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Edit Logical Device

If a logical device is linked to an interface map, it can't be deleted.

  1. Either from the table view (Design > Logical Device) or the details view, click the Edit button for the logical device to edit.
    [image: logical-device-table-edit]
  2. Make your changes.
    • To change port group details, access the dialog by clicking its description.
    • To add or remove ports from a port group, drag from the bottom-right corner of the port group layout to resize it. If you added ports, enter port speed and role(s).
    • To remove a port group, click the delete button (upper-right).
    • To add a panel, click Add Panel and enter relevant port group details.
  3. Click Update (bottom-right) to update the logical device in the global catalog and return to the table view.
Editing a logical device in the global catalog doesn't affect rack types and templates that previously embedded that logical device. This prevents existing rack types and templates from unintentionally being changed. If your intent is for a rack type or template to use a modified logical device, you must update the rack type in the template.