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Configure Credentials for Apstra ZTP Server GUI

You'll need to create a user for accessing the Apstra ZTP server GUI. (Different credentials are used for the Apstra server GUI and the Apstra ZTP server GUI.) You 'll use these credentials to connect to Apstra's API.

  1. From the latest web browser version of Google Chrome or Mozilla FireFox, enter the URL https://<apstra_ztp_server_ip> where <apstra_ztp_server_ip> is the IP address of the Apstra ZTP server (or a DNS name that resolves to the IP address of the Apstra ZTP server).
  2. If a security warning appears, click Advanced and Proceed to the site. The warning occurs because the SSL certificate that was generated during installation is self-signed, and you didn't replace it with a signed one when you installed the software. We recommend, for security reasons, that you replace the SSL certificate.
  3. If this is the first time you're logging in, enter username admin and password admin (the default password). You must update the default Apstra ZTP GUI password. (The only user that's supported in the Apstra ZTP GUI is admin.) You can also change the password any time after this initial update.

    If this is not the first time you're logging in to the ZTP GUI, log in, then in the left navigation menu, click Settings, then click Change Password, as shown below.

  4. In the Change Password dialog that opens, change the password to one that meets complexity requirements, then click Change.

    You're automatically logged out.

Next Step: Configure Apstra server connection details.