clear security application-firewall rule-set statistics logical-system
The primary, or root, administrator can issue the following statements:
clear security application-firewall rule-set statistics [logical-system logical-system-name | all | root-logical-system]
The user logical system administrator can issue the following statement:
clear security application-firewall rule-set statistics all
Clear all security application firewall rule set statistics.
User logical system administrators can clear statistics only for the logical systems they can access. For information about primary and user administrator roles in logical systems, see Understanding the Primary Logical Systems and the Primary Administrator Role.
Starting in Junos OS Release 18.2R1 application firewall (AppFW)
functionality is deprecated. As a part of this change, the [edit
security application-firewall]
hierarchy and all the configuration
options under this hierarchy are deprecated— rather than immediately
removed—to provide backward compatibility and a chance to bring
your configuration into compliance with the new configuration.
—Name of a specific logical system.
—(default) Clear all rule set statistics
for a specific logical system or all logical systems.
—Clear application firewall
rule set statistics on the root logical system (primary administrator
Required Privilege Level
Output Fields
This command produces no output.
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 11.4.