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show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group

date_range 04-Feb-25


content_copy zoom_out_map
show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group services-redundancy-group-id | monitor-object object-name


Display the service redundancy group information in a Multinode High Availability setup.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group

Field Name

Field Description

SRG failure event codes

SRG failure event codes are:

  • BF— BFD monitoring

  • IP— IP monitoring

  • IF— Interface Monitoring

  • CP— Control Plane monitoring

Services Redundancy Group

  • Deployment Type—Multinode High Availability deployment type - Routing, switching, hybrid, or cloud

  • Status—Indicates the current SRG state of the node in the high availability setup. Possible statuses include:

    • Active: The current SRG is actively processing traffic and managing the system.
    • Backup: The current SRG is in standby mode, ready to take over if the peer node fails.
    • Hold: The current SRG is ready to participate in the Multinode High Availability setup.
    • Ineligible: The current SRG is not ready to take over the role after a failover.
  • Activeness Priority—Priority value determines whether a node can act as the active node in a Multinode High Availability setup. The node with the higher activeness priority become active for the service redundancy group.

  • Process Packet In Backup State—Yes or No. Yes indicates IPsec packets will be processed by the backup node. This option is not applicable for non-IPsec traffic.

  • Control Plane State—Displays the Control plane cold sync readiness after taking over the backup role. Means the control plane finished syncing all the control plane data from the new active node.

    The options are:

    • READY—Active mode

    • READY/NOT READY—Backup node based on the actual state

    • N/A—in other states

  • System Integrity Check—Displays if the hold timer is running and system integrity check is under progress. Applicable only in BACKUP and INELLIGIBLE state.

  • Failure Events—Displays local service redundancy group related attribute failure events.

  • Monitoring Object Failures: —Displays failed monitor-object information.
  • Peer Information—Displays peer node information.

    • Peer Id— Peer node identification number.

    • Status—Displays status of the peer node. The options are Active/Backup/Ineligible/Unknown.

    • Health Status—Displays health status of the peer node as advertised last

      • HEALTHY—Peer node SRG state is healthy

      • UNHEALTHY—Peer node SRG state is unhealthy

      • UNKNOWN—Peer link is down

      • SRG NOT CONFIGURED—SRG not configured at peer node.

    • Failover Readiness—Displays Failover readiness of the peer node and applicable only in Active state.

      The options are:

      • READY—Peer’s healthy, control and data plane cold sync is complete and hence peer is ready for a failover. A manual failover can be done

      • NOT READY—Peer is either unhealthy, or data/control plane cold sync is pending

      • UNKNOWN—Peer’s failover readiness is awaited or if peer link is down

      • N/A—In all states other than Active.

    • Signal Route Info

      • Active Signal Route—Active signal route required for activeness enforcement
      • Backup Signal Route—Backup signal route required for activeness enforcement
      • Routing Instance—Routing instance of routes
      • Status—Status of the routes - INSTALLED or NOT INSTALLED
    • Split-brain Prevention Probe Info
      • DST-IP—IP addresses of the upstream routers as the destination IP address for the activeness determination probe.
      • SRC-IP—floating IP address as source IP address for activeness determination probe.
      • Routing Instance—Routing instance of routes
      • Type - Type of probing. Available options are BFD-based probing or ICMP-based probing.

        For BFD-based probing:

        • Interval: Configured intervals for probes.
        • Multiplier: Multipliers for probes.
      • Status—Status of the probes - RUNNING or NOT RUNNUNG
    • BFD Monitoring
      • Status—State of the BFD session: Up, Down, Init or failing
      • SRC-IP—Source IP address for outgoing BFD packets
      • DST-IP—Destination IP address for outgoing BFD packets
      • Routing Instance—Routing instance of routes on which BFD monitoring is configured.
      • Type—Session type (single hop or multihop)

      • IFL Name—

        Interface on which the BFD session is active
      • Status—Status of the probes - RUNNING or NOT RUNNUNG
    • Object Monitoring
      • Object Name—Name of the object-monitor.
      • Object Status—Status of the object-monitor. Indicates if the object-monitoring is running or not (Up or Down).
      • Object Monitored Entries: Monitoring options created under object-monitor entity. Available options are IP monitoring, BFD monitoring, or interface monitoring.
      • Object Failures: Failed monitoring entity (IP monitoring, BFD monitoring, or interface monitoring)
      • Object Threshold: Threshold value set for object-monitor.
      • Object Current Weight: Weight of object-monitor at present.

Sample Output

show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group

For SRG0:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group 0
Services Redundancy Group: 0
        Current State: ONLINE
        Peer Information:
          Peer Id: 2

For SRG1:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group 1  
SRG failure event codes:
    BF  BFD monitoring
    IP  IP monitoring
    IF  Interface monitoring
    CP  Control Plane monitoring

Services Redundancy Group: 1
        Deployment Type: ROUTING
        Status: ACTIVE
        Activeness Priority: 200
        Preemption: ENABLED
        Process Packet In Backup State: NO
        Control Plane State: READY
        System Integrity Check: N/A
        Failure Events: NONE
        Peer Information:
          Peer Id: 2
          Status : BACKUP
          Health Status: HEALTHY
          Failover Readiness: READY

        Signal Route Info:
          Active Signal Route:
          Routing Instance: default
          Status: INSTALLED

          Backup Signal Route:
          Routing Instance: default
          Status: NOT INSTALLED

        Split-brain Prevention Probe Info:
          Routing Instance: default
          Status: NOT RUNNING
          Result: N/A           Reason: N/A

        BFD Monitoring:
          Status: UP

          SRC-IP:     DST-IP:
          Routing Instance: default
          Type: SINGLE-HOP
              IFL Name: ge-0/0/4.0
          State: UP

show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group (Junos OS Release 23.4R1)

For SRG0:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group 0
SRG failure event codes:
    BF  BFD monitoring
    IP  IP monitoring
IF  Interface monitoring
PM  Path Monitoring 

Services Redundancy Group: 0
        Current State: ISOLATED [ Node Failure ]
        Failure Events: [ PM ] 
        Monitoring Object Failures: [ upstream ] 
        Peer Information:
          Peer Id: 2
        Shut-on-failures interfaces:

For SRG1:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group 1  
SRG failure event codes:
    BF  BFD monitoring
    IP  IP monitoring
    IF  Interface monitoring
    CP  Control Plane monitoring

Services Redundancy Group: 1
        Deployment Type: ROUTING
        Status: BACKUP
        Activeness Priority: 1
        Preemption: ENABLED
        Process Packet In Backup State: NO
        Control Plane State: READY
        System Integrity Check: COMPLETE
        Failure Events: NONE
        Peer Information:
          Peer Id: 2
          Status : N/A
          Health Status: SRG NOT CONFIGURED
          Failover Readiness: N/A

        Signal Route Info:
          Active Signal Route:
          Routing Instance: default         
          Status: NOT INSTALLED

          Backup Signal Route:
          Routing Instance: default         
          Status: INSTALLED   

        Split-brain Prevention Probe Info:
          Routing Instance: default
          Type: ICMP Probe
          Status: NOT RUNNING
          Result: N/A           Reason: N/A           

        SRG Path Monitor Info:
          SRG Monitor Status: UP
          SRG Monitor Threshold: 300
          SRG Monitor Weight: 0
          SRG Monitor Failed Objects: NONE

          Object Name: m1
          Object Status: UP
          Object Monitored Entries: [ BFD ]
          Object Failures: NONE
          Object Threshold: 10
          Object Current Weight: 0

          Object Name: lan              
          Object Status: UP
          Object Monitored Entries: [ IP IF ]
          Object Failures: NONE
          Object Threshold: 300
          Object Current Weight: 0

        SRGID    IP Prefix                                   Routing Table
        2        NULL                                        NULL


show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group group-id monitor-object (Junos OS Release 23.4R1)

For SRG1:

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis high-availability services-redundancy-group 1 monitor-object m1  

       Object Name: m1
          Object Status: UP
          Object Monitored Entries: [ BFD ]
          Object Failures: NONE
          Object Threshold: 10
          Object Current Weight: 0

          BFD Monitoring:
              Threshold: 10
              Current Weight: 0
              Status:  UP
              State               Weight    Object
              INSTALLED           10           

              SRC-IP:      DST-IP:  
              Routing Instance: default
              Type: MULTI-HOP
              IFL Name: N/A
              State: INSTALLED

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 20.4R1.
