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show system visibility host

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show system visibility host


Displays details such as the host uptime, number of tasks, CPU statistics, list of disk partitions, disk usage, disk I/O statistics, list of network interfaces, and per port statistics for a Junos OS platform.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show system visibility host command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show system visibility host Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Field for Host Uptime


The time the host has been operational.

Fields for Host Tasks


The total number of tasks.


The total number of tasks running.


The total number of tasks in sleeping state.


The total number of tasks that are stopped.


The total number of zombie processes.

Fields for Host CPU Information

User Time

The amount of user time, in seconds.

System Time

The amount of system time, in seconds.

Idle Time

The amount of time spent in idle mode, in seconds.

Nice Time

The amount of spent nice time, in seconds.

I/O Wait Time

The amount of time spent waiting for input/output (I/O) operations, in seconds.

Interrupt Service Time

The amount of interrupt service time, in seconds.

Fields for Host Disk Partitions


The device path.

Mount Point

The mount point of the device path.

File System

The file system type.


Options available for the device path.

Fields for Host Disk Usage Information


The total amount of disk usage space, in mebibytes (MiB).


The amount of used disk usage space, in mebibytes (MiB).


The amount of free disk usage space, in mebibytes (MiB).

Percentage Used

The percentage of used disk space.

Fields for Host Disk I/O Information

Read Count

The number of times the disk has been read.

Write Count

The number of times a write operation has happened on the disk.

Read Bytes

The number of bytes used in read operations on the disk.

Write Bytes

The number of bytes used in write operations on the disk.

Read Time

The amount of time the disk has been read, in milliseconds.

Write Time

The amount of time write operations have been performed on the disk, in milliseconds.

Fields for List of Host Interfaces


The name of the interface.


The state of the Host Interface.


The MAC address of the interface.

Fields for List of Host Port Statistics


The name of the interface.

Bytes Sent

The number of bytes sent.

Bytes Received

The number of bytes received.

Packets Sent

The number of packets sent.

Packets Received

The number of packets received.

Errors In

The number of errors in.

Errors Out

The number of errors out.

Drops In

The number of drops in.

Drops Out

The number of drops out.

Sample Output

show system visibility host (NFX150)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system visibility host
Host Uptime
Uptime: 1 day 23:19:41.21000

Host Tasks
Total:    187
Running:  3
Sleeping: 179
Stopped:  0
Zombie:   5

Host CPU Information (Time in sec)
User Time:              79359
System Time:            0
Idle Time:              502215
I/O Wait Time:          103
Nice Time:              103724
Interrupt Service Time: 0

Host Disk Partitions
Device                                    Mount Point      File System  Options
----------------------------------------- ---------------- -----------  ----------------------------------
/dev/sda2                                 /                ext4         rw,relatime,i_version,data=ordered
/dev/sda1                                 /boot/efi        vfat         rw,noatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro
/dev/sda7                                 /config          ext4         rw,noatime,data=ordered
/dev/sda8                                 /var/log         ext4         rw,noatime,data=ordered
/dev/sda9                                 /mnt/.share      ext4         rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered
/dev/sda5                                 /junos           ext4         rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered
/dev/loop0                                /var/tmp         ext4         rw,relatime,data=ordered
/dev/loop1                                /mnt/.share/lshare/jnpr/jlog ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered
/dev/loop0                                /mnt/.share/lshare/jnpr/jtmp ext4 rw,relatime,data=ordered

Host Disk Usage Information
Total (MiB):     1469
Used  (MiB):     948
Free  (MiB):     429
Percentage Used: 64.5

Host Disk I/O Information
 Read Count: 187083
Write Count: 256206
 Read Bytes: 2290787328
Write Bytes: 3331667456
  Read Time: 33977
 Write Time: 258864

Host Interfaces
Interface          State     MAC
------------------ --------- -----------------
heth-0-1           active    00:00:5e:00:53:8e
heth-0-0           active    00:00:5e:00:53:8d
heth-0-3           active    00:00:5e:00:53:90
heth-0-2           active    00:00:5e:00:53:8f
heth-0-5           inactive  00:00:5e:00:53:92
heth-0-4           inactive  00:00:5e:00:53:91
ctrlbr0            active    00:00:5e:00:53:10
docker0            inactive  00:00:5e:00:53:8c
eth0br             active    00:00:5e:00:53:00
eth1br             inactive  00:00:5e:00:53:67
l3_h_ge_1_0_0      active    00:00:5e:00:53:6d
l3_h_ltectrl       active    00:00:5e:00:53:f1
l3_h_ltedata       active    00:00:5e:00:53:91
lo                 inactive  00:00:00:00:00:00
lte_crtl0          active    00:00:5e:00:53:91
lte_data0          active    00:00:5e:00:53:fc
ovs-sys-br         inactive  00:00:5e:00:53:4f
ovs-system         inactive  00:00:5e:00:53:1b
sit0               inactive  00:00:00:00
veth00             active    00:00:5e:00:53:79
veth01             active    00:00:5e:00:53:87
veth10             active    00:00:5e:00:53:40
veth11             active    00:00:5e:00:53:65
virbr0             active    00:00:5e:00:53:83
virbr1             active    00:00:5e:00:53:6f

Host Port Statistics
Interface Bytes Sent   Bytes Rcvd   Packets Sent Packets Rcvd Errors In Errors Out Drops In Drops Out
--------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------- ---------- -------- ---------
l3_h_ge_1_0_0 11025    648          74           8            0         0          0        0
veth10    0            11673        0            82           0         0          12       0
veth11    11673        0            82           0            0         0          0        0
ovs-system 0           0            0            0            0         0          0        0
ovs-sys-br 0           0            0            0            0         0          82       0
vnet0     31080352     10698402     153074       136451       0         0          0        0
vnet1     858553596    712231555    9325949      10546588     0         0          0        0
vnet2     735033102    50689829     4956943      180168       0         0          0        0
vnet3     4428680      602          85168        13           0         0          0        0
eth0      50689829     1077880063   180168       5551593      0         0          6146     0
eth1br    0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
lte_data0 0            1648         0            14           0         0          0        0
lo        96584        96584        1219         1219         0         0          0        0
lte_crtl0 749623       12570778     22710        22762        0         0          0        0
virbr0-nic 0           0            0            0            0         0          0        0
docker0   0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
veth01    4558         4743808      53           89402        0         0          0        0
veth00    4743808      4558         89402        53           0         0          8        0
dcapi-tap 0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
l3_h_ltedata 1648      648          14           8            0         0          0        0
sit0      0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
flowd_h_mgmt 391536979 448871585    5975703      5507199      0         0          0        0
virbr1    29553905     8096581      137792       128808       0         0          0        0
virbr0    46365        48232        467          540          0         0          0        0
l3_h_ltectrl 12570778  818395       22762        22718        0         0          0        0
jdm-hbme1 4474379      55866        85622        537          0         0          0        0
jdm-hbme2 813479       1526643      7992         15288        0         0          0        0
eth0br    0            595875398    0            4835907      0         0          222      0
ctrlbr0   408483097    256713674    3800585      4571275      0         0          0        0
heth-0-1  0            5368334      0            89330        0         0          0        0
heth-0-0  0            5366462      0            89349        0         0          0        0
heth-0-3  0            5367002      0            89358        0         0          0        0
heth-0-2  0            5365262      0            89329        0         0          0        0
heth-0-5  0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
heth-0-4  0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0

show system visibility host (NFX250 (NG))

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show system visibility host
Host Uptime
Uptime: 3 days 3:47:05.09000

Host Tasks
Total:    198
Running:  1
Sleeping: 194
Stopped:  0
Zombie:   3

Host CPU Information (Time in sec)
User Time:              574351
System Time:            0
Idle Time:              2692218
I/O Wait Time:          216
Nice Time:              4609
Interrupt Service Time: 0

Host Disk Partitions
Device                                    Mount Point      File System  Options
----------------------------------------- ---------------- -----------  ----------------------------------
/dev/sda2                                 /                ext4         rw,relatime,i_version,data=ordered
/dev/sda1                                 /boot/efi        vfat         rw,noatime,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,codepage=437,iocharset=iso8859-1,shortname=mixed,errors=remount-ro
/dev/sda7                                 /config          ext4         rw,noatime,data=ordered
/dev/sda8                                 /var/log         ext4         rw,noatime,data=ordered
/dev/sda9                                 /mnt/.share      ext4         rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered
/dev/sda5                                 /junos           ext4         rw,noatime,discard,data=ordered
/dev/loop0                                /var/tmp         ext4         rw,relatime,data=ordered

Host Disk Usage Information
Total (MiB):     1469
Used  (MiB):     906
Free  (MiB):     470
Percentage Used: 61.7

Host Disk I/O Information
 Read Count: 245805
Write Count: 333782
 Read Bytes: 2967304704
Write Bytes: 6147921408
  Read Time: 34906
 Write Time: 448918

Host Interfaces
Interface          State     MAC
------------------ --------- -----------------
hsxe0              active    30:7c:5e:4c:78:44
hsxe1              active    30:7c:5e:4c:78:45
ctrlbr0            active    02:00:00:00:00:10
docker0            inactive  02:42:f9:e7:08:5f
eth0br             active    4c:96:14:00:00:00
eth1br             inactive  66:7e:98:6c:9d:a7
l3_h_ge_1_0_0      active    ca:6b:5a:fe:39:2c
lo                 inactive  00:00:00:00:00:00
sit0               inactive  00:00:00:00
virbr0             active    30:7c:5e:4c:78:43
virbr1             active    be:51:f7:ac:03:1b

Host Port Statistics
Interface Bytes Sent   Bytes Rcvd   Packets Sent Packets Rcvd Errors In Errors Out Drops In Drops Out
--------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------- ---------- -------- ---------
l3_h_ge_1_0_0 0        648          0            8            0         0          0        0
ovs-sys-br 0           0            0            0            0         0          0        0
vnet0     2573491477   117345734    2448205      1790887      0         0          0        0
vnet1     670930985    585788796    7585078      8400542      0         0          0        0
vnet2     454043208    224389433    2873376      416585       0         0          0        0
vnet3     7129616      9814         137213       231          0         0          0        0
eth0      224389433    464747548    416585       2889060      0         0          9829     0
lo        61305        61305        920          920          0         0          0        0
virbr1    2475291351   90762062     1008399      1774468      0         0          0        0
irb       0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
hsxe1     0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
hsxe0     0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
docker0   0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
dcapi-tap 0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
sit0      0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
flowd_h_mgmt 387545386 426690199    5662328      5294853      0         0          0        0
virbr0-nic 0           0            0            0            0         0          0        0
virbr0    3021873      1067179      4573         6153         0         0          0        0
jdm-hbme1 1785562      33378        34145        404          0         0          0        0
jdm-hbme2 41904        72344        321          323          0         0          0        0
eth0br    0            401858893    0            2755416      0         0          226      0
ctrlbr0   243770080    159923150    2283092      2738720      0         0          0        0
eth1br    0            0            0            0            0         0          0        0
ovs-netdev 0           0            0            0            0         0          0        0

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 18.1R1.
