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Provisioning Dynamic Attributes to Specify the Device XPath

You have the flexibility to create and provision a dynamic attribute. You can mark an attribute of a service template as dynamic, and you can obtain the values for these dynamic attributes from a specific device. To create a dynamic attribute, you must first mark an attribute of a service template as dynamic and then specify the device XPath for the dynamic attribute.

To mark an attribute as dynamic in the service template that you are creating or modifying, set the Data Type as Enumeration. If a service template attribute is dynamic while you create a service order, all possible values from the device configuration are listed in the Flexible Service Attributes link.

If you set the Data Type as Enumeration, you need to specify a default value. This default value is listed if the device configuration contain no values.

To specify the device XPath for dynamic attributes:

  1. From the Network Activate task pane, select Service Design > Manage Service Templates > Create Dynamic Attributes.

    The Create Dynamic Attributes window appears.

    The Configuration Pages pane lists all the service templates.


    The service template in the Configuration Pages pane appears dimmed if a service template is attached to a service and you cannot set the dynamic attributes.

  2. Select a service template.

    The right pane lists all the attributes of the selected service template. If you mouse over an attribute, the XPath of the attribute is displayed.

  3. Select the Dynamic check box to enable the XPath field.

    You can enable the Dynamic check box only for the attribute with Data Type as Enumeration.

  4. Specify the device XPath in the XPath field.

    The device XPath must start with /device.

    From the specified device XPath, all the values from the device configuration are obtained.

  5. Click Ok.