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show snmp health-monitor

date_range 19-Nov-23


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show snmp health-monitor
<alarms <detail>> | <logs>


Display information about Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) health monitor alarms and logs.



Display information about all health monitor alarms and logs.

alarms <detail>

(Optional) Display detailed information about health monitor alarms.


(Optional) Display information about health monitor logs.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 describes the output fields for the show snmp health-monitor command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show snmp health-monitor Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Level of Output

Alarm Index

Alarm identifier.

All levels

Variable description

Description of the health monitor object instance being monitored.

All levels

Variable name

Name of the health monitor object instance being monitored.

All levels


Current value of the monitored variable in the most recent sample interval.

All levels


State of the alarm or event entry:

  • Alarms:

    • active—Entry is fully configured and activated.

    • falling threshold crossed—Value of the variable has crossed the lower threshold limit.

    • rising threshold crossed—Value of the variable has crossed the upper threshold limit.

    • under creation—Entry is being configured and is not yet activated.

    • startup—Alarm is waiting for the first sample of the monitored variable.

    • object not available—Monitored variable of that type is not available to the health monitor agent.

    • instance not available—Monitored variable's instance is not available to the health monitor agent.

    • object type invalid—Monitored variable is not a numeric value.

    • object processing errored—An error occurred when the monitored variable was processed.

    • unknown—State is not one of the above.

All levels

Variable OID

Object ID to which the variable name is resolved. The format is x.x.x.x.


Sample type

Method of sampling the monitored variable and calculating the value to compare against the upper and lower thresholds. It can have the value of absolute value or delta value.


Startup alarm

Alarm that might be sent when this entry is first activated, depending on the following criteria:

  • Alarm is sent when one of the following situations exists:

    • Value of the alarm is above or equal to the rising threshold and the startup type is either rising alarm or rising or falling alarm.

    • Value of the alarm is below or equal to the falling threshold and the startup type is either falling alarm or rising or falling alarm.

  • Alarm is not sent when one of the following situations exists:

    • Value of the alarm is above or equal to the rising threshold and the startup type is falling alarm.

    • Value of the alarm is below or equal to the falling threshold and the startup type is rising alarm.

    • Value of the alarm is between the thresholds.



Name of the entry configured by the user. If the entry was created through the CLI, the owner has monitor prepended to it.



Mechanism by which the entry was configured (Health Monitor).


Sample interval

Time period between samples (in seconds).


Rising threshold

Upper limit threshold value as a percentage of the maximum possible value.


Falling threshold

Lower limit threshold value as a percentage of the maximum possible value.


Rising event index

Event triggered when the rising threshold is crossed.


Falling event index

Event triggered when the falling threshold is crossed.


Sample Output

show snmp health-monitor

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show snmp health-monitor   

Index  Variable description                           Value State

 32768 Health Monitor: root file system utilization
       jnxHrStoragePercentUsed.1                         58 active

 32769 Health Monitor: /config file system utilization
       jnxHrStoragePercentUsed.2                          0 active

 32770 Health Monitor: RE 0 CPU utilization
       jnxOperatingCPU.                            0 active

 32773 Health Monitor: RE 0 Memory utilization
       jnxOperatingBuffer.                        35 active

 32775 Health Monitor: jkernel daemon CPU utilization
       Init daemon                                        0 active
       Chassis daemon                                    50 active
       Firewall daemon                                    0 active
       Interface daemon                                   5 active
       SNMP daemon                                       11 active
       MIB2 daemon                                       42 active
       Sonet APS daemon                                   0 active
       VRRP daemon                                        0 active
       Alarm daemon                                       3 active
       PFE daemon                                         0 active
       CRAFT daemon                                       0 active
       Traffic sampling control daemon                    0 active
       Ilmi daemon                                        0 active
       Remote operations daemon                           0 active
       CoS daemon                                         0 active
       Pic Services Logging daemon                        0 active
       Internal Routing Service Daemon                    3 active
       Network Access Service daemon                      0 active
       Forwarding UDP daemon                              0 active
       Routing socket proxy daemon                        0 active
       Disk Monitoring daemon                             1 active
       Inet daemon                                        0 active
       Syslog daemon                                      0 active
       Adaptive Services PIC daemon                       0 active
       ECC parity errors logging Daemon                   0 active
       Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol daemon                  0 active
       PPPoE daemon                                       3 active
       Redundancy device daemon                           0 active
       PPP daemon                                         0 active
       Dynamic Flow Capture Daemon                        0 active

 32776 Health Monitor: jroute daemon CPU utilization
       Routing protocol daemon                            1 active
       Management daemon                                  0 active
       Management daemon                                  0 active
       Command line interface                             4 active
       Periodic Packet Management daemon                  0 active
       Link Management daemon                             0 active
       Pragmatic General Multicast daemon                 0 active
       Bidirectional Forwarding Detection daemon          0 active
       SRC daemon                                         0 active
       audit daemon                                       0 active
       Event daemon                                       0 active

 32777 Health Monitor: jcrypto daemon CPU utilization
       IPSec Key Management daemon                        0 active

 32779 Health Monitor: jkernel daemon Memory utilization
       Init daemon                                    47384 active
       Chassis daemon                                 20204 active
       Firewall daemon                                 1956 active
       Interface daemon                                3340 active
       SNMP daemon                                     4540 active
       MIB2 daemon                                     3880 active
       Sonet APS daemon                                2632 active
       VRRP daemon                                     2672 active
       Alarm daemon                                    1856 active
       PFE daemon                                      2600 active
       CRAFT daemon                                    2000 active
       Traffic sampling control daemon                 3164 active
       Ilmi daemon                                     2132 active
       Remote operations daemon                        2964 active
       CoS daemon                                      3044 active
       Pic Services Logging daemon                     1944 active
       Internal Routing Service Daemon                 1392 active
       Network Access Service daemon                   1992 active
       Forwarding UDP daemon                           1876 active
       Routing socket proxy daemon                     1296 active
       Disk Monitoring daemon                          1180 active
       Inet daemon                                     1296 active
       Syslog daemon                                   1180 active
       Adaptive Services PIC daemon                    3220 active
       ECC parity errors logging Daemon                1100 active
       Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol daemon               3372 active
       PPPoE daemon                                    1424 active
       Redundancy device daemon                        1820 active
       PPP daemon                                      2060 active
       Dynamic Flow Capture Daemon                    10740 active
 32780 Health Monitor: jroute daemon Memory utilization
       Routing protocol daemon                         8104 active
       Management daemon                              13360 active
       Management daemon                              19252 active
       Command line interface                          9912 active
       Periodic Packet Management daemon               1484 active
       Link Management daemon                          2016 active
       Pragmatic General Multicast daemon              1968 active
       Bidirectional Forwarding Detection daemon       1956 active
       SRC daemon                                      1772 active
       audit daemon                                    1772 active
       Event daemon                                    1808 active

 32781 Health Monitor: jcrypto daemon Memory utilization
       IPSec Key Management daemon                     5600 active 

show snmp health-monitor alarms detail

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show snmp health-monitor alarms detail  

Alarm Index 32768:
  Variable name                        jnxHrStoragePercentUsed.1
  Variable OID               
  Sample type                          absolute value
  Startup alarm                        rising alarm
  Owner                                Health Monitor: root file system
  Creator                              Health Monitor
  State                                active    
  Sample interval                  300 seconds
  Rising threshold                  80
  Falling threshold                 70
  Rising event index             32768
  Falling event index            32768
    Instance Value: 58
    Instance State: active

Alarm Index 32769:
  Variable name                        jnxHrStoragePercentUsed.2
  Variable OID               
  Sample type                          absolute value
  Startup alarm                        rising alarm
  Owner                                Health Monitor: /config file system
  Creator                              Health Monitor
  State                                active    
  Sample interval                  300 seconds
  Rising threshold                  80
  Falling threshold                 70
  Rising event index             32768
  Falling event index            32768
    Instance Value: 0
    Instance State: active

Alarm Index 32770:
  Variable name                        jnxOperatingCPU.
  Variable OID               
  Sample type                          absolute value
  Startup alarm                        rising alarm
  Owner                                Health Monitor: RE 0 CPU utilization      
  Creator                              Health Monitor
  State                                active    
  Sample interval                  300 seconds
  Rising threshold                  80
  Falling threshold                 70
  Rising event index             32768
  Falling event index            32768
    Instance Value: 0
    Instance State: active

Alarm Index 32773:
  Variable name                        jnxOperatingBuffer.
  Variable OID               
  Sample type                          absolute value
  Startup alarm                        rising alarm
  Owner                                Health Monitor: RE 0 Memory utilization   
  Creator                              Health Monitor
  State                                active    
  Sample interval                  300 seconds
  Rising threshold                  80
  Falling threshold                 70
  Rising event index             32768
  Falling event index            32768
    Instance Value: 35
    Instance State: active

Alarm Index 32775:
  Variable name                        sysApplElmtRunCPU.3
  Variable OID               
  Sample type                          delta value
  Startup alarm                        rising alarm
  Owner                                Health Monitor: jkernel daemon CPU
  Creator                              Health Monitor
  State                                active    
  Sample interval                  300 seconds
  Rising threshold               24000
  Falling threshold              21000
  Rising event index             32768
  Falling event index            32768
    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.1.1
    Instance Description: Init daemon
    Instance Value: 0
    Instance State: active

    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.2.2786
    Instance Description: Chassis daemon
    Instance Value: 50
    Instance State: active

    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.3.2938
    Instance Description: Firewall daemon
    Instance Value: 0
    Instance State: active

    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.4.2942
    Instance Description: Interface daemon
    Instance Value: 5
    Instance State: active

    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.7.7332
    Instance Description: SNMP daemon
    Instance Value: 11
    Instance State: active

    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.9.2914
    Instance Description: MIB2 daemon
    Instance Value: 42
    Instance State: active

    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.12.2916
    Instance Description: Sonet APS daemon
    Instance Value: 0
    Instance State: active
    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.13.2917
    Instance Description: VRRP daemon
    Instance Value: 0
    Instance State: active

    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.14.2787
    Instance Description: Alarm daemon
    Instance Value: 3
    Instance State: active

    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.15.2940
    Instance Description: PFE daemon
    Instance Value: 0
    Instance State: active

    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.16.2788
    Instance Description: CRAFT daemon
    Instance Value: 0
    Instance State: active

    Instance Name: sysApplElmtRunCPU.3.17.2918
    Instance Description: Traffic sampling control daemon
---(more 23%)---

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 8.0.
