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show security nat source port-block

date_range 17-Dec-24


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show security nat source port-block 
host-ip host ip address
xlated-ip xlated-ip-address
xlated-port xlated-port
root-logical-system | logical-system {lsys-name | all}


Display the port blocks allocated by the host.



Display the PBA port block table for the specified source pool.

host ip address

Display the PBA port block table based on the host IP address.

xlated ip address

Display the PBA port block table based on the translated IP address.


Display the PBA port block table based on the translated IP address and the translated port information.


Display the PBA port block table for the primary (root) logical system.

logical-system (lsys-name | all)

Display information about the specified logical system source NAT pools or all logical system source NAT pools.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

The following table lists all possible fields for the show security nat source port-block and show services nat source port-block commands. The fields that appear may vary depending on the platform and software release.

Table 1: show security nat source port-block Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Pool name

Name of pool.


Factor of port overloading for the source pool.

Port block size

Number of ports that a port block contains.

Max port blocks per host

Maximum number of blocks that one host can use for translation.

Port block active timeout

Longest duration that a block remains active for port allocation.

Used/total port blocks

Current number of used ports and the total number of ports in this source pool.

Host IP

Address of the host IP.

External IP

Address of an external IP.

Port_Block Range

Port range of one PBA port block entry from the lowest to the highest port number that can be allowed to allocate ports for this block.


Current number of used ports and total number of ports in this source pool.


PBA port block entry state for NAT port allocation, including Active, Inactive, Query, and the time left for a port block that is in the Active state or Query state.

  • Active—When an internal subscriber initiates a NAT request, a port block is allocated from the pool, and the status is set to Active. When there is a subsequent request from the same subscriber, a port is allocated from the existing Active block.

  • Inactive—When there is a request from an internal subscriber who has previously had a port allocated from this port block, but the time on the Active port block has expired or the ports are used up, the port block status changes from Active to Inactive.

  • InactiveB—When a chassis cluster is in active/passive mode, and a port block is created on the active node, the status for the synced port block on the backup node is InactiveB.

  • Query—When no ports are used in an Active port block, the status changes from Active to Query.

Last active block recycle timeout

Amount of time before the last active block is released when active-port-block-timeout is set to zero.

Sample Output (Junos OS)

show security nat source port-block (SRX Series Firewall)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show security nat source port-block
Pool name: pool1
Port-overloading-factor:     1     Port block size:   10
Max port blocks per host:    2     Port block active timeout:    0
Last active block recycle timeout:    0
Used/total port blocks: 1/6451
Host_IP                       External_IP                    Port_Block          Ports_Used/        Block_State/
                                                               Range             Ports_Total        Left_Time(s)                               24994-25003             6/10*1           Active/-

show services nat source port-block (MX-SPC3)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services nat source port-block
Port-overloading-factor:     1     Port block size:    2
Max port blocks per host:    1     Port block active timeout:    0
Used/total port blocks: 0/64

show services nat source port-block (MX240, MX480, and MX960)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show services nat source port-block
Interface: vms-3/0/0
Pool name: Pool2
Port-overloading-factor:     1    Port block size:    5
Max port blocks per host:    8    Port block active timeout:    0
Used/total port blocks: 2/8
Host_IP                       External_IP                    Port_Block          Ports_Used/        Block_State/
                                                             Range             Ports_Total        Left_Time(s)                                2005-2009              5/5*1          Inactive/-                                2020-2024              5/5*1            Active/- 

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D10. The Last active block recycle timeout output field added in Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D60.
