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Update Virtual Network Resource Assignments

Assign Virtual Network Resources from Resource Pools

You can assign resources, release previously used resources and go to resource pool management from the virtual build panel. The resource assignment section has a convenient shortcut button, Manage resource pools, that takes you to resource pool management. From there, you can monitor resource usage and create additional resource pools, as needed.

A red status indicator in the build panel means that resources need to be assigned. Resources may include virtual network SVI subnets for routing zones, SVI subnets for MLAG domain, SVI subnet for virtual networks, VNI Virtual Network IDs, and VTEP IPs.
  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Virtual > Virtual Networks > Build. (The build panel is on the right side.)
  2. Red status indicators mean that resources need to be assigned. Click a red status indicator, then click the Update assignments button.
  3. Select a pool from which to pull the resources, then click the Save button. The required number of resources are automatically assigned to the resource group. When the red status indicator turns green, the resource assignment has been successfully staged.
When you're ready to activate your changes, go to the Uncommitted tab to review and commit (or discard) your changes.

Assign Specific Virtual Network Resource

When you're ready to activate your changes, go to the Uncommitted tab to review and commit (or discard) your changes.