TACACS+ Provider
Terminal Access Controller Access-Control Systems (TACACS+)
Create TACACS+ Provider
Configure TACACS+ Provider
To authorize Apstra users via a TACACS+ provider, the TACACS+ server must be configured to properly return an aos-group attribute. This attribute must be mapped to a defined Apstra Role. The example configuration below is for the open-source tac_plus TACACS+ server.
user = jdoe { default service = permit name = "John Doe" member = admin login = des LQqpIWvpxDXDw } group = admin { service = exec { priv-lvl = 15 } cmd=show { permit .* } service = aos-exec { default attribute = permit priv-lvl = 15 aos-group = apstra-admins } }
The apstra-admins group must be mapped to a defined Apstra Role.
After configuring and activating a provider, you must map that provider to one or more user roles to give access permissions to users with those roles.