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Apstra Flow Collector



The Apstra Flow collector receives network flow records over UDP. Use this setting to specify the interface IP address that the collector will listen on.

  • Valid values: or any valid IP address to which the UDP socket can be bound.
  • Default IP address: (listens on all interfaces)


Use this setting to specify the UDP port on which the collector creates a socket to receive incoming packets. You can specify multiple ports, separated by a comma. For example: 2055,6343,4739.

Valid values: Any valid port number.

Common values include:

  • 2055: Netflow standard port
  • 4739: IPFIX standard port
  • 6343: sFlow standard port
  • 9995-9998: Commonly use port numbers


The size (in bytes) of the UDP receive buffer that the UDP server requests, is created by the operating system kernel when the socket is created. If this value exceeds the maximum allowed buffer size (net.core.rmem_max on Linux), the maximum allowed size is used.

  • Default: 33554432


  • Default: 16384 bytes



Set to true to enable decoding of IPFIX records.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default: true


Set to true to enable decoding of Netflow v1 records.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default: true


Set to true to enable decoding of Netflow v5 records.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default: true


Set to true to enable decoding of Netflow v6 records.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


Set to true to enable decoding of Netflow v7 records.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


Set to true to enable decoding of Netflow v9 records.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


Set to true to enable decoding of sFlow v5 records.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


Set to true to enable decoding of sFlow flow_sample and flow_sample_expanded records.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


When set to true, the packet data from an sFlow sampled_header record is stored in l2.section.sample as a hex-encoded string.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default: false


Set to true to enable decoding of sFlow counters_sample and counters_sample_expanded records.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


Corrupt packets can cause issues decoding records. To prevent this, you can use this setting to limit the number of records that will be decoded from a packet. When the network between the device and collector has an MTU larger than 1500, the default value might be exceeded by normal packets. The EF_PROCESSOR_DECODE_MAX_RECORDS_PER_PACKET setting allows you to increase the threshold, when necessary.

  • Default value: 64


Use this setting to specify the identifier values to be included in the final dataset.

Valid values:

  • none: All identifiers are removed from the final dataset.
  • default: Most identifiers are removed from the final dataset. Note that some identifiers required for common use-cases (such as raw protocol port values) are included in the final dataset.
  • all: All identifiers are included in the final dataset.
  • Default value: default


If you enable enrichment with autonomous system (AS) attributes, and if AS is already indicated directly in the flow record data, you can use the EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_ASN_PREF setting to specify which source is preferred. If the preferred source is not available for a given record, the decoder fall backs to the alternate option.

  • Valid values:
    • lookup: The AS is determined by lookup.
    • flow: The AS is indicated directly in the flow record data.
  • Default value: lookup


Some features require that related values from separate fields are stored as an array in a single field. A join of AS related fields is enabled when EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_JOIN_ASN is set to true.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


Some features require that related values from separate fields are stored as an array in a single field. A join of GeoIP related fields is enabled when EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_JOIN_GEOIP is set to true.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


Some features require that related values from separate fields are stored as an array in a single field. A join of network attribute related fields is enabled when EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_JOIN_NETATTR is set to true.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


Some features require that related values from separate fields are stored as an array in a single field. A join of IP subnetwork attribute related fields is enabled when EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_JOIN_SUBNETATTR is set to true.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


Some features require that related values from separate fields are stored as an array in a single field. A join of security attribute related fields is enabled when EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_JOIN_SEC is set to true.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


The collector infers the client/server relationship of two source/destination endpoints. The EF_PROCESSOR_EXPAND_CLISRV setting determines if inference is enabled or disabled.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


For flow records related to protocols that include "no layer-4 ports", the collector infers the client/server relationship of the two source/destination endpoints by using the order of the IP addresses. Use this EF_PROCESSOR_EXPAND_CLISRV_NO_L4_PORTS setting to enable or disable inference. The default setting is true.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: false


Use to specify the the number of IFA Hop record processors to start.

  • Default number: 4 * the number of license units

Sampling Rates

Devices can sample packets to reduce the overall volume of traffic metered for flow accounting, The various sampling rate configuration options are described as follows:


The Apstra Flow collector adjusts the calculation of bytes and packets based on the sampling rate used. Usually devices inform the collector of the sampling rate either within the flow record or as option data sent periodically by the device. Use the EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_SAMPLERATE_CACHE_SIZE setting to specify the size of the cache to be used to hold sample rate information learned from option data.

  • Default value: 32768


Sometimes a device might not transmit information about the sampling rate for which it is configured. Use the EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_SAMPLERATE_USERDEF_ENABLE setting to statically define the sampling rate in the file provided to the collector.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: false


If static sample rates are configured for devices in a file, the EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_SAMPLERATE_USERDEF_PATH setting specifies the path from where that file can be loaded.

For example:

The default path is: /etc/flowdata/settings/sample_rate.yml


In some use cases, you might want to use a user-defined sample rate rather than the rate provided by the device. Set the PROCESSOR_ENRICH_SAMPLERATE_USERDEF_OVERRIDE setting to true to check for a user-defined rate even if the device has already provided a rate.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: false

General Settings


Most flow exporters provide byte and packet quantities as delta values. Delta values refer to the byte and packet quantities since the last flow record was reported. However, some exporters, such as the Juniper MX-Series router sending IPFIX, provide these quantities only as total values. Total values refers to the quantity over the entire lifetime of the flow.

In cases where the exporter sends only totals, you might want to use these values to populate the flow.bytes and flow.packets. When EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_TOTALS_IF_NO_DELTAS is set to true, the total quantities are used.


Total quantities can be problematic for many datastores. A simple sum of total values across multiple records within a time window will not produce an accurate quantity, as is it does with delta values. As a result, long-lived flows can over-report bytes and packets values if total values are used.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


The Apstra Flow collector caches application attributes learned from option data. The collector allows you to define application attributes by any combination of IP/CIDR/IP range and port/port range.


  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default: false


If the vendor-defined AppID to application attribute mappings is enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_APP_ID_ENABLE is true) this setting specifies the path to the file.

The default path is: /etc/flowdata/app/appid.yml


Use this setting to specify the length of time the application attributes are cached after they are initially fetched.


Changes to the underlying files are not made (even after the files were re-loaded at the refresh interval) until the AppID has expired from the cache.

  • Default value: 7200


Various flow record sources send the mapping of application IDs to applications names as option data. In cases where no application identity technology is available, you can specify applications by IP address and port number.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: false


When user-defined IP/port to application mappings is enabled, the (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_APP_IPPORT_ENABLE is true) setting specifies the path to this file.

For example:

  • Default path: /etc/flowdata/app/ipport.yml


Use this setting to specify the length of time application attributes are cached after they are initially fetched.


Changes to the underlying files are not made, even after the files have been reloaded at the refresh interval, until the IP/Port has expired from the cache.

  • Default value: 7200


If user-defined application attributes are enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_APP_IPPORT_ENABLE is true) this setting specifies whether application names are checked for private IP addresses.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default: true


If user-defined application attributes are enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_APP_IPPORT_ENABLE is true) this setting specifies whether application names are checked for public IP addresses.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: false


Files defined for application attribute enrichment can be loaded automatically to refresh values without restarting the collector. Use this setting to specifies the refresh interval, in minutes, that the file will be reloaded.

  • Default value: 15 ( 0 value disables this setting)

IP Addresses

Name Resolution

You can configure the collector to resolve IP addresses to hostnames. The following settings allow this feature to be tuned to the needs of your environment.


Use this setting to enables DNS reverse lookups of IP addresses found in the received flow records.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: false


The collector uses the operating system's configured name resolution to resolve IP addresses to hostnames. This is the default behavior. Optionally, you can specify a nameserver to use instead.


If configured, this setting must contain a valid IP address.

  • Default: empty


If EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_DNS_NAMESERVER_IP contains a valid IP address, this setting contains the timeout period, in milliseconds, for queries to the name server.

  • Default: 3000


When DNS resolution is enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_DNS_ENABLE is true), this setting specifies whether private IP addresses will be resolved to hostnames.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


If DNS resolution is enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_DNS_ENABLE set to true), this setting specifies whether public IP addresses will be resolved to hostnames.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default: true


The EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_DNS_USERDEF_PATH setting specifies the path to the file containing user-defined hostname mappings. This feature is enabled only if a path is configured, otherwise it is disabled.

  • Default setting: ''
  • Recommended path: /etc/flowdata/hostname/user_defined.yml


Use this setting to automatically load refresh values without restarting the collector. The value you specify indicates the refresh interval time, in minutes, that the file will take to reload.

  • Default value: 15 ( if set to 0, refresh values are disabled)


For more control of when enrichment is applied, you can include or exclude IP addresses from hostname enrichment by AS or CIDR. Use this setting to specify the path to the inclu_excl.yml file. For more information about the include/exclude functionality, see Scoping Enrichment with Include/Exclude.

  • Default setting: ''
  • Recommended path: /etc/flowdata/hostname/incl_excl.yml


Use this setting to automatically refresh values without restarting the collector. The value you specify indicates the refresh interval, in minutes, that the file will take to reload.

  • Default value: 15 ( if set to 0, refresh values are disabled)



Use this setting (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_MAXMIND_ASN_ENABLE is true) to allow the collector to determine attributes associated with the ASs to which a public IP address belongs.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: false


Use this setting to specify the path to the Maxmind database. Enrichment with AS attributes is enabled using lookups in a Maxmind database when EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_MAXMIND_ASN_ENABLE is true.

  • Default path: /etc/flowdata/maxmind/GeoLite2-ASN.mmdb


Set EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_MAXMIND_GEOIP_ENABLE to true to allow the collector to determine GeoIP attributes associated with a public IP address.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: false


If enrichment with GeoIP attributes is enabled using lookups in a Maxmind database ((EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_MAXMIND_GEOIP_ENABLE is true), this specifies the path to the Maxmind database.

  • Default path: /etc/flowdata/maxmind/GeoLite2-City.mmdb


If enrichment with GeoIP attributes is enabled using lookups in a Maxmind database (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_MAXMIND_GEOIP_ENABLE is true), this setting specifies the GeoIP attributes from the Maxmind database to be included in the resulting record.

  • Valid values:
    • city, continent, continent_code, country, country_code, location, timezone
  • Default values: city,country,country_code,location,timezone


If enrichment with GeoIP attributes is enabled using lookups in a Maxmind database (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_MAXMIND_GEOIP_ENABLE is true), this setting to specifies the language to be used for any language-specific values.

  • Valid values
    • de: German
    • en: English
    • es: Spanish
    • fr: French
    • ja: Japanese
    • pt-BR: Brazilian Portuguese
    • ru: Russian
    • zh-CN: Simplified Chinese
  • Default value: en


For more control of when enrichment is applied, you can include or exclude IP addresses from GeoIP enrichment by ASs or CIDRs. The EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_MAXMIND_GEOIP_INCLEXCL_PATH setting specifies the path to the incl_excl.yml file.

  • Default setting: ''
  • Recommended path: /etc/flowdata/hostname/incl_excl.yml

For more details on the include/exclude functionality see Scoping Enrichment with Include/Exclude.


The file specified in EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_MAXMIND_GEOIP_INCLEXCL_PATH can be loaded automatically to refresh values without restarting the collector. Use this setting to specify the refresh interval, in minutes, the file will take to reload.

  • Default value: 15 (Note: when set to 0, the refresh interval is not used).


The file specified in EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_MAXMIND_GEOIP_INCLEXCL_PATH can be loaded automatically to refresh values without restarting the collector. Use this setting to specify the refresh interval, in minutes, the file will take to reload.

  • Default value: 15 (Note: when this value is set to 0, the refresh interval is not used).

User-Defined Metadata

User-defined metadata adds additional information to a record for a given IP address. It can also be used to override existing fields. You can specify metadata for CIDR blocks, IP ranges or individual IP addresses.


Use this setting to enable or disable user-defined metadata enrichment. The default is true.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


If the user-defined metadata enrichment is enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_METADATA_ENABLE is true), this setting specifies the path to the metadata file. If this value is undefined or empty, metadata enrichment is disabled.

For more information on user-defined metadata functionality, see: User-Defined Metadata Enrichment.

  • Default value: ''
  • Recommended path: /etc/flowdata/metadata/ipaddrs.yml


The file specified in EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_IPADDR_METADATA_USERDEF_PATH can be loaded automatically to refresh values without restarting the collector. This value specifies the refresh interval, in minutes, that the file will be reloaded. The value of 0 disables refreshing of the values.

  • Default value: 15

Network Interfaces

Option Records

The Apstra Flow collector will attempt to determine network interface attributes learned from Netflow v9 or IPFIX option records.


Setting this value to false will disable the enrichment of records with interface attributes learned from NetFlow or IPFIX options records.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


Flow records generally include the indexes of ingress and egress interfaces by which the network traffic traversed the exporting device. The collector will attempt to determine the names, and attributes of these interfaces, as learned by polling the exporting device using SNMP.


Use this setting to specify if SNMP polls are to be used to gather the network interface attributes.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: false


If SNMP polling of attributes is enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_NETIF_SNMP_ENABLE is true), this setting specifies the UDP port that is used for such polls.

  • Default UDP port: 161 (the default SNMP port number)


If SNMP polling of attributes is enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_NETIF_SNMP_ENABLE is true), this setting specifies the SNMP version that is used for such polls.


All network devices that are polled must support this version of SNMP.

Valid values:

  • 1: SNMPv1
  • 2: SNMPv2c
  • 3: SNMPv3


If SNMP polling of attributes is enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_NETIF_SNMP_ENABLE is true), this setting specifies the SNMP community strings that may be used for such polls. If a comma-separated list is specified, the collector will try each community in the order specified. Once a community returns a successful response, the collector remembers the community for future polls of the device.


All network devices polled must be configured to all visibility of collected attributes using this community. It may be necessary to specify a view associated with this community. See the documentation for your devices for help in determining the correct configuration steps.

  • Example: public,private,whatever
  • Default setting: public


Use this setting to specify the username used to authenticate the device using SNMPv3.

  • Default setting: ''


Use this setting to specify the authentication protocol used to authenticate the username with the device using SNMPv3.

Valid values:

  • noauth, md5, sha, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512
  • Default value: noauth


Use this setting to specify the authentication passphrase used to authenticate the username with the device using SNMPv3.

  • Default passphrase: ''


Use this setting to specify the privacy protocol used to encrypt SNMPv3 traffic between the SNMP input and the device.

Valid values:

  • nopriv, des, aes, aes192, aes256, aes192c, aes256c
  • Default value: nopriv


Use this setting to specify the privacy passphrase used to encrypt SNMPv3 traffic between the SNMP input and the device.

  • Default passphrase: ''


If SNMP polling of attributes is enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_NETIF_SNMP_ENABLE set true), this setting specifies the number of seconds to wait for the polled device to respond.

  • Default value: 2


If SNMP polling of attributes is enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_NETIF_SNMP_ENABLE is true), this setting specifies the number of retries to attempt after the initial poll has timed out or otherwise fails. The timeout period is doubled for each retry.

  • Default value: 1

User-Defined Metadata

User-defined metadata allows you to add additional information to a record for a given network interface or to override existing fields.


Use this setting to enable or disable user-defined metadata enrichment. The default value is true.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


If user-defined metadata enrichment is enabled (EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_NETIF_METADATA_ENABLE is true) this setting specifies the path to the metadata file. If this value is undefined or empty, metadata enrichment is disabled.

For more details on user-defined metadata, see User-Defined Metadata.

  • Default setting: ''
  • Recommended path: /etc/flowdata/metadata/netifs.yml


The file specified in EF_PROCESSOR_ENRICH_NETIF_METADATA_USERDEF_PATH can be loaded automatically to refresh values without restarting the collector. This value specifies the refresh interval, in minutes, that the file will be reloaded.

  • Default value: 15 (The value of 0 disables refreshing of the values).

Community/Conversation IDs


Use this setting to specify if flow records should be enriched with a Community ID value.


For more information about community IDs see the community-id-spec.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


This setting is a 16-bit value used as the seed for determining the Community ID of a flow record.

  • Default value: 0


Use this setting to enable or disable flow records enriched with a Conversation ID value. This value is similar to a community ID, however rather than being based on the SRC/DST relationship of two endpoints, this value is based on the client/server perspective. Although multiple unique sessions (such as a unique client-side port for each session) have their own Community ID, they share the same Conversation ID. This setting allows for greater flexibility when exploring a complex flow dataset.

  • Valid values: true, false
  • Default value: true


This setting is a 16-bit value used as the seed for determining the conversation ID of a flow record.

  • Default value: 0