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show passive-monitoring flow



(M40e, M160, and M320 Series routers and T Series routers only) Display passive flow statistics.


* | all | mo-fpc/pic/port

Display passive flow statistics for monitoring interfaces. Use a wildcard character, specify all interfaces, or provide a specific interface name.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 1 lists the output fields for the show passive-monitoring flow command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 1: show passive-monitoring flow Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description

Passive monitoring interface

Name of the passive monitoring interface.

Local interface index

Index counter of the local interface.

Interface state

State of the passive monitoring interface:

  • Monitoring—Specified interface is actively monitoring.

  • Disabled—Specified interface has been disabled from the CLI.

  • Not monitoring—The interface is operational, but not monitoring. This condition occurs when an interface first comes online, or when the interface is operational, but no logical unit has been configured under the physical interface.

  • Unknown—Unknown state.

  • Error—An error occurred during the process of determining the state of the interface.

Flow information

Flow packets

Number of packets received by an operational PIC.

Flow bytes

Number of bytes received by an operational PIC.

Flow packets 10-second rate

Number of packets per second handled by the PIC and displayed as a 10-second average.

Flow bytes 10-second rate

Number of bytes per second handled by the PIC and displayed as a 10-second average.

Active flows

Number of currently active flows tracked by the PIC.

Total flows

Total number of flows received by an operational PIC.

Flows exported

Total number of flows exported by an operational PIC.

Flows packets exported

Total number of cflowd packets exported by an operational PIC.

Flows inactive timed out

Total number of flows that are exported because of inactivity.

Flows active timed out

Total number of long-lived flows that are exported because of an active timeout.

Sample Output

show passive-monitoring flow all

Release Information

Command introduced before Junos OS Release 7.4.