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Delete Device

If you want to remove a device from Apstra management, see Remove (Decommission) Device from Managed Devices for the complete worklow. There are additional steps before deleting the device.

If the device to be deleted has not been acknowledged, you can delete the device as shown below.

  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Devices > Managed Devices and check the box(es) for the device(s) to delete.
  2. In the Device Actions panel (above the table) click the Delete system(s) button, then in the dialog that opens click Confirm to remove the device(s) from Apstra management and return to the table view. (If the device is not in STOCKED or DECOMM stage, you can't delete the device.) Device(s) are disconnected from the Apstra server and removed from the Apstra database.

    You can also delete a single device from the Device detail view by clicking on the management IP address in the table.