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flood-reflector (Protocols IS-IS)

date_range 19-Nov-23


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flood-reflector {
        reflector {

Hierarchy Level

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[edit logical-systems logical-system-name protocols isis interface interface-name level level-number],
[edit logical-systems logical-system-name routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols isis interface interface-name level level-number],
[edit protocols isis interface interface-name level level-number],
[edit protocols isis level level-number],
[edit routing-instances routing-instance-name protocols isis interface interface-name level level-number]


IS-IS supports flood-reflector interfaces. Flood reflectors enable the creation of topologies where Level 1 areas provide transit forwarding for Level 2 destinations within a Level 2 topology. This is accomplished by creating Level 2 flood-reflection adjacencies within each Level 1 area.

The Level 2 flood reflection adjacencies are used to flood Level 2 link-state packet data units (PDUs), and are used in the Level 2 SPF computation. Therefore, the flood reflectors limit link-state PDU flooding over IS-IS interfaces. We designate the Flexible Tunnel Interfaces (FTI) as flood-reflector interfaces.



Configure interface as a flood-reflector client.


Configure interface as a flood reflector.


The flood-reflector cluster identifier that allows a flood reflector client to establish flood reflector adjacencies with multiple flood reflectors.

  • Range: 1 through 42,94,967,295

    • flood-reflector must be configured on the FTI interface only.

    • flood-reflector must be configured at IS-IS Level 2 only.

    • The option reflector cannot be configured together with the option client. This enforces that the same router cannot be both a flood reflector and a flood-reflector client for the same level.

    • At the [edit protocols isis level level number flood-reflector reflector] hierarchy level, the cluster-id must be configured.

    • At the [edit protocols isis level level number flood-reflector client] hierarchy level, the cluster-id must not be configured.

    • To configure the cluster-id option at the [edit protocols isis interface interface name level level number flood-reflector reflector] hierarchy level, the client must be configured at the [edit protocols isis level level number flood-reflector client] hierarchy level.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 20.4R1.
