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Create User Profile

Creating a user profile enables a user to access the Apstra platform via its GUI. (To enable a user to access the Apstra platform via SSH, create a local Linux system user.)
  1. From the left navigation menu, navigate to Platform > User Management > Users and click Create User.
  2. Enter a username, then enter a password that meets password complexity requirements. (You can change requirements from Platform > Security > Password Complexity Parameters.)
  3. Re-enter the password.
  4. Select one or more roles, as required. If custom roles have been created, they appear as options along with predefined roles. (You can see permissions included for each of the roles at Platform > User Management > Roles.)
    For example, you can create a user with the predefined user role plus a custom role that lets the user see who has staged any blueprint changes and override those changes. Select the role user and a custom role with the additional permissions. (See Create User Role for Override Changes role example.)
  5. Click Create to create the user profile and return to the table view.