Viewing Topology Map Device Details in a Pop-Up Dialog Box
In the Topology View of Build mode, the upper portion of the page shows the topology map, which is the main display area. In this area, you can double-click the zones that are displayed to expand and display the devices contained in that zone. The pop-up menu is accessed by double-clicking the group in the center pane that shows the topology map. Mouse over a device on the map to display a pop-up menu for that device.
In a geographically diverse network with several groups or zones, after you expand and view a particular group, you can also view the salient configuration details of devices contained in that group. Both the devices that are managed by Connectivity Services Director and the devices that are not managed by Connectivity Services Director, but have been only acquired as part of the CSD-Topology topology acquisition, are displayed in the expanded groups on the topology map. You can view important, high-level device details such as the Junos OS release that is running on a particular device for determining any Junos OS image upgrade as necessary and the device status. If you identify the status of the device to be down, you can then view the device configuration settings and take any corrective action.
Right-clicking the map area displays a pop-up menu for more functions. You can move the map by holding down and dragging the left mouse button. You can zoom in and out by using the mouse scroll wheel. Double-click an element icon to collapse the devices or network elements and view the entire site or zone as an icon.
Devices that are discovered as part of the topology acquisition by the CSD-Topology and are not managed devices in the Connectivity Services Director database are displayed in gray. Devices that are discovered by the CSD-Topology using BGP and MPLS and are managed devices in the Connectivity Services Director database are displayed in blue.
Mouse over a node icon or set of nodes and double-click to display a menu. When you mouse over a device or a node, the name of the device is displayed on a pop-up menu. The following fields are displayed in the pop-up dialog box when you mouse over the device or node:
Host Name—Hostname of the selected device or node
IP Address—IP address of the selected device or node
Device Status—Status of the selected device or node, such as Up or Down
View Details—Detailed information about the selected device or node. Click the link in View Details to open a pop-up dialog box that displays these details.
When you select a particular device by expanding a group or zone and clicking the device, the device icon is highlighted and displayed.
To view device details in a pop-up dialog box: