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Specifying Service-Specific Values

Using service-specific variables, you can specify values that Network Services can resolve when the service order is deployed.

Service definitions filter the service templates available for attachment according to the set of service variables associated with each service definition type. If a template contains any variables that are not in the filter set for that service definition type, the template does not appear in the selection list, so you cannot attach it to the definition.

You can set multiple variables for a single value.

The following table shows the correlation between service definition types and service variables:

Table 1: Service Definition Types and Associated Service Variables

































































The following examples show how the service variables map to the device configuration attributes:

Figure 1: E-Line Example: Device Configuration Deployed Through Network ServicesE-Line Example: Device Configuration Deployed Through Network Services
Figure 2: E-LAN Example: Device Configuration Deployed Through Network ServicesE-LAN Example: Device Configuration Deployed Through Network Services
Figure 3: IP Example: When OSPF Is a CE-PE ProtocolIP Example: When OSPF Is a CE-PE Protocol
Figure 4: IP Example: When BGP Is a CE-PE ProtocolIP Example: When BGP Is a CE-PE Protocol

The last two service variables, $ServiceDefinition and $CustomerName, appear in the Service Provisioning workspace, in Service Order details.

To specify service specific values in a template:

  1. in the Network Services > Connectivity view pane, select Network Services > Service Design > Manage Service Templates > Create Service Template.

    The Create Service Template window appears.

  2. Add the configuration option for which you want to supply a service specific value (for instructions on adding an option, see Creating a Service Template).
  3. Fill in information in the General tab.
    1. (Optional) To rename the selected option, in the Label box, type a name for that configuration option.

      When you save by moving on to the next page, Specifying default values for service parameters, the new name appears under Config Page 1 in the Selected Configuration Layout.


      The default labels are ambiguous without the context of the tree. For example, there are many options called pool.

      The Data Type box displays the selected component’s data type, which determines not only which tabs are displayed, but also the method of validation. For tables showing the various data types and their tabs, see Creating a Service Template.

    2. (Optional) If the data type of the selected option is String, you can change it to Enumeration by clicking the String option button while the option is selected.

      A box to contain the choices appears, and next to it, plus [+] and minus [-] icons.

    3. To specify the enumeration choices, for each one, click the plus [+] icon and type text in the field that appears (limit 255 alphanumeric characters).


      Keep your choices short, otherwise they are hard to read when you specify the default values. You can create up to 23 choices.

      Click OK to save each entry, or to delete it, click Close.

      To close the window, click Close or the X.

    4. To save your entries on the General tab, select another tab or another option, or click Next or Finish.

  4. Fill in information in the Description tab.
    1. In the Description field, type [additional] descriptive text for the selected configuration option, or leave the default text, if desired.

    2. To save your the description, move to another tab or another option, or click Next.

  5. Fill in information in the Validation tab.
    1. Specify the parameters for the option in the appropriate fields.

      If the fields already display default values and you change them, ensure that your values do not exceed the default values.

    2. To save your entries, select another tab or another option, or click Next or Finish.

  6. Fill in information in the Advanced tab.
    • (Optional) If you intend to use a service variable, select the Service Specific Value check box.

      Operator visibility changes to hidden. The variable is resolved by Network Services at the time the service is deployed. If the operator does change this variable, deployment fails.

    • If you are not using a service variable for this option, leave the Service Specific Value check box unchecked, and make a selection from the Operator Visibility choices.

      Select the Editable option button if you want the service provisioner to be able to change the value.

  7. Click Next.

    The Specify default values for configuration parameters page appears.

  8. You must set all the default values on this page; otherwise, service order deployment fails.
  9. Click Click to configure as often as necessary to reach the point where you can select a service-specific value, which appears as a drop down list containing system variables.
  10. Click the down arrow at the right of the list to display the available variables.
  11. Select the appropriate variable.

    If necessary, consult the previous examples to determine which variables to use.


    If you use the wrong service-specific variable, service deployment fails. The value is not resolved, and service deployment is blocked.

    If you select the wrong variable by mistake, delete it by clicking the X to the right of the variable.


    To create customized service-specific variables:

    1. Type the customized name followed by an underscore and dollar symbol.

    2. From the list, select the service-specific variable that you want to associate.

    3. To save the customized service-specific variable, click the Save link.

  12. If you move away from the page to set other parameters by clicking the breadcrumbs above the panel, a message prompts you to save your work.
  • To save your selection, click Save.

  • To cancel your selection, click Undo.

  • To finish the template, click Finish.

  • To abandon the template, click Cancel.

The next task is Applying a Service Template to a Service Definition.