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Junos CLI Reference
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access-line (Access-Line Rate Adjustment)

date_range 19-Nov-23

Syntax for Releases Earlier than Junos OS Release 19.3R1

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access-line {
    adsl-overhead-bytes bytes;
    adsl-total-adjust percentage;
    adsl2-overhead-bytes bytes;
    adsl2-total-adjust percentage;
    adsl2-plus-overhead-bytes bytes;
    adsl2-plus-total-adjust percentage;
    gfast-bonded-overhead-adjust percentage
    gfast-bonded-overhead-bytes bytes
    gfast-bonded-total-adjust percentage
    gfast-overhead-adjust percentage
    gfast-overhead-bytes bytes
    gfast-total-adjust percentage
    other-overhead-adjust percentage;
    other-overhead-bytes bytes;
    other-total-adjust percentage;
    sdsl-bonded-overhead-bytes  bytes
    sdsl-bonded-overhead-adjust  percentage
    sdsl-bonded-total-adjust  percentage
    sdsl-overhead-adjust percentage;
    sdsl-overhead-bytes bytes;
    sdsl-total-adjust percentage;
    vdsl-overhead-adjust percentage;
    vdsl-overhead-bytes bytes;
    vdsl-total-adjust percentage;
    vdsl2-annex-q-bonded-overhead-adjust  percentage
    vdsl2-annex-q-bonded-overhead-bytes bytes
    vdsl2-annex-q-bonded-total-adjust  percentage
    vdsl2-annex-q-overhead-adjust  percentage
    vdsl2-annex-q-overhead-bytes  bytes
    vdsl2-annex-q-total-adjust  percentage
    vdsl2-bonded-overhead-adjust  percentage
    vdsl2-bonded-overhead-bytes  bytes
    vdsl2-bonded-total-adjust  percentage
    vdsl2-overhead-adjust percentage;
    vdsl2-overhead-bytes bytes;
    vdsl2-total-adjust percentage;

Syntax for Junos OS Release 19.3R1 and Higher Releases.

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access-line {
    attributes {
        preference (dsl | pon);
    dsl {
        adsl {
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        adsl2 {
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        adsl2-plus {
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        gfast {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        gfast-bonded {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        other {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        sdsl {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        sdsl-bonded {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        type tlv-value {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        vdsl {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        vdsl2 {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        vdsl2-annex-q {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        vdsl2-annex-q-bonded {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
    pon {
        gpon {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        other {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        twdm-pon {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        type tlv-value {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        wdm-pon {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        xg-pon1 {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;
        xgs-pon {
            overhead-adjust percent;
            overhead-bytes bytes;
            total-adjust percent;

Hierarchy Level

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[edit system]


Configure values to adjust data rates by a percentage of the actual data rate, or adjust encapsulation overhead by adding to or subtracting from the total cell or frame bytes a specified number of bytes. Depending on the value, it may be reported to AAA, CoS, or both.

The actual (unadjusted) downstream and upstream data rates, line type, and encapsulation mode are received from the access node by the ANCP agent in ANCP port messages, or by the PPPoE daemon from the PPPoE intermediate agent (PPPoE-IA) in PADI or PADR messages. The ANCP agent or PPPoE daemon subsequently adjusts rates and bytes based on the configuration.

Adjustments are applied to all subscribers using access lines of the specific subscriber access line type:

  • Adjusted and unadjusted downstream and upstream rates are always reported to AAA in response to an AAA request.

  • Adjusted and unadjusted downstream rates and overhead byte adjustments are reported to CoS, but only when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.

  • Overhead byte adjustments are not reported to AAA.

AAA reports the adjusted values to the RADIUS server in the Access-Request and Accounting-Request messages through Juniper Networks VSAs 26-141, Downstream-Calculated-Qos-Rate Rate, and 26-142, Upstream-Calculated-Qos-Rate.

The ANCP agent reports these values to the LAC in an L2TP network. The LAC passes the rates to the LNS in the following messages and AVPs:

  • AVP 24, Tx Connect Speed (ICCN message)

  • AVP 38, Rx Connect Speed (ICCN message)

  • AVP 97, Connect Speed Update (CSUN message)


Starting in Junos OS Release 19.3R1, the pre-existing adjustment options were renamed and placed in the new dsl stanza. The old DSL options are deprecated, but they redirect to the new location. The hierarchical-access-network-detection option is unchanged.

Best Practice:

We recommend that you update your scripts to use the dsl statement when you upgrade to Junos OS Release 19.3R1 or higher releases. The redirect function will be supported for only a limited time.


adsl-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream cell overhead for all subscribers on an ADSL access line to account for the traffic encapsulation overhead. The adjusted value is reported to CoS when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.


This option replaces the adsl-bytes statement at the [edit protocols ancp qos-adjust] hierarchy level.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

adsl-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor applied globally to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on an ADSL access line. The adjusted rate is reported only to AAA.


This option replaces the qos-adjust-adsl statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

adsl2-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream cell overhead for all subscribers on an ADSL2 access line to account for the traffic encapsulation overhead. The adjusted value is reported to CoS when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.


This option replaces the adsl2-bytes statement at the [edit protocols ancp qos-adjust] hierarchy level.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

adsl2-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor applied globally to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on an ADSL2 access line. The adjusted rate is reported only to AAA.


This option replaces the qos-adjust-adsl2 statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

adsl2-plus-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream cell overhead for all subscribers on an ADSL2+ access line to account for the traffic encapsulation overhead. The adjusted value is reported to CoS when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.


This option replaces the adsl2-plus-bytes statement at the [edit protocols ancp qos-adjust] hierarchy level.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

adsl2-plus-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor applied globally to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on an ADSL2+ access line. The adjusted rate is reported only to AAA.


This option replaces the qos-adjust-adsl2-plus statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

gfast-bonded-overhead-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor in percent that is applied to the downstream and upstream bonded data overhead rates for all subscribers on a high speed bonded DSL line connected to a PON tree infrastructure.

  • Range: 80 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

gfast-bonded-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream cell bonded overhead for all subscribers on a high speed bonded DSL line connected to a PON tree infrastructure. Specify bonded value in bytes.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

gfast-bonded-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor in percent that is globally applied to the downstream and upstream bonded data rates for all subscribers on a high speed bonded DSL line connected to a PON tree infrastructure.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

gfast-overhead-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor in percent that is applied to the downstream and upstream data overhead rates for all subscribers on a high speed DSL line connected to a PON tree infrastructure.

  • Range: 80 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

gfast-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream cell overhead for all subscribers on a high speed DSL line connected to a PON tree infrastructure.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

gfast-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor in percent that is globally applied to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on a high speed bonded DSL line connected to a PON tree infrastructure.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent


Enable parsing of ANCP subscriber access loop attributes (TLVs) for backhaul line identifiers, to recognize when the access node references a logical interface set rather than an individual subscriber. If the Access-Aggregation-Circuit-ID-ASCII attribute (TLV 0x03) string begins with a # sign, then the remainder of the string represents a logical intermediate node (DPU-C or PON tree) in the access network to which the subscriber is attached. The string is used as the name of a CoS Level 2 interface set that groups subscribers.


The Access-Loop-Remote-ID (TLV (0x02) is similarly parsed for the # character, but the resulting string is not used in the current release.

These TLVs can be parsed in ANCP messages or PPPoE IA tags in PADR messages.

  • Default: Disabled, in case some users include an initial # character for some other purpose.

other-overhead-adjust percentage

Adjust the actual downstream rate for an access line of DSL type OTHER by multiplying the rate by the specified percentage. The adjusted rate is reported to CoS when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.

The router reports some access technology types as DSL type OTHER. For example, when an OLT sends PON rates in DSL TLVs, the DSL type is set to OTHER.


This option replaces the other-overhead-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp qos-adjust] hierarchy level.

  • Range: 80 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

other-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream frame overhead for all subscribers on an access line of DSL type OTHER to account for the traffic encapsulation overhead. The adjusted value is reported to CoS when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.

The router reports some access technology types as DSL type OTHER. For example, when an OLT sends PON rates in DSL TLVs, the DSL type is set to OTHER.


This option replaces the other-bytes statement at the [edit protocols ancp qos-adjust] hierarchy level.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

other-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor applied globally to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on an access line of DSL type OTHER. The adjusted rate is reported only to AAA.

The router reports some access technology types as DSL type OTHER. For example, when an OLT sends PON rates in DSL TLVs, the DSL type is set to OTHER.


This option replaces the qos-adjust-other statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

sdsl-bonded-overhead-adjust percentage

Adjust the actual downstream rate for an SDSL bonded access line by multiplying the rate by the specified percentage.

  • Range: 80 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

sdsl-bonded-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream frame overhead for all subscribers on an SDSL bonded access line to account for the traffic encapsulation overhead.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

sdsl-bonded-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor applied globally to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on an SDSL bonded access line. This value is reported to AAA.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

sdsl-overhead-adjust percentage

Adjust the actual downstream rate for an SDSL access line by multiplying the rate by the specified percentage. The adjusted rate is reported to CoS when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.


This option replaces the sdsl-overhead-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp qos-adjust] hierarchy level.

  • Range: 80 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

sdsl-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream frame overhead for all subscribers on an SDSL access line to account for the traffic encapsulation overhead. The adjusted value is reported to CoS when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.


This option replaces the sdsl-bytes statement at the [edit protocols ancp qos-adjust] hierarchy level.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

sdsl-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor applied globally to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on an SDSL access line. The adjusted rate is reported only to AAA.


This option replaces the qos-adjust-sdsl statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

vdsl-overhead-adjust percentage

Adjust the actual downstream rate for a VDSL access line by multiplying the rate by the specified percentage. The adjusted rate is reported to CoS when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.


This option replaces the vdsl-overhead-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp qos-adjust] hierarchy level.

  • Range: 80 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

vdsl-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream frame overhead for all subscribers on a VDSL access line to account for the traffic encapsulation overhead. The adjusted value is reported to CoS when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.


This option replaces the vdsl-bytes statement at the [edit protocols ancp qos-adjust] hierarchy level.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

vdsl-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor applied globally to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on a VDSL access line. The adjusted rate is reported only to AAA.


This option replaces the qos-adjust-vdsl statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

vdsl2-annex-q-bonded-overhead-adjust percentage

Adjust the actual downstream rate for a VDSL2 annex q bonded access line by multiplying the rate by the specified percentage. The adjusted rate is reported to AAA.

  • Range: 80 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

vdsl2-annex-q-bonded-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream frame overhead for all subscribers on a VDSL2 annex q bonded access line to account for the traffic encapsulation overhead.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

vdsl2-annex-q-bonded-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor applied globally to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on a VDSL2 annex q bonded access line. The adjusted rate is reported to AAA.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

vdsl2-annex-q-overhead-adjust percentage

Adjust the actual downstream rate for a VDSL2 annex q access line by multiplying the rate by the specified percentage. The adjusted rate is reported to AAA.

  • Range: 80 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

vdsl2-annex-q-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream frame overhead for all subscribers on a VDSL2 annex q access line to account for the traffic encapsulation overhead.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

vdsl2-annex-q-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor applied globally to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on a VDSL2 annex q access line. The adjusted rate is reported to AAA.

vdsl2-bonded-overhead-adjust percentage

Adjust the actual downstream rate for a VDSL2 bonded access line by multiplying the rate by the specified percentage. The adjusted rate is reported to AAA.

  • Range: 80 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent


Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream frame overhead for all subscribers on a VDSL2 bonded access line to account for the traffic encapsulation overhead.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

vdsl2-bonded-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor applied globally to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on a VDSL2 bonded access line. The adjusted rate is reported to AAA.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

vdsl2-overhead-adjust percentage

Adjust the actual downstream rate for a VDSL2 access line by multiplying the rate by the specified percentage. The adjusted rate is reported to CoS when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.


This option replaces the vdsl2-overhead-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp qos-adjust] hierarchy level.

  • Range: 80 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

vdsl2-overhead-bytes bytes

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream frame overhead for all subscribers on a VDSL2 access line to account for the traffic encapsulation overhead. The adjusted value is reported to CoS when you include the qos-adjust statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.

Number of bytes added to or subtracted from the actual downstream frame overhead.


This option replaces the vdsl2-bytes statement at the [edit protocols ancp qos-adjust] hierarchy level.

  • Range: -100 through 100 bytes

  • Default: 0 bytes

vdsl2-total-adjust percentage

Adjustment factor applied globally to the downstream and upstream data rates for all subscribers on a VDSL2 access line. The adjusted rate is reported only to AAA.


This option replaces the qos-adjust-vdsl2 statement at the [edit protocols ancp] hierarchy level.

  • Range: 0 through 100 percent

  • Default: 100 percent

The remaining statements are explained separately. Search for a statement in CLI Explorer or click a linked statement in the Syntax section for details.

Required Privilege Level

routing—To view this statement in the configuration.

routing-control—To add this statement to the configuration.

Release Information

Statement introduced in Junos OS Release 17.4R1.

The following options added in Junos OS 18.2R1:



















hierarchical-access-network-detection option added in Junos OS 18.4R1.

attributes, dsl, and pon statements added in Junos OS Release 19.3R1.
