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request chassis satellite file-copy



Copy a file between a satellite device and an aggregation device in a Junos Fusion.



Indicate that the file-copy from satellite-device has been initiated by a local user.


Indicate that the file-copy from satellite-device has been initiated by a remote user.


Specify the URL of the file that is copied.

If no device is specified as the source-URL, the file is copied from the aggregation device.

To specify a satellite device in the source-URL, enter sdslot-id-number at the beginning of the source-URL. For example, enter sd101:/var/tmp/filename.txt to specify that filename.txt in the /var/tmp directory on the satellite device using FPC slot ID number 101 is the source-URL.


Specify the destination URL where the file is copied into.

If no device is specified as the destination-URL, the file is copied into the aggregation device.

To specify a satellite device in the destination-URL, enter sdslot-id-number at the beginning of the destination-URL. For example, enter sd101:/var/tmp/ to specify the /var/tmp directory on the satellite device using FPC slot ID number 101 as the source-URL.

Required Privilege Level


Sample Output

request chassis satellite file-copy

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 14.2R3.