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Bypassing a Wavelength on the IPLC

The IPLC enables you to optically bypass a wavelength by entering a few simple configuration statements. Bypassing a wavelength does not terminate the wavelength at the local IPLC but instead passes the wavelength on to the next downstream IPLC node. This topic describes how to bypass a wavelength on the IPLC.

Optical bypasses are software configurable and controlled through the IPLC’s wavelength selective switch (WSS) so there is no need to manual intervention. The IPLCs software optical bypass enables wavelengths that do not terminate on the given node to be passed-through to the remote node without optical-electrical-optical (OEO) conversion.

Before you begin, configure the IPLC two-degree intermediate node for express traffic.

To configure the IPLC to bypass a wavelength:

  1. From the Junos Space user interface, click the Build icon on the Connectivity Services Director banner.

    The workspaces that are applicable to Build mode are displayed on the Tasks pane.

  2. From the View selector, select Device View.

    The functionalities that you can configure in this view are displayed.

  3. From the Device View pane, click the plus sign (+) next to the My Network tree to expand the tree and select the PTX300 router for which you want to define the optical IPLC settings.

    The network tree is expanded and the selected device is highlighted.

  4. From the Tasks pane, select Device Management > View Physical Inventory.

    An image of the device is displayed on the right pane.

  5. In the image of the device, select an optical IPLC—for example, an optical IPLC installed in a PTX3000 router.

    The Component Info dialog box is displayed. At the lower part of the dialog box, the Equipment, Status/Config, Performance, and Line Connectivity tabs are displayed.

  6. Click the Status/Config tab at the bottom of the dialog box.

    The IPLC Line dialog box is displayed on the right pane with the configuration settings that pertain to the IPLC.

  7. Specify the FPC or PIC slot in which the IPLC base module resides by selecting the slot in the Chassis View.

    For example, if the IPLC base module resides in slot 1, select the IPLC 1 component in the image of the chassis.

  8. Configure the wavelength that you want to bypass from the IPLC base module to another IPLC module

    For example, to bypass the wavelength of 1532.29, select the Show All Wavelengths check box, and select express from the drop-down menu in the configuration column of the table for the corresponding wavelength.

  9. Create a logical association between the two IPLC modules and specify that you want the IPLC to express-in a wavelength.

    For example, if the other IPLC resides in slot 2, select IPLC 2 from the Express IPLC list in the Settings/Status section.

  10. Click Update to save the specified configuration settings.