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Viewing Customer Details

To view your customers:

  1. From the View selector, select Service View. The workspaces that are applicable to routing and tunnel services are displayed.
  2. Click the Build icon in the Service View of the Connectivity Services Director banner. The functionalities that you can configure in this mode are displayed in the task pane.
  3. In the Network Services > Connectivity task pane, select Customer > Manage Customers. The View Customers window is displayed, which shows the customers already added to the system.
  4. Click the plus sign (+) next to the Customers tree in the Service View pane and select the customer for which you need to view detailed, extensive information.
  5. From the View Customers page, click the Details icon above the table of displayed customers.

    Alternatively, for details about a specific customer, double-click the listed customer.

    The Details window displays the customer name, account number, contact name, contact e-mail address, and contact information in the upper half of the page. The lower half of the page displays the Services Provisioned for Customer pane. This pane contains three tabs: E-Line, E-LAN, and IP. The following fields are displayed in a table under each tab, depending on the type of service associated with a customer.




    Name of the service order assigned during service creation or edit.

    Service Type

    One of the following:

    • E-Line (LDP)

    • E-LAN—Either a multipoint-to-multipoint service or a point-to-multipoint service


    Name of the enterprise customer who placed an order for the service.

    Order State

    Status of the service order:

    • Completed—Service order has been successfully deployed.

    • Deploy failed—Device is down or the Connectivity Services Director application was unable to push the service configuration to a device configured for the service.

    • In-progress—Connectivity Services Director application is in the process of deploying the service.

    • Requested—Service provisioner has created the service order, but has not yet attempted to deploy it or schedule it for deployment.

    • Scheduled—Service provisioner has scheduled the service order for deployment.

    • Invalid—Service order contains invalid data.

    FA Status

    Status of functional audit of the service.

    Fault Status

    Fault management status of the service.

    SLA Status

    Service-level agreement status of the service. If data exceeds the threshold value specified in the Threshold Alarm Profile, the system generates a threshold alarm. The value in the SLA Status column changes to SLA Violated. If the data does not cross the threshold value specified in the Threshold Alarm Profile, the value in the SLA Status column changes to SLA Violation Cleared.

    PM Status

    Performance management status of the service.


    Name of the service definition upon which the service order is based.

    Activation Date

    Date and time at which the service order was last activated.

    Last Modified Time

    Date and time at which the profile was last updated.

    Image Name

    Name of the image file to pictorially depict the customer.

    Domain ID

    Unique domain identifier associated with the customer.

  6. To restrict the display of customers, enter a search criterion of one or more characters in the Search bar and press Enter. All customer names that match the search criterion are shown in the main display area.