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Hierarchy Level


Display the logical system control daemon information.


<filename>— Specify the filename, in which trace information should be written.

files—Specify the maximum number of trace files. Range being from 2 to 1000.

no-world-readable—Do not allow any user to read the log file.

size—Specify the maximum size of trace file. Range being from 10240 to 4294967295 bytes.

world-readable—Allow any user to read the log file.

all—Trace everything

debug—Trace debug-level lrmuxd activities.

general—Trace general events.

normal—Trace normal events.

parse—Trace configuration parsing.

policy—Trace policy parsing.

route—Trace routing information.

state—Trace state transitions.

task—Trace routing protocol task processing.

timer—Trace routing protocol timer processing.

The remaining statements are explained separately. See CLI Explorer.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.