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Optimize Routing Zone Resource Usage (4.2.0)

In Apstra version 4.2.0 and later, resources used for routing zones are already optimized (enabled) by default. This means VRF configuration is rendered only on leafs where at least one server-endpoint is a member of a virtual network in that routing zone.

In Apstra versions earlier than 4.2.0, all routing zones required resources. When you upgrade an Apstra server from a pre-4.2.0 version to version 4.2.1 or later, optimization is disabled by default. Since enabling optimization is disruptive, you must manually enable it yourself in this case. (Remember, you can't upgrade to major releases, such as 4.2.0.)

  1. From the blueprint, navigate to Staged > Policies > Routing Zone Policy and click Modify Settings.
  2. In the Modify footprint optimization for routing zones dialog, select Disable or Enable, as appropriate, then click Save Changes.
    • Disabled - Resources are required for all routing zones (active and inactive).

    • Enabled - Resources are required only on active routing zones (at least one server-endpoint is a member of a virtual network in that routing zone).