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Viewing Topology Map Group Details in a Pop-Up Dialog Box

In the Topology View of Build mode, the upper portion of the page, which shows the topology map, is the main display area. In this area, you can double-click the zones that are displayed to expand and display the devices contained in that zone. Mouse over a node, link, or group on the map to display a pop-up menu for that element. Mouse over a group to view the group information. When you mouse over a group, the name of the group is displayed on a pop-up menu.

In a large network that comprises devices or nodes situated in several groups, which denote the geographical locations or zones, it might be essential to view the details of a particular group that is of relevance for your network management needs. In such cases, apart from viewing the number of devices that are associated with a group, you can also view information on the alarms generated for these devices. For example, you might want to modify the grouping of devices by transferring devices to a different group or zone for better load-balancing of traffic or optimizing packet flows. Also, if you find that a particular group has recorded a large number of critical or major alarms, you can then navigate to the Alarm Detail widget in Monitor mode or the appropriate device settings page to correct and modify the attributes or diagnose the problems that might be generating the alarms.


Right-clicking the map area displays a pop-up menu for more functions. You can move the map by holding down and dragging the left mouse button. You can zoom in and out by using the mouse scroll wheel. Double-click an element icon to collapse the devices or network elements and view the entire site or zone as an icon.

To view group details in a pop-up dialog box:

  1. From the Junos Space user interface, click the Build icon on the Connectivity Services Director banner.

    The workspaces that are applicable to Build mode are displayed on the Tasks pane.

  2. From the View selector, select Topology View.

    The topology map of the sites or zones and the devices configured in each zone using the CSD-Topology is displayed on the upper portion of the page. A table with details of devices, services, links, and LSPs is displayed on the lower portion of the page.

  3. In the graphical representation of the topology displayed , select the group for which you want to view the device details by double-clicking the group.

    The group is expanded and the devices contained in the group are displayed within a circle.

    Devices that are discovered as part of the topology acquisition by the CSD-Topology and are not managed devices in the Connectivity Services Director database are displayed in gray. Devices that are discovered by the CSD-Topology using BGP and MPLS and are managed devices in the Connectivity Services Director database are displayed in blue.

  4. Mouse over the group for which you want to view the configuration settings.

    The group pop-up menu is displayed with the number of devices contained in the group.

  5. Click the View Details link from the pop-up menu.

    The Group Details pop-up dialog box is displayed, which displays the name of the group and the number of devices contained in the group. Also, the Fault Details field displays four colored circles—red, orange, yellow, and blue—to signify the four alarm severity levels as follows:

    • Critical (red)—A critical condition exists for a device in the zone; immediate action is necessary.

    • Major (orange)—A major error has occurred for a device in the zone; escalate or notify as necessary.

    • Minor (yellow)—A minor error has occurred for a device in the zone; notify or monitor the condition.

    • Info (blue)—An informational message has been generated for a device in the zone; no action is necessary. Informational alarms do not necessarily indicate an error. It could indicate that a device or entity has changed state.

  6. Click the Close icon at the top-right corner of the pop-up dialog box to return to the topology map.