request security pki generate-certificate-request (Security)
request security pki generate-certificate-request certificate-id certificate-id-name domain-name domain-name subject subject-distinguished-name <add-ca-constraint> <digest (sha1 | sha256)> <email email-address> <filename (path | terminal)> <ip-address ip-address>
Manually generate a local digital certificate request in the Public-Key Cryptography Standards #10 (PKCS-10) format.
certificate-id certificate-id-name | Name of the local digital certificate and the public/private key pair. |
domain-name domain-name | Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) provides the identity of the certificate owner for Internet Key Exchange (IKE) negotiations and provides an alternative to the subject name. |
subject subject-distinguished-name | Distinguished name format contains the following information:
digest | (Optional) Hash algorithm used to sign the certificate request.
Starting in Junos OS Release 18.1R3, the default encryption algorithm that is used for validating automatically and manually generated self-signed PKI certificates is Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA-256). Prior to Junos OS Release 18.1R3, SHA-1 is used as default encryption algorithm. |
email email-address | (Optional) E-mail address of the certificate holder. |
filename (path | terminal) | (Optional) Location where the local digital certificate request should be placed or the login terminal. |
ip-address ip-address | (Optional) IP address of the router. |
Required Privilege Level
Output Fields
When you enter this command, you are provided feedback on the status of your request.
Sample Output
request security pki generate-certificate-request
user@host> request security pki generate-certificate-request certificate-id local-entrust2 domain-name filename entrust-req2 subject Generated certificate request -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- MIIBoTCCAQoCAQAwGjEYMBYGA1UEAxMPdHAxLmp1bmlwZXIubmV0MIGfMA0GCSqG SIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCiUFklQws1Ud+AqN5DDxRs2kVyKEhh9qoVFnz+ Hz4c9vsy3B8ElwTJlkmIt2cB3yifB6zePd+6WYpf57Crwre7YqPkiXM31F6z3YjX H+1BPNbCxNWYvyrnSyVYDbFj8o0Xyqog8ACDfVL2JBWrPNBYy7imq/K9soDBbAs6 5hZqqwIDAQABoEcwRQYJKoZIhvcNAQkOMTgwNjAOBgNVHQ8BAf8EBAMCB4AwJAYD VR0RAQH/BBowGIIWdHAxLmVuZ2xhYi5qdW5pcGVyLm5ldDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQQF AAOBgQBc2rq1v5SOQXH7LCb/FdqAL8ZM6GoaN5d6cGwq4bB6a7UQFgtoH406gQ3G 3iH0Zfz4xMIBpJYuGd1dkqgvcDoH3AgTsLkfn7Wi3x5H2qeQVs9bvL4P5nvEZLND EIMUHwteolZCiZ70fO9Fer9cXWHSQs1UtXtgPqQJy2xIeImLgw== -----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST----- Fingerprint: 0d:90:b8:d2:56:74:fc:84:59:62:b9:78:71:9c:e4:9c:54:ba:16:97 (sha1) 1b:08:d4:f7:90:f1:c4:39:08:c9:de:76:00:86:62:b8 (md5)
Release Information
Command introduced in Junos OS Release
7.5. Support for digest
option added in Junos OS Release