indication signal trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when OTU uncorrected words in the 15-minute threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when OTU background block error count in the 15-minute threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when OTU bit interleaved parity count in the 15-minute threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when errored seconds count in the 15-minute threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when severely errored seconds count in the 15-minute threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when pre-forward error correction bit error rate count in the 15-minute threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when unavailable seconds count in the 15-minute threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when OTU background block error count in the 24-hour threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when OTU bit interleaved parity count in the 24-hour threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when errored seconds count in the 24-hour threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when severely errored seconds count in the 24-hour threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when pre-forward error correction bit error rate count in the 24-hour threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an alarm when unavailable seconds count in the 24-hour threshold is exceeded.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTN loss of signal alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTN loss of frame alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTN loss of multiframe alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTN no alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTU backward defect indication alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTU backward error indication alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTU degraded alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTU excessive errors alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTU incoming alignment defect alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTU server signal alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTN trail trace identifier mismatch defect alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as an OTU TOE security functionality (TSF) alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as input loss of signal alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as wavelength lock error alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Tx high power alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Tx low power alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Bias Current High alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Bias Current Low alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Temperature High alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Temperature low alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as transmitted phase-locked loop lock alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as received phase-locked loop lock alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as avaerage power alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Rx Loss Avg Power alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Loss of AC Power alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as transmitted temperature high threshold setting trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as transmitted temperature low threshold setting trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as received temperature high threshold setting trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as received temperature low threshold setting trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as temperature high threshold setting trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as temperature low threshold setting trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as transmitted temperature high threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period.

PTX Series routers


Generated as transmitted temperature low threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period.

PTX Series routers


Generated as received temperature high threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period.

PTX Series routers


Generated as received temperature low threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period.

PTX Series routers


Generated as temperature high threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period.

PTX Series routers


Generated as temperature low threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period.

PTX Series routers


Generated as received high power alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as received low power alarm.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Rx high power warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Rx high power warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Rx high power warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as Rx high power warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as module temperature high warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as module temperature low warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as received carrier frequency high warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as received carrier frequency low warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as chromatic dispersion high warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as chromatic dispersion low warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as low quality factor warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as low signal-to-noise ratio warning.

PTX Series routers


Generated as carrier frequency high threshold setting trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as carrier frequency low threshold setting trigger.

PTX Series routers


Generated as carrier frequency high threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour threshold interval period.

PTX Series routers


Generated as carrier frequency low threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour threshold interval period.

PTX Series routers

ILA Notification


Generated when the EDFA in the direction from optical supervisory channel (OSC) A to OSC B (Eab) has a calibration table error.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the EDFA case temperature exceeds the configured threshold in the direction from OSC A to OSC B.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the input loss of signal (LOS) is detected in the direction from OSC A to OSC B.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the Out-of-Service Out-of-Group (OOS OOG) condition occurs in the direction from OSC A to OSC B.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the Out-of-Policy (OOP) condition occurs in the direction from OSC A to OSC B.

PTX Series routers


Generated when an output LOS condition occurs in the direction from OSC A to OSC B.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the end-of-life (EoL) state for pump 1 of the EDFA occurs in the direction from OSC A to OSC B.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the end-of-life (EoL) state for pump 2 of the EDFA occurs in the direction from OSC A to OSC B.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the temperature exceeds the threshold for pump 1 of the EDFA occurs in the direction from OSC A to OSC B.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the temperature exceeds the threshold for pump 1 of the EDFA occurs in the direction from OSC A to OSC B.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the radio frequency loss (RFL) occurs for the EDFA occurs in the direction from OSC A to OSC B.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the EDFA in the direction from optical supervisory channel (OSC) B to OSC A (Eba) has a calibration table error.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the EDFA case temperature exceeds the configured threshold in the direction from OSC B to OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the input loss of signal (LOS) is detected in the direction from OSC B to OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the Out-of-Gain (OOG) condition occurs in the direction from OSC B to OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the Out-of-Power (OOP) condition occurs in the direction from OSC B to OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when an output LOS condition occurs in the direction from OSC B to OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the end-of-life (EoL) state for pump 1 of the EDFA occurs in the direction from OSC B to OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the end-of-life (EoL) state for pump 2 of the EDFA occurs in the direction from OSC B to OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the temperature exceeds the threshold for pump 1 of the EDFA occurs in the direction from OSC B to OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the temperature exceeds the threshold for pump 1 of the EDFA occurs in the direction from OSC B to OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the radio frequency loss (RFL) occurs for the EDFA occurs in the direction from OSC B to OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the ILA board temperature reaches an abnormal level.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the communication channel between the NMS system and the ILA reaches an abnormal level.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the ILA AC power reaches an abnormal level.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the ILA DC power reaches an abnormal level.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the ILA fan tray controller 1 that is online reaches an abnormal level.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the speed of the ILA fan tray controller 1 reaches an abnormal level.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the ILA fan tray controller 1 that is online reaches an abnormal level.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the speed of the ILA fan tray controller 1 reaches an abnormal level.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the ILA fan tray controller 1 that is online reaches an abnormal level.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the speed of the ILA fan tray controller 1 reaches an abnormal level.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the ILA software version reaches an abnormal level.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the ILA table error occurs.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the addition of power LOS condition occurs for the OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the dropping of power LOS condition occurs for the OSC A.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the addition of power LOS condition occurs for the OSC B.

PTX Series routers


Generated when the dropping of power LOS condition occurs for the OSC B.

PTX Series routers

IPLC Notification


Generated as the FPC arrayed waveguide gratings (AWG) add LOS alarm for the IPLC

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC input LOS alarm for the express-in mode of the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC add LOS alarm for the optical supervisory channel (OSC) of the IPLC. The OSC is an in-band channel used to communicate with ILAs and other optical nodes in the line system that are not directly accessible over the DCN. OSC framing logic is implemented in the FPGA.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC drop LOS alarm for the OSC of the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC input line-in LOS alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) 1 reflect power alarm for the IPLC. EDFA1 is considered as ingress EDFA and EDFA2 is considered as egress EDFA

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA1 output power alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA1 output gain alarm for the IPLC

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA1 pump end-of-life (EoL) alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA1 temperature alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA1 output LOS alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA1 input LOS alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC erbium doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) 1 reflect power alarm for the IPLC. EDFA1 is considered as ingress EDFA and EDFA2 is considered as egress EDFA

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA2 output power alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA2 output gain alarm for the IPLC

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generatd as the FPC EDFA2 pump end-of-life (EoL) alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA2 temperature alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA2 output LOS alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA2 input LOS alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC wavelength selective switching (WSS) temperature alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC WSS voltage alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC internal diagnostic alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC firmware consistency alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC hardware failure alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC firmware failure alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC optical channel module (OCM) failure alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC WSS failure alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA2 failure alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC EDFA1 alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC power rail failure alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as an alarm when the OSC transmitted high power exceeds the threshold within the 15-minute interval for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as an alarm when the OSC transmitted low power exceeds the threshold within the 15-minute interval for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as an alarm when the OSC received high power exceeds the threshold within the 15-minute interval for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as an alarm when the OSC received low power exceeds the threshold within the 15-minute interval for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as an alarm when the OSC fiber high LOS exceeds the threshold within the 15-minute interval for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as an alarm when the OSC fiber low LOS exceeds the threshold within the 15-minute interval for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the line-out Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) high threshold setting trigger within the 15-minute period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the line-out Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) low threshold setting trigger within the 15-minute period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the ingress EDFA input power high threshold setting trigger within the 15-minute period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the ingress EDFA input power low threshold setting trigger within the 15-minute period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the OCM module power high threshold setting trigger within the 15-minute period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the OCM module power low threshold setting trigger within the 15-minute period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the OSC transmitted high power threshold setting trigger within the 15-minute period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the OSC transmitted high power threshold setting trigger within the 15-minute period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as an alarm when the OSC received high power exceeds the threshold within the 24-hour interval for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as an alarm when the OSC received low power exceeds the threshold within the 24-hour interval for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as an alarm when the OSC fiber high LOS exceeds the threshold within the24-hour interval for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as an alarm when the OSC fiber low LOS exceeds the threshold within the 24-hour interval for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the line-out Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) high threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the line-out Variable Optical Attenuator (VOA) low threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the ingress EDFA input high power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the ingress EDFA input low power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the ingress EDFA output high power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the ingress EDFA output low power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the ingress EDFA signal high power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the ingress EDFA signal low power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the ingress EDFA pump current high temperature threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the ingress EDFA pump current low temperature threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the egress EDFA input high power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the egress EDFA input low power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the egress EDFA output high power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the egress EDFA output low power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the egress EDFA signal high power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the egress EDFA signal low power threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the egress EDFA pump current high temperature threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the egress EDFA pump current low temperature threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the power monitor AWG add high threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the power monitor AWG add low threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the power monitor express-in mode high threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the power monitor express-in mode low threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the OCM module power high threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the OCM module power low threshold setting trigger within the 24-hour period for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC SFP loss of signal (LOS) alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers


Generated as the FPC SFP loss of frame (LOF) alarm for the IPLC.

PTX3000 Packet Transport Routers



Generated when the MAC limit is reached for the entire system. This trap is sent only once, when the limit is reached.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the given interface reaches the MAC limit (jnxl2aldInterfaceMacLimit).

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the MAC limit is reached for a given routing instance (jnxl2aldRoutingInst).

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers



Generated when LACP has timed out.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the port’s BPDU error state (no-error or detected) changes.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the port’s loop-protect state (no-error or loop-prevented) changes.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the port’s root-protect state (no-error or root-prevented) changes.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

MAC Forwarding Database (MACFDB)


Generated when MAC addresses of the monitored devices are learned or removed from the forwarding database (FDB).

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Counter Measures Alarm

Generated when counter measures are started against a rogue device.

Wireless LAN controller

Device Configuration Saved

Generated when the running configuration of the switch is written to the configuration file.

Wireless LAN controller

Multimedia Call Failure

Generated when a multimedia call fails.

Wireless LAN controller

PoE failure

Generated when Power over Ethernet (PoE) has failed on the indicated port.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

Network Service

LSP Service

Generated when an LSP service is affected.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

VPN Service

Generated when an E-LAN service is affected.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

Passive Monitoring (PassiveMonitoring)


Generated when an overload condition is detected on a Passive Monitoring Interface.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers



Generated when egress time jitter (jnxPingMaxEgressUs minus jnxPingResultsMinEgressUs) exceeds the configured threshold (jnxPingCtlEgressJitterThreshold) causing the egressJitterThreshold bit to be set.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the standard deviation of the egress time (jnxPingResultsStddevEgressUs) exceeds the configured threshold (jnxPingCtlEgressTimeThreshold) and causes the egress bit to be set.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the egress time (jnxPingResultsStdevEgressUs) exceeds the configured threshold (jnxPingCtlEgressTimeThreshold) and the egress threshold bit is set in jnxPingCtlTrapGeneration.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when ingress time jitter (jnxPingResultsMaxIngressUs minus jnxPingResultsMinIngressUs) exceeds the configured threshold (jnxPingCtlIngressJitterThreshold) and the ingressJitterThreshold bit is set in jnxPingCtlTrapGeneration.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the standard deviation of the ingress time (jnxPingResultsStdDevIngressUs) exceeds the configured threshold (jnxPingCtlIngressStddevThreshold) and the ingress StdDevThreshold bit is set in jnxPingCtlTrapGeneration.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the ingress time jitter (jnxPingResultsIngressUs) exceeds the configured threshold (jnxPingCtlIngressTimeThreshold) and the ingress threshold bit (jnxPingIngressThresholdExceeded) is set in jnxPingCtlTrapGeneration.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the round trip time jitter (jnxPingResultsMaxRttUs minus jnxPingResultsMinRttUs) exceeds the configured threshold (jnxPingCtlRttJitterThreshold) and the rttJitterThreshold bit is set in jnxPingCtlTrapGeneration.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the standard deviation of the round trip time (jnxPingResultsStdDevRttUs) exceeds the configured threshold (jnxPingCtlRTTStdDev) and the rttStdDevThreshold bit is set in jnxPingCtlTrapGeneration.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers


Generated when the round trip time (jnxPingCtlRttThreshold) exceeds the configured threshold (jnxPingCtlRttThreshold) and the rttThreshold bit is set in jnxPingCtlTrapGeneration.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers



Generated when a GET request for an alarm variable returns an error. The specific error is identified by a varbind in jnxRmonAlarmGetFailReason.

ACX, M, MX, and PTX Series routers

Changing the Severity of Individual Alarms

You can change the severity of the alarms to match your corporate procedures and guidelines. For example, at your company a DoS attack might be considered a critical alarm, while Connectivity Services Director has a default severity for DoS attacks as a major alarm. Alarms appear on both tabs in the Individual Alarms and Threshold Settings section: Alarm Settings and Threshold Settings.

To change the severity of an alarm:

  1. Select the current severity in the Severity column. A list of the severity levels appear.
  2. Select the new severity level for the alarm.
  3. Click OK and Yes to confirm the change to the severity setting.

    To configure alarm notifications, see Configuring Individual Alarm Notifications.

Configuring Threshold Alarms

Threshold alarms are alarms that are generated when a monitored value crosses the configured threshold. They provide enhanced visibility into potential issues on the network. You configure and manage threshold alarms the same way as other alarms. You also have the option of setting the threshold level of individual threshold alarms.

To set threshold alarm thresholds:

  1. Select the Threshold Settings tab in the Individual Alarms and Threshold settings section of the Fault tab.
  2. Click Edit Settings in the Threshold Settings column of the alarm threshold you want to edit.
  3. Set the threshold in the window that opens.
  4. Click Save to save the new threshold.

    To configure alarm notifications, see Configuring Individual Alarm Notifications.

Configuring Individual Alarm Notifications

You can configure e-mail notifications to be sent when an individual alarm is generated. When you enable notification for an alarm, the notifications are sent to the e-mail addresses configured for the alarm and the addresses configured for global alarm notifications. Alarms appear on both tabs in the Individual Alarms and Threshold Settings section: Alarm Settings and Threshold Settings.

To configure e-mail notification for an alarm name:

  1. Select the check box in the alarm’s Notification column.

    If you later want to disable notification for the alarm, clear the check box.

  2. Click Edit Notification in the Notification column. The Alarm Notification Details window opens.
  3. Enter one or more e-mail addresses in the Notification Email Addresses field. Separate addresses with a comma (,).

    You can later edit the addresses to send notifications to different addresses.

  4. (Optional) Enter a comment in the Comments field. This comment is included in the e-mail notification message.
  5. Click Save.

Disabling Optical Performance Monitoring

From the Optical tab of the Preference page, you can disable optical performance monitoring by selecting the Disable Optical Performance Monitoring check box.

Select the Disable Optical Performance Monitoring check box, if you do not intend to store optical parameters.

Specifying NorthStar Controller Preferences

Starting from Release 3.0 onward, you can choose NorthStar Controller to manage LSPs from the Connectivity Services Director user interface. The NorthStar tab in the Preferences page displays the attributes listed in Table 5.

Table 5: NorthStar Controller Preferences



Enable NorthStar LSP Management

Select this check box to manage LSPs through the NorthStar Controller server.

PCEP for Provisioning

Select this check box to enable PCEP as the provisioning type for LSPs.

Provisioning Type

Select either RSVP or Segment Routing as the provisioning type.

Default: RSVP


Enter the NorthStar server IP, Username, and Password to validate your access to the NorthStar server.

Change History Table

Feature support is determined by the platform and release you are using. Use Feature Explorer to determine if a feature is supported on your platform.

Starting from Connectivity Services Director Release 2.1R1 onward, Use vlan maps for flexible tagged services under Setting Up User and System Preferences is renamed to Use vlanmaps for E-Line services.
Starting from Connectivity Services Director Release 2.1R1 onward, normalization of VLAN tags is performed using normalized tags under routing instance while setting up user and system preferences.