request system software recover-from-restore-point
request system software recover-from-restore-point
Use to command to rollback to a previously created restore-point.
Rolling back to a previously created restore-point might disrupt traffic, as both Director devices reboot from the restore-point partition.
Required Privilege Level
Sample Output
request system software recover-from-restore-point
root@qfabric> request system software recover-from-restore-point Start Restore Checking if the restore-point exists LogVol00 has the root filesystem Found Restore-Point: Fri Aug 15 07:42:39 UTC 2014 /dev/VolGroup00/LogVol03 Mounting restore-volume LogVol03 Checking the sanity of restore-point Checking if the restore DB is present Checking if the restore grub is present Checking the current state of the system Checking the state of cluster services Checking the inventory Checking if the peer is reachable Checking if peer is reachable via Compute Node Monitor Successfully communicated with peer over Intimating the peer to do stage INITIATE_PEER_INITIAL_STAGE of downgrade Preparing the system to downgrade Prepping all Junos devices Checking status at Peer Downgrade first stage at peer concluded successfully Initiating final stage of downgrade in peer Intimating the peer to do stage INITIATE_PEER_FINAL_STAGE of downgrade Modify loader to boot from restore-point Move mount points to new filesystem Force Reboot Rebooting....
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.1X53-D15.