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Deleting UNIs

After performing the initial assignment of N-PE devices and UNIs, you can still exclude additional interfaces from the list of UNIs so long as those UNIs are not assigned to services.

To remove an interface from consideration as a UNI:

  1. From the View selector, select Service View. The workspaces that are applicable to routing and tunnel services are displayed.
  2. Click the Build icon in the Service View of the Connectivity Services Director banner. The functionalities that you can configure in this mode are displayed in the task pane.
  3. From the Network Services > Connectivity task pane, select Prestage Devices > Prestage Devices.
  4. In the Devices Chart window, select the device on which you want to add an interface to the list of potential UNIs.
  5. Click Manage Interface Roles.

    The Manage Interface Roles window appears, showing all interfaces assigned the UNI role.

  6. Select the interface you no longer want to have the UNI role. To unassign multiple interfaces, use the multiple selection feature.

    The UNI role is assigned to an interface by a notification from the managed device that is sent to the Connectivity Services Director application, even when you unassign the UNI role from the interface using the Prestage Devices workspace. For example, if you unassign the UNI role on an interface of a managed device, that interface is available for provisioning services on devices, when you attempt to create a service order. For the same interface, if you configure encapsulation on it directly from the device and navigate to the Prestaging workspace in Connectivity Services Director after a few minutes, the interface status indicates that UNI role is configured on it. This behavior occurs because the UNI role is assigned to the interface by a device notification.

  7. Click OK to submit the selection. You are returned to the Devices Chart page.