Viewing Optical ILA Configuration and Status Details for Simplified Administration
Instead of using Junos OS CLI statements and operational commands to view optical ILA parameters, you can view an image of the optical ILA using Connectivity Services Director to obtain an intuitive and high-level understanding of the settings and alarms. This view enables you to modify the optical ILA settings to suit your network deployment needs in a simplified and optimal manner. Because the important optical ILA settings can be viewed alongside the visual representation of the entire chassis that is displayed, this method of managing the optical ILA settings provides a consolidated and cohesive interface for easy administration of the network.
To view the optical ILA configuration and status information:
- From the Junos Space user interface, click the Build icon on the Connectivity Services Director banner.
The workspaces that are applicable to Build mode are displayed on the Tasks pane.
- From the View selector, select Device View.
The functionalities that you can configure in this view are displayed.
- From the Device View pane, click the plus sign (+) next
to the My Network tree to expand the tree and select the device for
which you want to view the optical ILA settings.
The network tree is expanded and the selected device is highlighted.
- From the Tasks pane, select Device Management > View
Physical Inventory.
An image of the device is displayed on the right pane.
- In the image of the device, select an optical ILA.
The ILA Optics dialog box is displayed at the lower part of the page. At the bottom of the dialog box, the Equipment, Status/Config, and Performance tabs are displayed.
- Click the Status/Config tab at the bottom of
the dialog box.
The configuration settings that pertain to the optical ILA are displayed in the ILA and EDFA panes. The ILA pane is expanded and displayed by default.
- View the following details under different sections of
the ILA pane.
In the System section, the following parameters are displayed:
Status—Operation status of the optical ILA in conjunction with the optical IPLC installed in the FPC or PIC slot
Current Mode—Mode of operation of the optical ILA, such as auto
Board Temperature (Celsius)—Temperature of the device in Celsius
Power—The power supplies need to be both AC or both DC. Only one power supply is required to power on the device; the second power supply provides redundancy. When the optical ILA has both power supplies installed and connected to the power supply, the device has full power redundancy. If a power supply fails or is removed, another power supply balances the electrical load without interruption. Each power supply provides 12-voltage direct current (VDC) output with a standby voltage of 12 VDC. The power supplies can be hot-swapped—you do not need to power off the router or disrupt the routing function to replace a power supply.
PowerAC—Indicates whether the AC power supply is connected or removed
The AC power supplies in the optical ILA are hot-removable, and hot-insertable field-replaceable units (FRUs) that you can install without powering off the device or disrupting the routing function. The optical ILA has two power supplies. All of the power supplies are initially installed at the factory. Each of the 150-W power supplies has a single AC input. An optical ILA has twice the number of power supplies needed to power all the components in the device, which is known as 1+1 n redundancy.
PowerDC—Indicates whether the DC power supply is connected or removed
The DC power supplies in the optical ILA are hot-removable and hot-insertable field-replaceable units (FRUs) that you can install without powering off the device or disrupting the routing function. The optical ILA has two power supplies. Both of the power supplies are initially installed at the factory. Each of the two 150-W power supplies has a single DC input. An optical ILA has twice the number of power supplies needed to power all the components in the device, which is known as 1+1 n redundancy.
Fan—The cooling system in an optical ILA consists of three 80-W fan modules. Each fan module has dual-counter rotating fans. These fan modules can be hot-swapped—you do not need to power off the router or disrupt routing function to replace a fan module.
Fan 1—Speed of fan 1 in revolutions per minute (rpm). Fan speed status is based on different chassis cooling requirements, such as spinning at high speed, intermediate speed, normal speed, or low speed.
Fan 2—Speed of fan 2 in rpm
Fan 3—Speed of fan 3 in rpm
OSC—Displays the details of the two optical supervisory channel (OSCs) that are part of the optical ILA
A—Displays the transmitted and received optical power, in milliwatts (mW) and decibels referred to 1.0 mW (dBm), for the OSC A.
Tx Power (dBm)—Transmit laser output power (dBm) of OSC A
Rx Power (dBm)—Received laser input power (dBm) of OSC A
B—Displays the transmitted and received optical power, in milliwatts (mW) and decibels referred to 1.0 mW (dBm), for the OSC B.
Tx Power (dBm)—Transmit laser output power (dBm) of OSC B
Rx Power (dBm)—Received laser input power (dBm) of OSC B
- Click the EDFA header at the bottom of the
dialog box.
The EDFA pane is expanded and displayed, which shows the erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) properties for the ILA with the integrated photonic line card (IPLC) module installed in the FPC or PIC slot.
- View the following details under different sections of
the EDFA pane.
A-B—Configuration and status settings of the EDFA in the direction from OSC A to OSC B
Status—Operational status of the EDFA in the direction from OSC A to OSC B
Working Status—Working condition of the EDFA, such as output disabled or automatic power reduction (APR) deactivated
Actual Gain (dB)—Gain or signal strength increase in decibels (dB) in the direction from OSC A to OSC B. The actual gain depends on the impedance of the attached device. An input power higher than –5 dBm can result in an alarm that can be cleared by correctly setting the gain value.
Gain Range—Range of gain, such as high or low, in the direction from OSC A to OSC B
Power (dBm)—Power specifications for the EDFA of the optical ILA in the direction from OSC A to OSC B
Upstream Output Power—Output power to the upstream network elements in the direction from OSC A to OSC B
Input Power—Current input power in the direction from OSC A to OSC B
Output Power—Current output power in the direction from OSC A to OSC B
Downstream Input Power—Input power to the downstream network elements in the direction from OSC A to OSC B
Voa—Attenuation specifications of the optical ILA in the direction from OSC A to OSC B
Attenuation (dB)—Amount of reduction in transmitted power of the light signal in dB of the variable optical attenuator (VOA) present in the optical ILA in the direction from OSC A to OSC B
B-A—Configuration and status settings of the EDFA in the reverse direction from OSC B to OSC A
Status—Operational status of the EDFA in the reverse direction from OSC B to OSC A
Working Status—Working condition of the EDFA, such as output disabled or ARP deactivated
Actual Gain (dB)—Gain or signal strength increase in decibels (dB) in the reverse direction from OSC B to OSC A. The actual gain depends on the impedance of the attached device. An input power higher than –5 dBm can result in an alarm that can be cleared by correctly setting the gain value.
Gain Range—Range of gain, such as high or low, in the reverse direction from OSC B to OSC A
Power (dBm)—Power specifications for the EDFA of the optical ILA in the reverse direction from OSC B to OSC A
Upstream Output Power—Output power to the upstream network elements in the reverse direction from OSC B to OSC A
Input Power—Current input power in the reverse direction from OSC B to OSC A
Output Power—Current output power in the reverse direction from OSC B to OSC A
Downstream Input Power—Input power to the downstream network elements in the reverse direction from OSC B to OSC A
Voa—Attenuation specifications of the optical ILA in the direction from OSC B to OSC A
Attenuation (dB)—Amount of reduction in transmitted power of the light signal in dB of the variable optical attenuator (VOA) present in the optical ILA in the direction from OSC B to OSC A
- Click Update at the top of the dialog box to save the modified ILA settings. Alternatively, click Cancel to discard the changes.
You can click the Refresh (rotating arrow icon) button at the top of the dialog box to enable the latest settings be retrieved from the device and displayed.