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Hierarchy Level


Select a specific label-switched path (LSP), or select an LSP from a set of similarly named LSPs as the traffic destination for the configured community. Also can prevent the installation of any matching next hops.


except—Prevent the installation of any matching next hops.

fallback—Backup option

lsp lsp-name—Configure a specific LSP.

lsp-regex lsp-regular-expression—Configure a range of similarly named LSPs. You can use the following wildcard characters when configuring an LSP regular expression:

  • Asterisk (*)—Match any characters.

  • Period (.)—Match any single digit.

non-labelled-nexthop—Next-hop without tag

non-lsp-nexthop—Next-hop with non-lsp

overlay-vxlan-interfaces—Next-hop for VXLAN interfaces

static-lsp—Next-hop static LSP name

static-lsp-regex—Next-hop static LSP name regular expression

strict—Do not use any other available next hops

strict-named-lsp—Do not use any other non-lsp next hops

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.

overlay-vxlan-interfaces statement introduced in Junos OS Release 22.4R1.

overlay-vxlan-interfaces statement introduced in Junos OS Evolved Release 22.4R1.