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show chassis hardware (View)

date_range 19-Nov-23


content_copy zoom_out_map
show chassis hardware 
<detail | extensive>
<node(node-id | all | local | primary)>       


Display chassis hardware information.

Starting in Junos OS Release 20.1R1, when vSRX Virtual Firewall 3.0 performs resource management, the vCPUs and RAM available to the instance are assigned based on what has been allocated prior to launching the instance. A maximum of 32 cores will be assigned to SRXPFE, for flow processing. Any allocation of cores in excess of 32 will automatically be assigned to the Routing Engine. For example, if 36 cores are allocated to the VM during the creation process, 32 cores are assigned for flow processing and 4 cores will be assigned to the RE. For memory allocations, up to 64G of vRAM would be used by the SRXPFE. Any allocated memory in excess of 64G would be assigned to system memory and would not be used for maintaining flow sessions information.

Table 1: Recommended vCPU and vRAM Combinations

vCPU Number

vRAM Size (G)









On a deployed vSRX Virtual Firewall, only memory scale up is supported. Scaling down memory on a deployed vSRX Virtual Firewall, is not supported. If you need to scale down memory, then a fresh install is required.


  • clei-models—(Optional) Display Common Language Equipment Identifier Code (CLEI) barcode and model number for orderable field-replaceable units (FRUs).

  • detail | extensive—(Optional) Display the specified level of output.

  • models—(Optional) Display model numbers and part numbers for orderable FRUs.

  • node—(Optional) For chassis cluster configurations, display chassis hardware information on a specific node (device) in the cluster.

    • node-id—Identification number of the node. It can be 0 or 1.

    • local—Display information about the local node.

    • primary—Display information about the primary node.

Required Privilege Level


Output Fields

Table 2 lists the output fields for the show chassis hardware command. Output fields are listed in the approximate order in which they appear.

Table 2: show chassis hardware Output Fields

Field Name

Field Description


Chassis component—Information about the backplane; power supplies; fan trays; Routing Engine; each Physical Interface Module (PIM)—reported as FPC and PIC—and each fan, blower, and impeller.


Revision level of the chassis component.

Part Number

Part number for the chassis component.

Serial Number

Serial number of the chassis component. The serial number of the backplane is also the serial number of the device chassis. Use this serial number when you need to contact Juniper Networks Customer Support about the device chassis.

Assb ID or Assembly ID

Identification number that describes the FRU hardware.

FRU model number

Model number of FRU hardware component.

CLEI code

Common Language Equipment Identifier code. This value is displayed only for hardware components that use ID EEPROM format v2. This value is not displayed for components that use ID EEPROM format v1.

EEPROM Version

ID EEPROM version used by hardware component: 0x01 (version 1) or 0x02 (version 2).


Brief description of the hardware item:

  • Type of power supply.

  • Switch Control Board (SCB)

    Starting with Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D15 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, the SRX5K-SCBE (SCB2) is introduced.

    • There are three SCB slots in SRX5800 devices. The third slot can be used for an SCB or an FPC. When an SRX5K-SCB was used , the third SCB slot was used as an FPC. SCB redundancy is provided in chassis cluster mode.

    • With an SCB2, a third SCB is supported. If a third SCB is plugged in, it provides intra-chassis fabric redundancy.

    • The Ethernet switch in the SCB2 provides the Ethernet connectivity among all the FPCs and the Routing Engine. The Routing Engine uses this connectivity to distribute forwarding and routing tables to the FPCs. The FPCs use this connectivity to send exception packets to the Routing Engine.

    • Fabric connects all FPCs in the data plane. The Fabric Manager executes on the Routing Engine and controls the fabric system in the chassis. Packet Forwarding Engines on the FPC and fabric planes on the SCB are connected through HSL2 channels.

    • SCB2 supports HSL2 with both 3.11 Gbps and 6.22 Gbps (SerDes) link speed and various HSL2 modes. When an FPC is brought online, the link speed and HSL2 mode are determined by the type of FPC.

    Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D10 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, the SRX5K-SCB3 (SCB3) with enhanced midplane is introduced.

    • All existing SCB software that is supported by SCB2 is supported on SCB3.

    • SRX5K-RE-1800X4 mixed Routing Engine use is not supported.

    • SCB3 works with the SRX5K-MPC (IOC2), SRX5K-MPC3-100G10G (IOC3), SRX5K-MPC3-40G10G (IOC3), and SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 (SPC2) with current midplanes and the new enhanced midplanes.

    • Mixed SCB use is not supported. If an SCB2 and an SCB3 are used, the system will only power on the primary Routing Engine's SCB and will power off the other SCBs. Only the SCB in slot 0 is powered on and a system log is generated.

    • SCB3 supports up to 400 Gbps per slot with old midplanes and up to 500 Gbps per slot with new midplanes.

    • SCB3 supports fabric intra-chassis redundancy.

    • SCB3 supports the same chassis cluster function as the SRX5K-SCB (SCB1) and the SRX5K-SCBE (SCB2), except for in-service software upgrade (ISSU) and in-service hardware upgrade (ISHU).

    • SCB3 has a second external Ethernet port.

    • Fabric bandwidth increasing mode is not supported.

    Starting in Junos OS 19.3R1, SRX5K-SCB4 is supported on SRX5600 and SRX5800 devices along with SRX5K-SPC3.


    • Interoperate with SRX5K-RE3-128G, SRX5K-RE-1800X4, IOC2, IOC3, IOC4, SPC2, and SPC3. SCB4 is compatible with all midplanes and interoperate with existing PEMs, fan trays, and front panel displays.

    • Does not interoperate with SCB, SCB2, and SCB3.

    • Supports 480-Gbps link speed per slot.

    • Supports 1-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces speed with SRX5K-RE-1800X4 and 1-Gigabit, 2.5-Gigabit, and 10-Gigabit Ethernet speeds with SRX5K-RE3-128G.

    • Support ISHU and ISSU in chassis cluster.

    • Supports fabric bandwidth mode and redundant fabric mode on SRX5600 and SRX5800 devices. The bandwidth mode is the new default mode which is necessary to configure redundant mode in setting up the chassis cluster successfully.

  • Type of Flexible PIC Concentrator (FPC), Physical Interface Card (PIC), Modular Interface Cards (MICs), and PIMs.

  • IOCs

    Starting with Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D10 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, the SRX5K-MPC3-100G10G (IOC3) and the SRX5K-MPC3-40G10G (IOC3) are introduced.

    • IOC3 has two types of IOC3 MPCs, which have different built-in MICs: the 24x10GE + 6x40GE MPC and the 2x100GE + 4x10GE MPC.

    • IOC3 supports SCB3 and SRX5000 line backplane and enhanced backplane.

    • IOC3 can only work with SRX5000 line SCB2 and SCB3. If an SRX5000 line SCB is detected, IOC3 is offline, an FPC misconfiguration alarm is raised, and a system log message is generated.

    • IOC3 interoperates with SCB2 and SCB3.

    • IOC3 interoperates with the SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320 (SPC2) and the SRX5K-MPC (IOC2).

    • The maximum power consumption for one IOC3 is 645W. An enhanced power module must be used.

    • The IOC3 does not support the following command to set a PIC to go offline or online:

      request chassis pic fpc-slot <fpc-slot> pic-slot <pic-slot> <offline | online> .

    • IOC3 supports 240 Gbps of throughput with the enhanced SRX5000 line backplane.

    • Chassis cluster functions the same as for the SRX5000 line IOC2.

    • IOC3 supports intra-chassis and inter-chassis fabric redundancy mode.

    • IOC3 supports ISSU and ISHU in chassis cluster mode.

    • IOC3 supports intra-FPC and and Inter-FPC Express Path (previously known as services offloading) with IPv4.

    • NAT of IPv4 and IPv6 in normal mode and IPv4 for Express Path mode.

    • All four PICs on the 24x10GE + 6x40GE cannot be powered on. A maximum of two PICs can be powered on at the same time.

      Use the set chassis fpc <slot> pic <pic> power off command to choose the PICs you want to power on.

      Fabric bandwidth increasing mode is not supported on IOC3.

    • SRX Clustering Module (SCM)

    • Fan tray

    Starting in Junos OS Release 19.3R1, the SRX5K-IOC4-10G and SRX5K-IOC4-MRAT line cards are supported along with SRX5K-SPC3 on the SRX5000 line devices.


    • Interoperates with SCB3, SCB4, SRX5K-RE-1800X4, SRX5K-RE3-128G, SPC2, SPC3, IOC2,IOC3, and IOC4.

    • Supports 480-Gbps speed.

    • Supports 40X10GE Interfaces with SCB3.

    • 40 10-Gigabit Ethernet port provides 10-Gigabit Ethernet MACsec support.

    • Supports reth and aggregated interfaces on the chassis cluster.

    • Supports ISSU and logical system on the chassis cluster.

    • Does not support SCB2.

    • SRX5K-IOC4-MRAT with SCB3 supports 10-Gigabit, 40-Gigabit, and 100-Gigabit Ethernet Interfaces.

  • For hosts, the Routing Engine type.

    Starting with Junos OS Release 12.1X47-D15 and Junos OS Release 17.3R1, the SRX5K-RE-1800X4 Routing Engine is introduced.

    • The SRX5K-RE-1800X4 has an Intel Quad core Xeon processor, 16 GB of DRAM, and a 128-GB solid-state drive (SSD).

      The number 1800 refers to the speed of the processor (1.8 GHz). The maximum required power for this Routing Engine is 90W.


      The SRX5K-RE-1800X4 provides significantly better performance than the previously used Routing Engine, even with a single core.

    Starting in Junos OS Release 19.3R1, SRX5K-RE3-128G Routing Engine is supported along with SRX5K-SPC3 on the SRX5000 line devices.


    • Provides improved control plane performance and scalability. SRX5K-RE3-128G has Intel’s Haswell-EP based processor with six cores.

    • Supports two 200G SSDs to store log files and 128-GB of memory for storing routing and forwarding tables and for other routing engines.

    • Interoperates with SCB3, SCB4, SRX5K-RE3-128G, SPC2, SPC3, IOC2, IOC3, and IOC4.

    • Does not support SCB2 and SRX5K-RE-1800X4.

show chassis hardware

show chassis hardware (SRX5800)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis hardware
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                JN1267B0FAGA      SRX5800
Midplane         REV 42   760-063937   ACRL3065          Enhanced SRX5800 Backpl                                                                                                              ane
FPM Board        REV 05   760-061272   CAHE4860          Front Panel Display
PDM              Rev 01   740-063049   QCS2209509D       Power Distribution Modu                                                                                                              le
PEM 0            Rev 04   740-034724   QCS171002016      PS 4.1kW; 200-240V AC i                                                                                                              n
PEM 1            Rev 11   740-027760   QCS1825N07S       PS 4.1kW; 200-240V AC i                                                                                                              n
Routing Engine 0 REV 01   750-095568   CALK8884          SRX5k RE-2000x6
Routing Engine 1 REV 01   750-095568   CADZ9076          SRX5k RE-2000x6
CB 0             REV 26   750-031391   CALV3002          SRX5k SCB4
CB 1             REV 26   750-031391   CALV3009          SRX5k SCB4
FPC 2            REV 28   750-073435   CALS4630          SPC3
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k vCPP Broadwell
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Cp-Flow
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
FPC 3            REV 17   750-044175   CABE7777          SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
FPC 4            REV 08   750-061262   CAFD8147          SRX5k IOC II
  CPU            REV 02   711-061263   CAFV7488          SRX5k MPC PMB
  MIC 0          REV 03   750-055732   CAFV9369          20x 1GE(LAN) SFP
    PIC 0                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           10x 1GE(LAN) SFP
      Xcvr 0     REV 02   740-011613   PNB1GJR           SFP-SX
    PIC 1                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           10x 1GE(LAN) SFP
FPC 5            REV 10   750-062242   CAKX2328          SRX5k IOC3 2CGE+4XGE
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           2x 10GE SFP+
    Xcvr 0       REV 01   740-021308   ANA07RE           SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 1       REV 01   740-031980   AQF0RBJ           SFP+-10G-SR
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 100GE CFP2
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           2x 10GE SFP+
    Xcvr 0       REV 01   740-031980   AA1650304RF       SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 1       REV 01   740-021308   AQ93BDK           SFP+-10G-SR
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 100GE CFP2
FPC 8            REV 46   750-056519   CALC4514          SRX5k IOC4 MRAT
  CPU            REV 21   750-057177   CALC3494          SMPC PMB
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           MRATE-6xQSFPP-XGE-XLGE-CGE
    Xcvr 0       REV 01   740-059437   000T20128         QSFP28-LPBK
    Xcvr 1       REV 01   740-067443   1ACP13450KH       QSFP+-40G-SR4
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           MRATE-6xQSFPP-XGE-XLGE-CGE
    Xcvr 0       REV 01   740-059437   0000T3443         QSFP28-LPBK
Fan Tray 0       REV 06   740-035409   ACAE9390          Enhanced Fan Tray
Fan Tray 1       REV 06   740-035409   ACAE9386          Enhanced Fan Tray

Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                JN1267B01AGA      SRX5800
Midplane         REV 42   760-063937   ACRL3068          Enhanced SRX5800 Backplane
FPM Board        REV 05   760-061272   CAJX9988          Front Panel Display
PDM              Rev 01   740-063049   QCS2209507A       Power Distribution Module
PEM 0            Rev 11   740-027760   QCS1822N0EY       PS 4.1kW; 200-240V AC in
PEM 1            Rev 03   740-034724   QCS17020203F      PS 4.1kW; 200-240V AC in
Routing Engine 0 REV 01   750-095568   CALK8904          SRX5k RE-2000x6
Routing Engine 1 REV 01   750-095568   CADZ9076          SRX5k RE-2000x6
CB 0             REV 26   750-031391   CALV3010          SRX5k SCB4
CB 1             REV 26   750-031391   CALV3000          SRX5k SCB4
FPC 2            REV 28   750-073435   CAKZ9620          SPC3
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k vCPP Broadwell
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Cp-Flow
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
FPC 3            REV 18   750-054877   CACH4082          SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
FPC 4            REV 08   750-061262   CAFD8165          SRX5k IOC II
  CPU            REV 02   711-061263   CAFV7507          SRX5k MPC PMB
  MIC 0          REV 03   750-055732   CAFV6603          20x 1GE(LAN) SFP
    PIC 0                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           10x 1GE(LAN) SFP
      Xcvr 0     REV 01   740-011613   AM0805S8M4N       SFP-SX
    PIC 1                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           10x 1GE(LAN) SFP
FPC 5            REV 03   750-062242   CAFZ2748          SRX5k IOC3 2CGE+4XGE
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           2x 10GE SFP+
    Xcvr 0       REV 01   740-021308   11T511100788      SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 1       REV 01   740-031980   AS92WJ0           SFP+-10G-SR
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 100GE CFP2
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           2x 10GE SFP+
    Xcvr 0       REV 01   740-031980   AA1650304EZ       SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 1       REV 01   740-031980   ANS0EAR           SFP+-10G-SR
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 100GE CFP2
FPC 8            REV 46   750-056519   CALC4526          SRX5k IOC4 MRAT
  CPU            REV 21   750-057177   CALF5727          SMPC PMB
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           MRATE-6xQSFPP-XGE-XLGE-CGE
    Xcvr 1       REV 01   740-067443   1ACP13450L9       QSFP+-40G-SR4
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           MRATE-6xQSFPP-XGE-XLGE-CGE
Fan Tray 0       REV 06   740-035409   ACAE9298          Enhanced Fan Tray
Fan Tray 1       REV 06   740-035409   ACAE9314          Enhanced Fan Tray


show chassis hardware (SRX5600 and SRX5800 devices for SRX5K-MPC)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis hardware
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                JN12170EAAGA      SRX 5800
Midplane         REV 01   710-041799   ACAX3849          SRX 5800 Backplane
FPM Board        REV 01   710-024632   CAAX7297          Front Panel Display
PDM              Rev 03   740-013110   QCS170250DU       Power Distribution Modu
PEM 0            Rev 03   740-034724   QCS17020203F      PS 4.1kW; 200-240V AC i
PEM 1            Rev 03   740-034724   QCS17020203C      PS 4.1kW; 200-240V AC i
PEM 2            Rev 04   740-034724   QCS17100200A      PS 4.1kW; 200-240V AC i
PEM 3            Rev 03   740-034724   QCS17080200M      PS 4.1kW; 200-240V AC i
Routing Engine 0 REV 11   740-023530   9012047437        SRX5k RE-13-20
CB 0             REV 09   710-024802   CAAX7202          SRX5k SCB
CB 1             REV 09   710-024802   CAAX7157          SRX5k SCB
FPC 0            REV 07   750-044175   CAAD0791          SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Cp
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
FPC 1            REV 07   750-044175   CAAD0751          SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
FPC 2            REV 28   750-020751   CAAW1817          SRX5k DPC 4X 10GE
  CPU            REV 04   710-024633   CAAZ5269          SRX5k DPC PMB
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 10GE(LAN/WAN) RichQ
    Xcvr 0       REV 02   740-014289   T10A00404         XFP-10G-SR
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 10GE(LAN/WAN) RichQ
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 10GE(LAN/WAN) RichQ
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 10GE(LAN/WAN) RichQ
FPC 6            REV 02   750-044175   ZY2552            SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
FPC 9            REV 10   750-044175   CAAP5932          SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
FPC 10           REV 22   750-043157   ZH8192            SRX5k IOC II   CPU            REV 08   711-043360   YX3879            SRX5k MPC PMB
  MIC 0          REV 01   750-049488   YZ2084            10x 10GE SFP+
    PIC 0                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           10x 10GE SFP+
      Xcvr 0     REV 01   740-031980   AMB0HG3           SFP+-10G-SR
      Xcvr 1     REV 01   740-031980   AM20B6F           SFP+-10G-SR
  MIC 1          REV 19   750-049486   CAAH3504          1x 100GE CFP
    PIC 2                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 100GE CFP
      Xcvr 0     REV 01   740-035329   X000D375          CFP-100G-SR10
FPC 11           REV 07.04.07 750-043157 CAAJ8771        SRX5k IOC II   CPU            REV 08   711-043360   CAAJ3881          SRX5k MPC PMB
  MIC 0          REV 19   750-049486   CAAH0979          1x 100GE CFP
    PIC 0                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 100GE CFP
      Xcvr 0     REV 01   740-035329   UP1020Z           CFP-100G-SR10
  MIC 1          REV 08   750-049487   CAAM1160          2x 40GE QSFP+
    PIC 2                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           2x 40GE QSFP+
      Xcvr 0     REV 01   740-032986   QB151094          QSFP+-40G-SR4
      Xcvr 1     REV 01   740-032986   QB160509          QSFP+-40G-SR4
Fan Tray 0       REV 04   740-035409   ACAE0875          Enhanced Fan Tray
Fan Tray 1       REV 04   740-035409   ACAE0876          Enhanced Fan Tray

show chassis hardware (with 20-Gigabit Ethernet MIC with SFP)

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis hardware
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                JN108DA5AAGA      SRX 5800
Midplane         REV 02   710-013698   TR0037            SRX 5600 Midplane
FPM Board        REV 02   710-014974   JY4635            Front Panel Display
PDM              Rev 02   740-013110   QCS10465005       Power Distribution Module
PEM 0            Rev 03   740-023514   QCS11154040       PS 1.7kW; 200-240VAC in
PEM 2            Rev 02   740-023514   QCS10504014       PS 1.7kW; 200-240VAC in
Routing Engine 0 REV 05   740-015113   1000681023        RE-S-1300
CB 0             REV 05   710-013385   JY4775            SRX5k SCB
FPC 1            REV 17   750-020751   WZ6349            SRX5k DPC 4X 10GE
  CPU            REV 02   710-024633   WZ0718            SRX5k DPC PMB
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 10GE(LAN/WAN) RichQ
    Xcvr 0                NON-JNPR     C724XM088         XFP-10G-SR
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 10GE(LAN/WAN) RichQ
    Xcvr 0       REV 02   740-011571   C831XJ08S         XFP-10G-SR
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 10GE(LAN/WAN) RichQ
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           1x 10GE(LAN/WAN) RichQ
FPC 3            REV 22   750-043157   ZH8189            SRX5k IOC II
  CPU            REV 06   711-043360   YX3912            SRX5k MPC PMB
  MIC 0          REV 01   750-055732   CACF9115          20x 1GE(LAN) SFP
    PIC 0                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           10x 1GE(LAN) SFP
      Xcvr 2     REV 02   740-013111   B358549           SFP-T
      Xcvr 9     REV 02   740-011613   PNB1FQS           SFP-SX
    PIC 1                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           10x 1GE(LAN) SFP
      Xcvr 9     REV 02   740-011613   PNB1FFF           SFP-SX
FPC 5            REV 01   750-027945   JW9665            SRX5k FIOC
FPC 8            REV 08   750-023996   XA7234            SRX5k SPC
  CPU            REV 02   710-024633   XA1599            SRX5k DPC PMB
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Cp-Flow
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
Fan Tray 0       REV 03   740-014971   TP0902            Fan Tray
Fan Tray 1       REV 01   740-014971   TP0121            Fan Tray

show chassis hardware (SRX5600 and SRX5800 devices with SRX5000 line SRX5K-SCBE [SCB2] and SRX5K-RE-1800X4 [RE2])

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis hardware
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                JN1251EA1AGB      SRX5600
Midplane         REV 01   760-063936   ACRE2657          Enhanced SRX5600 Midplane
FPM Board        REV 01   710-024631   CABY3551          Front Panel Display
PEM 0            Rev 03   740-034701   QCS13380901P      PS 1.4-2.6kW; 90-264V AC in
PEM 1            Rev 03   740-034701   QCS133809019      PS 1.4-2.6kW; 90-264V AC in
Routing Engine 0 REV 02   740-056658   9009210105        SRX5k RE-1800X4
Routing Engine 1 REV 02   740-056658   9013115551        SRX5k RE-1800X4
CB 0             REV 01   750-062257   CADW3663          SRX5k SCB3
CB 1             REV 01   750-062257   CADZ3263          SRX5k SCB3
FPC 0            REV 18   750-054877   CABG6043          SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Cp
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
FPC 1            REV 01   750-062243   CAEE5918          SRX5k IOC3 24XGE+6XLG
  CPU            REV 02   711-062244   CADX8509          RMPC PMB
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           12x 10GE SFP+
    Xcvr 0       REV 01   740-031980   273363A01891      SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 1       REV 01   740-031980   273363A01915      SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 2       REV 01   740-031980   ANA0BK6           SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 3       REV 01   740-031980   AP407GA           SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 9       REV 01   740-021308   MUC20G1           SFP+-10G-SR
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           12x 10GE SFP+
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           3x 40GE QSFP+
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           3x 40GE QSFP+
  WAN MEZZ       REV 15   750-049136   CAEE5845          MPC5E 24XGE OTN Mezz
FPC 3            REV 11   750-043157   CACL7452          SRX5k IOC II
  CPU            REV 04   711-043360   CACP1977          SRX5k MPC PMB
  MIC 0          REV 04   750-049488   CABL4759          10x 10GE SFP+
    PIC 0                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           10x 10GE SFP+
      Xcvr 0     REV 01   740-021308   CF36KM0SY         SFP+-10G-SR
      Xcvr 1     REV 01   740-021308   MUC0MF2           SFP+-10G-SR
      Xcvr 2     REV 01   740-021308   CF36KM01S         SFP+-10G-SR
      Xcvr 3     REV 01   740-021308   MUC229N           SFP+-10G-SR
FPC 5            REV 07   750-044175   CAAD0764          SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
Fan Tray                                                 Enhanced Fan Tray

Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                JN124FE77AGB      SRX5600
Midplane         REV 01   760-063936   ACRE2970          Enhanced SRX5600 Midplane
FPM Board        REV 01   710-024631   CABY3552          Front Panel Display
PEM 0            Rev 03   740-034701   QCS133809028      PS 1.4-2.6kW; 90-264V AC in
PEM 1            Rev 03   740-034701   QCS133809027      PS 1.4-2.6kW; 90-264V AC in
Routing Engine 0 REV 02   740-056658   9009218294        SRX5k RE-1800X4
Routing Engine 1 REV 02   740-056658   9013104758        SRX5k RE-1800X4
CB 0             REV 01   750-062257   CAEB8180          SRX5k SCB3
CB 1             REV 01   750-062257   CADZ3334          SRX5k SCB3
FPC 0            REV 18   750-054877   CACJ9834          SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Cp
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
FPC 1            REV 01   750-062243   CAEB0981          SRX5k IOC3 24XGE+6XLG
  CPU            REV 02   711-062244   CAEA4644          RMPC PMB
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           12x 10GE SFP+
    Xcvr 0       REV 01   740-031980   AP41BLH           SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 1       REV 01   740-031980   AQ400SL           SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 2       REV 01   740-031980   AP422LJ           SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 3       REV 01   740-021308   AMG0RBT           SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 9       REV 01   740-021308   MUC2FRG           SFP+-10G-SR
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           12x 10GE SFP+
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           3x 40GE QSFP+
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           3x 40GE QSFP+
  WAN MEZZ       REV 15   750-049136   CAEA4837          MPC5E 24XGE OTN Mezz
FPC 3            REV 11   750-043157   CACA8784          SRX5k IOC II
  CPU            REV 04   711-043360   CACA8820          SRX5k MPC PMB
  MIC 0          REV 05   750-049488   CADF0521          10x 10GE SFP+
    PIC 0                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           10x 10GE SFP+
      Xcvr 0     REV 01   740-030658   AD1130A00PV       SFP+-10G-USR
      Xcvr 1     REV 01   740-031980   AN40MVV           SFP+-10G-SR
      Xcvr 2     REV 01   740-021308   CF36KM37B         SFP+-10G-SR
      Xcvr 3     REV 01   740-021308   AD153830DSZ       SFP+-10G-SR
  MIC 1          REV 01   750-049487   CABB5961          2x 40GE QSFP+
    PIC 2                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           2x 40GE QSFP+
      Xcvr 1     REV 01   740-032986   QB160513          QSFP+-40G-SR4
FPC 5            REV 02   750-044175   ZY2569            SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
Fan Tray                                                 Enhanced Fan Tray

show chassis hardware (SRX5400, SRX5600, and SRX5800 devices with SRX5000 line SRX5K-SCB3 [SCB3] with enhanced midplanes and SRX5K-MPC3-100G10G [IOC3] or SRX5K-MPC3-40G10G [IOC3])

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis hardware
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                JN1250870AGB      SRX5600
Midplane         REV 01   760-063936   ACRE2578          Enhanced SRX5600 Midplane                                                                                                                     
FPM Board        REV 02   710-017254   KD9027            Front Panel Display
PEM 0            Rev 03   740-034701   QCS13090900T      PS 1.4-2.6kW; 90-264V A                                                                                                                     C in
PEM 1            Rev 03   740-034701   QCS13090904T      PS 1.4-2.6kW; 90-264V A                                                                                                                     C in
Routing Engine 0 REV 01   740-056658   9009196496        SRX5k RE-1800X4
CB 0             REV 01   750-062257   CAEC2501          SRX5k SCB3
FPC 0            REV 10   750-056758   CADC8067          SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Cp
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
FPC 2            REV 01   750-062243   CAEE5924          SRX5k IOC3 24XGE+6XLG
  CPU            REV 01   711-062244   CAEB4890          SRX5k IOC3 PMB
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           12x 10GE SFP+
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           12x 10GE SFP+
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           3x 40GE QSFP+
    Xcvr 0       REV 01   740-038623   MOC13156230449    QSFP+-40G-CU1M
    Xcvr 2       REV 01   740-038623   MOC13156230449    QSFP+-40G-CU1M
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           3x 40GE QSFP+
  WAN MEZZ       REV 01   750-062682   CAEE5817          24x 10GE SFP+ Mezz
FPC 4            REV 11   750-043157   CACY1595          SRX5k IOC II
  CPU            REV 04   711-043360   CACZ8879          SRX5k MPC PMB
  MIC 1          REV 04   750-049488   CACM6062          10x 10GE SFP+
    PIC 2                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           10x 10GE SFP+
      Xcvr 7     REV 01   740-021308   AD1439301TU       SFP+-10G-SR
      Xcvr 8     REV 01   740-021308   AD1439301SD       SFP+-10G-SR
      Xcvr 9     REV 01   740-021308   AD1439301TS       SFP+-10G-SR
FPC 5            REV 05   750-044175   ZZ1371            SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
Fan Tray                                                 Enhanced Fan Tray

Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                JN124FEC0AGB      SRX5600
Midplane         REV 01   760-063936   ACRE2946          Enhanced SRX5600 Midplane
FPM Board        test     710-017254   test              Front Panel Display
PEM 0            Rev 01   740-038514   QCS114111003      DC 2.6kW Power Entry Module
PEM 1            Rev 01   740-038514   QCS12031100J      DC 2.6kW Power Entry Module
Routing Engine 0 REV 01   740-056658   9009186342        SRX5k RE-1800X4
CB 0             REV 01   750-062257   CAEB8178          SRX5k SCB3
FPC 0            REV 07   750-044175   CAAD0769          SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Cp
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
FPC 4            REV 11   750-043157   CACY1592          SRX5k IOC II
  CPU            REV 04   711-043360   CACZ8831          SRX5k MPC PMB
  MIC 1          REV 04   750-049488   CACN0239          10x 10GE SFP+
    PIC 2                 BUILTIN      BUILTIN           10x 10GE SFP+
      Xcvr 7     REV 01   740-031980   ARN23HW           SFP+-10G-SR
      Xcvr 8     REV 01   740-031980   ARN2FVW           SFP+-10G-SR
      Xcvr 9     REV 01   740-031980   ARN2YVM           SFP+-10G-SR
FPC 5            REV 10   750-056758   CADA8736          SRX5k SPC II
  CPU                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX5k DPC PPC
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 1                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 2                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
  PIC 3                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SPU Flow
Fan Tray                                                 Enhanced Fan Tray

show chassis hardware (SRX4200)


content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis hardware

Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                DK2816AR0020      SRX4200
Mainboard        REV 01   650-071675   16061032317       SRX4200
Routing Engine 0          BUILTIN      BUILTIN           SRX Routing Engine
FPC 0                     BUILTIN      BUILTIN           FEB
  PIC 0                   BUILTIN      BUILTIN           8x10G-SFP
    Xcvr 0       REV 01   740-038153   MOC11511530020    SFP+-10G-CU3M
    Xcvr 1       REV 01   740-038153   MOC11511530020    SFP+-10G-CU3M
    Xcvr 2       REV 01   740-038153   MOC11511530020    SFP+-10G-CU3M
    Xcvr 3       REV 01   740-038153   MOC11511530020    SFP+-10G-CU3M
    Xcvr 4       REV 01   740-021308   04DZ06A00364      SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 5       REV 01   740-031980   233363A03066      SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 6       REV 01   740-021308   AL70SWE           SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 7       REV 01   740-031980   ALN0N6C           SFP+-10G-SR
    Xcvr 8       REV 01   740-030076   APF16220018NK1    SFP+-10G-CU1M
Power Supply 0   REV 04   740-041741   1GA26241849       JPSU-650W-AC-AFO
Power Supply 1   REV 04   740-041741   1GA26241846       JPSU-650W-AC-AFO
Fan Tray 0                                               SRX4200 0, Front to Back Airflow - AFO
Fan Tray 1                                               SRX4200 1, Front to Back Airflow - AFO
Fan Tray 2                                               SRX4200 2, Front to Back Airflow - AFO
Fan Tray 3                                               SRX4200 3, Front to Back Airflow - AFO

show chassis hardware (vSRX Virtual Firewall 3.0)


content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis hardware
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  Serial number     Description
Chassis                                806dddb1a141      VSRX
System IO
Routing Engine                                           VSRX-2CPU-8G memory
FPC 0                                                    FPC
  PIC 0                                                  VSRX DPDK GE
Power Supply 0

show chassis hardware clei-models

show chassis hardware clei-models (SRX5600 and SRX5800 devices with SRX5000 line SRX5K-SCBE [SCB2] and SRX5K-RE-1800X4 [RE2])

content_copy zoom_out_map
user@host> show chassis hardware clei-models node 1
Hardware inventory:
Item             Version  Part number  CLEI code         FRU model number
Midplane         REV 01   710-024803                     SRX5800-BP-A
FPM Board        REV 01   710-024632                     SRX5800-CRAFT-A
PEM 0            Rev 04   740-034724                     SRX5800-PWR-4100-AC
PEM 1            Rev 05   740-034724                     SRX5800-PWR-4100-AC
Routing Engine 0 REV 01   740-056658   COUCATTBAA        SRX5K-RE-1800X4
CB 0             REV 01   750-056587   COUCATSBAA        SRX5K-SCBE
CB 1             REV 01   750-056587   COUCATSBAA        SRX5K-SCBE
CB 2             REV 01   750-056587   COUCATSBAA        SRX5K-SCBE
FPC 0            REV 18   750-054877   COUCATLBAA        SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320
  CPU                     BUILTIN
FPC 1            REV 18   750-054877   COUCATLBAA        SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320
  CPU                     BUILTIN
FPC 2            REV 18   750-054877   COUCATLBAA        SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320
  CPU                     BUILTIN
FPC 3            REV 11   750-043157   COUIBCWBAA        SRX5K-MPC
  MIC 0          REV 05   750-049486   COUIBCYBAA        SRX-MIC-1X100G-CFP
  MIC 1          REV 04   750-049488   COUIBCXBAA        SRX-MIC-10XG-SFPP
FPC 4            REV 18   750-054877   COUCATLBAA        SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320
  CPU                     BUILTIN
FPC 7            REV 18   750-054877   COUCATLBAA        SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320
  CPU                     BUILTIN
FPC 8            REV 11   750-043157   COUIBCWBAA        SRX5K-MPC
  MIC 0          REV 05   750-049486   COUIBCYBAA        SRX-MIC-1X100G-CFP
FPC 9            REV 18   750-054877   COUCATLBAA        SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320
  CPU                     BUILTIN
FPC 10           REV 18   750-054877   COUCATLBAA        SRX5K-SPC-4-15-320
  CPU                     BUILTIN
Fan Tray 0       REV 04   740-035409                     SRX5800-HC-FAN
Fan Tray 1       REV 04   740-035409                     SRX5800-HC-FAN

Release Information

Command introduced in Junos OS Release 9.2. Command modified in Junos OS Release 9.2 to include node option.
