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Check ZTP Status of Devices and Services


To check the ZTP status of devices, from the left navigation menu of the Apstra GUI, navigate to Devices > ZTP Status > Devices.

Each device interacting with DHCP and ZTP is listed along with its system ID (serial number), if known, ZTP status (where it is in the onboarding process), the latest ZTP event, and when the device status was last updated.

To see the full DHCP and ZTP log file for a device, click the Show Log button (eye icon) in the Actions panel.

If you don't need to see the logs for a device anymore in the Apstra GUI, click the Delete button in the Actions panel. Log files for all processes are retained in the /containers_data/logs directory.


To check the ZTP status of services, from the left navigation menu of the Apstra GUI, navigate to Devices > ZTP Status > Services.

Each service name includes its Docker IP address, service status and when the service status was last updated.