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Facebook App Creation

SUMMARY Use this information if you've enabled a guest portal and want to set up a Facebook app for user authentication.

If you want to allow users to log in to the wireless network by using their Facebook login credentials, you must first create a Facebook App Integration.

The results of this procedure will enable you to complete the procedure to enable the Facebook social login option on the Authorization tab.

To create a Facebook app, follow the Facebook Login Use Case instructions, which are outlined below:

  1. Navigate to the Apps Dashboard, then select Create App.
  2. Select the Authenticate and request data from users with Facebook Login use case.
  3. When asked if you are building a game, select no, then select Next.
  4. Next, navigate to Basic Settings. Copy and save the App ID and App Secret which you will need to enter in the Juniper Mist™ portal to enable Guest Portal Social Login.
  5. Enter the following app details:
  6. Customize your app. Set the OAuth settings including the Redirect URI, which ensures that the user will be sent to the location you specify here once they are authorized.
    • Redirect URI

  7. If applicable, add more use cases.