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Deleting Devices

You can delete devices that are no longer used from Connectivity Services Director. Deleting a device removes all device configuration and device inventory information from the Junos Space database. Before you delete devices, make sure you check the services associated with selected devices. Once a device is deleted from the database, all the profiles associations, device configurations, and inventory information of the deleted device are also deleted. However, the system maintains the audit logs and monitoring data for the device even after the device is deleted.

Use the Delete Devices page to delete devices from Connectivity Services Director. While in Build mode, click Delete Devices from the Tasks > Device Management menu. The Delete Devices page appears.

The Delete Devices page displays the devices contextually depending on your selection in the View pane. For example, if you select a particular switch family in Device View and click Delete Devices, only switches that belong to that switch family are displayed.

To delete devices, complete the following tasks:

  1. Select the check box adjacent to the devices that you want to delete.
  2. Click Done.

    Connectivity Services Director prompts you to confirm the deletion.


    If there are services associated with any of the selected device, the Device Service Association grid displays the device name and the corresponding service count. The service count is the number of services associated with the devices and is listed for each device. Click the service count to view details of associated services such as name, service type and customer. Click Close to return to the Delete Selected Devices window.

  3. Click Ok to confirm the deletion or Cancel to go back and make changes to the selection.