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show route vpn-localization

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show route vpn-localization
<brief | detail | terse>
<family (inet| inet6)>
<vpn-name vpn-name>


Display the localization information of all the VRFs in the system.



Display the localization information of all the VRFs in the system.

brief | detail | terse

(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

family (inet | inet6)

(Optional) Display the localized information of all the VRFs in the system for inet or inet6 family.

vpn-name vpn-name

(Optional) Display the localized information of the specific VPN.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show route vpn-localization command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show route vpn-localization Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Routing table

Name of the routing table

none detail


Index of the routing table.

none detail

Address Family

Address family of the routing table (inet/inet6).

none detail

Localization status

Localization status of the routing table and can be one of the following:

  • Complete - The routing table successfully installed on all the local FPCs.

  • Pending - The localization change on this routing table is yet to be processed in the pending state. The routing table might not be present on all the local FPCs or can be present on the non-local FPCs.

  • Replaying - The routing table is being installed on the local FPCs. A localization change involving the addition of new local FPCs requires the system to replay the routing table for newly added FPCs.

none detail

Local FPC’s

List of FPCs on which the routing table should be installed, as per the configuration.


Local FPC (configured)

List of FPCs on which the routing table should be installed, as per the configuration.


Local FPC (Current state)

List of FPCs on which the routing table is currently installed.


Table Name

Name of the routing table.



The localization status of VRF. If VRF is localized, then the status is Yes; otherwise, it is No.


Table Index

Index of the routing table.


Local FPC’s Configured

List of FPCs, in hexadecimal, on which the routing table should be installed as per the configuration.


Local FPC’s Actual

List of FPCs, in hexadecimal, on which the routing table is currently installed.



Localization status of the routing table and can be one of the following:

  • Complete - The routing table successfully installed on the local FPCs.

  • Pending - The localization change on this routing table is yet to be processed in the pending state. The routing table might not be present on all the local FPCs or can be present on the non-local FPCs.

  • Replaying - The routing table is being installed on the local FPCs. A localization change involving addition of new local FPCs requires the system to replay the routing table for the newly added FPCs.


Sample Output

show route vpn-localization

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route vpn-localization

Routing table: CE-1.inet, Localized
  Index: 7, Address Family: inet, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 13 18

Routing table: CE-1.inet6, Localized
  Index: 7, Address Family: inet6, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 13 18

Routing table: CE-10.inet, Localized
  Index: 8, Address Family: inet, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 13

Routing table: CE-10.inet6, Localized
  Index: 8, Address Family: inet6, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 13

Routing table: CE-2.inet, Localized
  Index: 9, Address Family: inet, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 10 13

Routing table: CE-2.inet6, Localized
  Index: 9, Address Family: inet6, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 10 13

Routing table: CE-3.inet, Localized
  Index: 10, Address Family: inet, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 9 13

Routing table: CE-3.inet6, Localized
  Index: 10, Address Family: inet6, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 9 13

Routing table: CE-4.inet, Localized
  Index: 11, Address Family: inet, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 3 4 5 13

Routing table: CE-4.inet6, Localized
  Index: 11, Address Family: inet6, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 3 4 5 13

Routing table: CE-5.inet, Localized
  Index: 12, Address Family: inet, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 13

Routing table: CE-5.inet6, Localized
  Index: 12, Address Family: inet6, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 13

Routing table: CE-6.inet, Localized
  Index: 13, Address Family: inet, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 13 18

Routing table: CE-6.inet6, Localized
  Index: 13, Address Family: inet6, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 13 18

Routing table: CE-7.inet, Localized
  Index: 14, Address Family: inet, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 10 13

Routing table: CE-7.inet6, Localized
  Index: 14, Address Family: inet6, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 10 13

Routing table: CE-8.inet, Localized
  Index: 15, Address Family: inet, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 9 13

Routing table: CE-8.inet6, Localized
  Index: 15, Address Family: inet6, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 4 5 9 13

Routing table: CE-9.inet, Localized
  Index: 16, Address Family: inet, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 3 4 5 13

Routing table: CE-9.inet6, Localized
  Index: 16, Address Family: inet6, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 3 4 5 13

show route vpn-localization vpn-name vpn-name family inet

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route vpn-localization vpn-name vpn-m200 family inet

Routing table: vpn-m200.inet, Localized
  Index: 7, Address Family: inet, Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC's: 0 1

show route vpn-localization vpn-name vpn-name family inet detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route vpn-localization vpn-name vpn-m200 family inet detail

Routing table: vpn-m200.inet, Non-localized
  Index: 7, Address Family: inet
  Localization status: Complete
  Local FPC (configured):
    List: All
  Local FPC (Current state):
    List: All

show route vpn-localization terse

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show route vpn-localization terse

Table              Local'd  Table   Local FPC's
Name                         Index    Configured         Actual         State
vpn-m200.inet         Yes     7     0000000000000003 0000000000000003 Complete
vpn-m200.inet6        Yes     7     0000000000000003 0000000000000003 Complete
vpn-m300.inet         Yes     8     0000000000000005 0000000000000005 Complete
vpn-m300.inet6        Yes     8     0000000000000005 0000000000000005 Complete
vpn-m500.inet         Yes     9     0000000000000021 0000000000000021 Complete
vpn-m500.inet6        Yes     9     0000000000000021 0000000000000021 Complete

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.2.
