Resource Pools (API)
This reference demonstrates the resource group API usage with parity to the UI. For full API documentation, view the REST Platform API reference under the Apstra GUI.
To list resource group slots in a blueprint, perform an authenticated HTTP GET to https://aos-server/api/blueprints/<blueprint_id>/resource_groups
Both ASN pools and IP pools must be assigned in order for a blueprint to complete the build phase.
API - ASN Pools
- Create ASN Pool
- List ASN Pools
- Delete ASN Pool
- Assign ASN to Blueprint
- Unassign ASN from Blueprint
- List ASN assigned to Blueprint
Create ASN Pool
An example payload for creating an ASN Pool:
If an ID is not specified, one will be created and returned in the HTTP response.
{ "id": "RFC6996-Private", "display_name": "RFC6996-Private", "tags": [ "default" ], "ranges": [ { "last": 65534, "first": 64512 } ] }
To create an ASN pool perform an HTTP POST to https://aos-server/api/resources/asn-pools with a JSON payload.
curl '' -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6 ImFkbWluIiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTIwMTgzWiIsIn Nlc3Npb24iOiJjOTliOGVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYjA0ZDYifQ.FnJMR3 crPoD0-lQRXnpPOJ8TCsRG9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' - --data-binary '{"display_name" :"Example","ranges":[{"first":100,"last":200}],"tags":[]}' --compressed --insecure
List ASN Pools
curl '' -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiY3JlY XRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTIwMTgzWiIsInNlc3Npb24iOiJjOTliO GVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYjA0ZDYifQ.FnJMR3crPoD0-lQRXnpPOJ8TCsR G9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' --compressed --insecure
{ "items": [ { "created_at": "2017-05-30T12:56:07.293082Z", "display_name": "Private ASN", "id": "c23ea447-8f37-419a-9b1c-c48cc55d5b9c", "last_modified_at": "2017-05-30T12:56:07.293082Z", "ranges": [ { "first": 65412, "last": 65534, "status": "pool_element_in_use" } ], "status": "in_use", "tags": [] } ] }
Delete ASN Pool
To delete an ASN Pool perform an HTTP DELETE to https://aos-server/resources/asn-pools/{pool_id}
A successful DELETE returns HTTP 200 OK.
curl '' -X DELETE -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2Vybm FtZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTIwMTgzW iIsInNlc3Npb24iOiJjOTliOGVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYjA0ZDYifQ.FnJ MR3crPoD0-lQRXnpPOJ8TCsRG9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' --compressed --insecure
Assign ASN to Blueprint
To assign an IP pool to the blueprint perform an HTTP PUT to https://aos-server/blueprints/<blueprint_id>/resource_groups/ip/<pool_name>
For instance, to post a resource pool to spine_loopback_ips, first obtain the ID of the resource pool, and append it to a list for slot assignation. When updating the IP Pool resource group, specify all pools in the payload at the same time. We cannot add single pools, so PUT them all at once.
{"pool_ids": ["pool_id1", "pool_id2", "pool_id3"] }
curl '' -X PUT -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2Vyb mFtZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTI wMTgzWiIsInNlc3Npb24iOiJjOTliOGVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYj A0ZDYifQ.FnJMR3crPoD0-lQRXnpPOJ8TCsRG9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' --data-binary '{"pool_ids":["c23ea447-8f37-419a-9b1c-c48cc55d5b9c"]}' --compressed --insecure
A successful ASSIGNMENT returns HTTP 200 OK.
Unassign ASN from Blueprint
When removing IP pools from a blueprint, PUT an empty pool_id list to the
blueprint with the payload []
PUT to the HTTP endpoint https://aos-server/api/blueprints/<blueprint_id> /resource_groups/asn/<pool_name>
With the payload:
{ "pool_ids": [] }
curl '' -X PUT -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFt ZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTIwMTgzWi IsInNlc3Npb24iOiJjOTliOGVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYjA0ZDYifQ.FnJ MR3crPoD0-lQRXnpPOJ8TCsRG9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' --data-binary '{"pool_ids":[]}' --compressed --insecure
If the request is successful there will be no response.
List ASN assigned to Blueprint
Available ASN Pool resource groups for assignment can be shown with an HTTP GET to https://aos-server/api/blueprints/<blueprint_id>/resource_groups
curl '' -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTIwMTgz WiIsInNlc3Npb24iOiJjOTliOGVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYjA0ZD YifQ.FnJMR3crPoD0-lQRXnpPOJ8TCsRG9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' --compressed --insecure | python -m json.tool
{ "items": [ { "name": "leaf_asns", "pool_ids": [ "c23ea447-8f37-419a-9b1c-c48cc55d5b9c" ], "type": "asn" }, { "name": "spine_asns", "pool_ids": [ "c23ea447-8f37-419a-9b1c-c48cc55d5b9c" ], "type": "asn" }, { "name": "leaf_loopback_ips", "pool_ids": [ "56e8e0dc-babd-4652-92a5-fc37294a7b26" ], "type": "ip" }, { "name": "mlag_domain_svi_subnets", "pool_ids": [ "ed7d8830-c703-4ac0-8252-77e0f272a677" ], "type": "ip" }, { "name": "spine_leaf_link_ips", "pool_ids": [ "ed7d8830-c703-4ac0-8252-77e0f272a677" ], "type": "ip" }, { "name": "spine_loopback_ips", "pool_ids": [ "56e8e0dc-babd-4652-92a5-fc37294a7b26" ], "type": "ip" } ] }
API - IP Pools
- Create IP Pool
- List IP Pools
- Delete IP pool
- Assign IP to Blueprint
- Remove IP from Blueprint
- List IPs Assigned to Blueprint
Create IP Pool
JSON Payload for creating an IP Pool:
{ "id": "example_ip_pool", "display_name": "example_ip_pool", "tags": ["default"], "subnets": [ {"network": ""} ] }
The subnets section requires a list of dictionaries with keyword network and value matching a CIDR mask. The subnets cannot overlap with each other in the same pool. That is to say, and cannot be configured in the same pool.
Tags are optional and are not currently used in Apstra. If ID is specified, it will be saved, otherwise an ID will be returned in the HTTP Response after creating the pool.
An HTTP POST to https://aos-server/api/resources/ip-pools with JSON payload will reply with the ID of the new IP pool.
curl '' -X POST -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmF tZSI6ImFkbWluIiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTIwMTgzWi IsInNlc3Npb24iOiJjOTliOGVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYjA0ZDYifQ.Fn JMR3crPoD0-lQRXnpPOJ8TCsRG9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' --data-binary '{"display_name": "example_ip_pool","subnets":[{"network":""},{"network": ""}],"tags":[]}' --compressed --insecure
{"id": "d0312b4a-017e-4478-8b8d-df0417ce8d3b"}
List IP Pools
Perform an HTTP GET to https://aos-server/api/resources/ip-pools -
jp@ApstraVM ~ $ curl '' -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImFkbW luIiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTIwMTgzWiIsInNlc3Npb24 iOiJjOTliOGVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYjA0ZDYifQ.FnJMR3crPoD0-lQRXnpP OJ8TCsRG9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' --compressed --insecure | python -m json.tool
{ "items": [ { "created_at": "2017-05-31T03:48:38.562331Z", "display_name": "example_ip_pool", "id": "d5046aa6-eab2-4990-9816-0a519ce1a8db", "last_modified_at": "2017-05-31T03:48:38.562331Z", "status": "not_in_use", "subnets": [ { "network": "", "status": "pool_element_available" }, { "network": "", "status": "pool_element_available" } ], "tags": [] }, { "created_at": "2017-05-30T12:56:50.576598Z", "display_name": "L3-CLOS", "id": "ed7d8830-c703-4ac0-8252-77e0f272a677", "last_modified_at": "2017-05-30T12:56:50.576598Z", "status": "in_use", "subnets": [ { "network": "", "status": "pool_element_in_use" } ], "tags": [] }, { "created_at": "2017-05-30T12:56:24.222906Z", "display_name": "Loopbacks", "id": "56e8e0dc-babd-4652-92a5-fc37294a7b26", "last_modified_at": "2017-05-30T12:56:24.222906Z", "status": "in_use", "subnets": [ { "network": "", "status": "pool_element_in_use" } ], "tags": [] }, { "created_at": "2017-05-31T03:49:15.485164Z", "display_name": "example_ip_pool", "id": "d0312b4a-017e-4478-8b8d-df0417ce8d3b", "last_modified_at": "2017-05-31T03:49:15.485164Z", "status": "not_in_use", "subnets": [ { "network": "", "status": "pool_element_available" }, { "network": "", "status": "pool_element_available" } ], "tags": [] } ] }
Delete IP pool
To delete an IP Pool perform an HTTP DELETE to https://aos-server/resources/ip-pools/{pool_id}
A successful DELETE returns HTTP 200 OK and an empty JSON response
curl '' -X DELETE -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZS I6ImFkbWluIiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTIwMTgzWiIsInNl c3Npb24iOiJjOTliOGVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYjA0ZDYifQ.FnJMR3crPoD0 -lQRXnpPOJ8TCsRG9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' --compressed --insecure
Assign IP to Blueprint
To assign an IP pool to the blueprint perform an HTTP PUT to https://aos-server/blueprints/ <blueprint_id>/resource_groups/ip/<group_name>
For instance, to associate a resource pool spine_loopback_ips with a blueprint first obtain the ID of the resource pool, and append it to a list for slot assignation. When updating the IP Pool resource group, specify all pools in the payload at the same time. We cannot add single pools, so PUT them all at once. Instruct Apstra to associate IP pool with ID ‘ed7d8830-c703-4ac0-8252-77e0f272a677’to the blueprint. You may have to GET existing pool IDs prior to adding a new one to avoid deleting existing pools.
{"pool_ids": ["pool_id1", "pool_id2", "pool_id3"] }
curl '' -X PUT -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImF kbWluIiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTIwMTgzWiIsInNlc3Npb2 4iOiJjOTliOGVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYjA0ZDYifQ.FnJMR3crPoD0-lQRXnp POJ8TCsRG9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' --data-binary '{"pool_ids":["ed7d8830-c703-4ac0-825 2-77e0f272a677"]}' --compressed --insecure
A successful ASSIGNMENT returns an HTTP 200 OK.
Remove IP from Blueprint
To remove IP pools from the blueprint PUT an empty pool_id
to the blueprint with the payload []
PUT to the HTTP endpoint https://aos-server/api/blueprints/<blueprint_id>/ resource_groups/ip/<allocation_group_name>
With the payload:
{ "pool_ids": [] }
CURL Example
curl '' -X PUT -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZ SI6ImFkbWluIiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTIwMTgzWiIsI nNlc3Npb24iOiJjOTliOGVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYjA0ZDYifQ.FnJMR3cr PoD0-lQRXnpPOJ8TCsRG9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' --data-binary '{"pool_ids":[]}' --compressed --insecure
A successful REMOVAL returns an empty response: {}
List IPs Assigned to Blueprint
curl '' -H 'AuthToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NwMTctMDUtMzFUMDA6MjI6MDcuNTIwMTgzWiIsInNlc3 Npb24iOiJjOTliOGVlOS05Y2NjLTRjZTAtYTY5NS0wODI3N2ZkYjA0ZDYifQ.FnJMR3crPoD 0-lQRXnpPOJ8TCsRG9Wr-DaddnAIj6ko' --compressed --insecure | python -m json.tool
{ "items": [ { "name": "leaf_asns", "pool_ids": [ "c23ea447-8f37-419a-9b1c-c48cc55d5b9c" ], "type": "asn" }, { "name": "spine_asns", "pool_ids": [ "c23ea447-8f37-419a-9b1c-c48cc55d5b9c" ], "type": "asn" }, { "name": "leaf_loopback_ips", "pool_ids": [ "56e8e0dc-babd-4652-92a5-fc37294a7b26" ], "type": "ip" }, { "name": "mlag_domain_svi_subnets", "pool_ids": [ "ed7d8830-c703-4ac0-8252-77e0f272a677" ], "type": "ip" }, { "name": "spine_leaf_link_ips", "pool_ids": [ "ed7d8830-c703-4ac0-8252-77e0f272a677" ], "type": "ip" }, { "name": "spine_loopback_ips", "pool_ids": [ "56e8e0dc-babd-4652-92a5-fc37294a7b26" ], "type": "ip" } ] }