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AP Health SLE

Use the AP Health SLE to assess your users' experience with AP availability.

AP Health is one of the wireless Service-Level Expectations (SLEs) that you can track on the Wireless SLEs dashboard.

AP Health SLE

To find the Wireless SLEs dashboard, select Monitor > Service Levels from the left menu, and then click the Wireless button.

What Does the AP Health SLE Measure?

Juniper Mist tracks the percentage of time the APs are operational without rebooting or losing connectivity to the cloud.


When AP Health is poor, Juniper Mist sorts the issues into classifiers. The classifiers appear on the right side of the SLE block. In this example, 66 percent of issues were attributed to Low Power, less than 1 percent to AP Disconnected, and 34 percent to Ethernet. (See the classifier descriptions below the example.)

AP Health SLE
  • Low Power—An AP received insufficient power from its Power over Ethernet (PoE) connection.

  • AP Disconnected—One of these conditions occurred:

    • Switch Down—Multiple APs that were connected to the same switch lost cloud connectivity.

    • Site Down—All the APs on the site were unreachable.

    • AP Unreachable—An AP lost cloud connectivity.

    • AP Reboot—An AP rebooted.

  • Ethernet—One of these conditions occurred:

    • Speed Mismatch—Juniper Mist detected a speed or duplex mismatch between an upstream device and an AP.

    • Ethernet Errors—Juniper Mist detected cyclic redundancy check (CRC) errors on the Ethernet interface of the AP.

  • Network—AP health is degraded by network-related issues due to round-trip time, packet loss, and Mist Edge tunnel unreachability.

    • Latency

    • Jitter

    • Tunnel Down