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Log in to Apstra GUI

Access the Apstra GUI to design, build, deploy, operate and validate your network.

  1. From the latest web browser version of Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox, enter the URL https://<apstra_server_ip> where <apstra_server_ip> is the IP address of the Apstra server (or a DNS name that resolves to the IP address of the Apstra server).
  2. If a security warning appears, click Advanced and Proceed to the site. The warning occurs because the SSL certificate that was generated during installation is self-signed, and you didn't replace it with a signed one when you installed the software. We recommend, for security reasons, that you replace the SSL certificate. (See the Juniper Apstra Installation and Upgrade Guide for details.)
  3. From the login page, enter username admin and the secure password that you set when you configured the Apstra server. (Entering the password incorrectly too many times locks you out for a few minutes depending on how password requirements have been configured. You can update password complexity requirements. )

    The main screen appears.

Next Steps: See the Get Started section of this guide for the general workflow for building your network, with links to more information.