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Junos CLI Reference
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maximum-allowed-contentions {
    count integer;
    duration seconds;

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[edit forwarding-options access-security slaac-snooping interface  (interface-name | all)]


Configure the maximum number of Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) contentions for an interface. DAD is used by IPv6 clients to verify the uniqueness of addresses obtained through stateless address auto-configuration (SLAAC). DAD sends a Neighbor Solicitation message destined to the new address. If there is a reply, then the address is a duplicate; if the address is unique, it is assigned to the interface.

DAD contentions can be either Neighbor Solicitation or Neighbor Advertisement messages. If the maximum number of contentions is exceeded during the allowed time interval, the interface is considered invalid and the SLAAC snooping table is not updated with any bindings for that client.


The maximum allowed contentions configuration is not applicable on trusted ports. However, the CLI does not restrict the configuration of max-allowed-contentions on an interface that is configured with mark-interface trusted.


count integer

Configure the number of DAD contentions permitted on the interface.

duration seconds

Configure the length of the interval during which the maximum allowed contentions can not be exceeded.

Required Privilege Level

interface—To view this statement in the configuration.

interface-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 19.2R1.
