clear services advanced-anti-malware statistics
clear services advanced-anti-malware statistics
Sets the following advanced anti-malware statistics to 0. See show services advanced-anti-malware statistics for information on these statistics.
Use this command when you change the Juniper Advanced Threat Prevention Cloud profile or policy settings and want to reset the statistics in order to view the effects of the changes.
Number of session checked
Number of session ignored
Number of session permitted
Number of session blocked
Number of log notification
Number of file sent success
Number of file sent failure
Number of file sent ignore
Number of http session actives
Number of https session actives
Number of http session processed
Number of https session processed
Required Privilege Level
Output Fields
This command produces no output.
Sample Output
clear services advanced-anti-malware statistics
user@host> clear services advanced-anti-malware statistics
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D33.